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Entries in well-being (17)


Its about what's inside

Consider which choices allow well-being into your life.  You cannot help but make a contribution to this world. You cannot help but be worthy.  You intend to feel good where you are.  Your intrinsic value is never in question.  You only determine whether you focus on the present and its associated realities or not. Anything you want to know is within reach.  You require no outside guidance or stimulation. Its about what's inside.  You determine how you vibrate and what resonates or feels right.  To turn inward enables you to obtain all answers to your pressing questions now.


You already have it 

Abandon logic. Be willing to become and allow better feeling experiences. Think only like that. Everything is moving toward presenting for you. Feel like you live where you desire, that you have the freedom to travel, to enjoy the health and well-being soul knows right now. Know bills are paid. Forget explaining how.

Realize you are responsible for choosing what you feel and the energy of your thoughts and feelings creates what you experience. Ask for the best feeling you can feel where you are. Be grateful for what you have, who you know, where you have been and how you are helping others.  Feeling vibrations define your reality.  They originate beyond physical senses.  The universe brings into form what reinforces your sense of reality.  That is, what you experience exists as non-physical energy before it manifests into being. 

Know you already have or experience what you are asking for. Although your current perception of reality may be different from what soul knows, you have the power to feel good about where you are. As you only expect good things, they arise. Let how you feel matter more than what reason says you can have or see.  Any focus on perceived lack slows down the manifestations that reinfoce feeling good.  Tell yourself its normal to feel good.  Offer the singularity of that vibration. Appreciate the non-physical shapes what you bring into being.  Accept you have untapped inner power to transform how and what you see.

This is not about economics or what numbers are currently visible in your bank account. Its about feeling energy and remembering its significance. How you feel about things emotionally determines what you sense or experience.  Stop depending on action to make things happen.  When belief is born out of manifestation, this is limiting.  Repeated thought creates your reality.  You have to think and feel differently than what you see to alter your experience.  Contrast reveals what you do want. Feel good about that.


You are so on your way

The larger part of you is unmanifested.  That is, you can be in love without being in a relationship.  You can be confident and secure without obtaining external approval.  You can experience well-being and balance without medication.  Your state of mind emerges based on fear.  The essence of being is aligned with what feels good. Notice how you grow aware of presence and internal guidance.  Consider what you currently depend on, to what degree this is artificial, and how this is changing due to your awakening. 

You may wonder when your inner knowing and fearlessness fade and why? This happens as you begin to have more faith in what other people think and say than you do in your internal guidance system.  If you disregard your vibration, intuition, and what feels good, you disconnect from what makes you who you are. 

 As you allow yourself to explore what resonates, you do not worry about others not understanding, or not seeing things as you do.  You no longer guide yourself based on anything external.  You no longer compare anything and the inner judge fades from your scope, silencing the mind.   Your align instead with the silver lining you identify easily in every situation.  Abundance and unlimited potential are your constant beacons.


Recall the joy of well-being

When you seek peace of mind and cannot find it, one perspective is the mind is expressing its innate restlessness.  Another way to perceive peace of mind is to sense this is a lack of disturbance.  What does this tell you about how you relate?

Move beyond considering possibilities.  Recall what constitutes the joy of well-being.  To feel peace itself has nothing to do with mind, which only knows discontent, comparison and contrast.  What if what you discern as progress or prioirities is simply a change from what you believe is unpleasant to what you feel as pleasant.  Every moment you are the timeless and changeless. Reality does not begin or end, it is perpetual, without begnning or end, noticed or not. Mind is not in charge of whether you Transform your life.


What to do for personal well-being?

Reflect on the turning points concerning healing in your life.  How does that make you feel? What do you appreciate about being a seeker and a finder of remedies and solutions? Do you choose to have, be or, quest for things you perceive to lack?

Some people sense personal well-being begins as a state of mind.  Other people sense this is heart (or intuition) based, or even stems from something from outside of themselves.  Consider the components that contribute to your energy level.  Notice the shifts.  What do you make of this? You may sense varied levels of evolution or remembering. These subtle nuances are how you Transform your life.