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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in well-being (17)


Jumpstart your greatest healing potential

People hear stories about witch doctors, modern physicians, shamans and holistic healers, but seldom realize we all have an inclination toward specific types of healing. We develop and explore healing options consciously and unconsciously, at our own pace.

You guessted it! We all have healing talents and are more receptive to certain kinds of healing practices. Yet, many people don't realize this or take steps to apply this to perceived states of well-being. Where might you fit in? A good starting point is to recognize your innate strengths in a sense or in combinations of senses. What will you do after you identify yours?

1) Are you an avid listener? People with a knack for healing through words are to whom you'll most likely confide. Ever find yourself suddenly opening up to a friend, relative or, even random strangers in passing? This would imply you're drawn to their healing energy and feel comfortable sharing private feelings and intimate parts of yourself.  Maybe you're also an exceptional talker? Certain healers help others by listening, speaking and sensing vibration. Its all in tone, word choice and establishing a human conection. When these healers don't apply their talents, they tend to block their energy flow, and may experience headaches. Tools such as Tibetan Singing bowls are effective.  Cells vibrate and hear.

2) Are you sensitive to touch? You may be the sort of person who naturally hugs or kisses people you meet because its automatic. Being touchy-feely is just who you are. You may also intuit when people establish boundaries in their personal space. Its a question of knowing who likes to be touched and feeling comfortable talking about the power of touch. These people work with the skin, seek to soothe muscles, and sense benefits of applying gentle pressure or massage. Head, neck and shoulder tension can build up in muscles if you fail to use touch-healing abilities.

3) Are you aware of energy & auras? Some individuals have no need for physical touch to help others heal. If you sense energy fluctuations as you bring your hands close to the physical body, this implies you have potential as an "auric" healer. You can grasp how to unclog and channel energy flow. If you under-utilize innate auric abilities, you may sense energy build-up, tension or arthritis in arms and hands.

4) Are you the type to visualize? You may retain and share the most detail through your visual senses. This doesn't assume you simply look at people and heal ailments on the spot. However, you may visualize the source of someone's health problem and help alleviate pain and suffering, even when the person isn't nearby. You may use your mind to intend problems to be cured. You can imagine all the steps a person would experience internally during a physical or emotional process of recovery. At the same time, visual healers resist focusing on long-term outcomes. To send a message of healing through love, telepathy and positive visualisation, is the goal.


Cancer recovery

You know in the heart that every case of cancer is different yet ultimately the same. Each person you know, meet or hear about in this situation invites you to empathize, to share compassion, kindness and love.  Reflect on who benefits from your support/ story.

In speaking with a rotary colleague, I hear he is recovering from malignant melanoma (skin cancer). Luckily, his cancer was caught early and didn't spread (metastasize). His physician did a biopsy and cut out the area of skin which was cancerous. This colleague said he feels good now. He's already out riding his bike again. Retirement doesn't keep him from staying active. He admits he would like to avoid getting cancer again. He thrives on his support network, reminds himself to wear a hat and more sunscreen. He's lucky, humbled by the recent, health setback yet, does not allow fear to control him. As a cheerful athlete, he feels he is now more responsible, and swears by positive thinking.

In contrast, a woman I've known from 13 years is in another remission from breast cancer. Her main goal is to muster the energy and motivation each day to get up and move about her apartment.  She lives alone and has no relatives to help her. She admits her eating habits could be healthier yet, dwells more on what appears lacking than on making changes. She rarely has the physical strength or morale to advance her game. Yet, she takes initiatives to contact a group of cancer survivors/supporters who do home visits and encourage her to attend nearby New York City meetings when she can manage it.  This woman reminds us we are each ultimately alone to deal with our health and emotions. Its up to each one of us to see blessings/ lessons where we are.

Although anyone you encounter with cancer appears on the surface to be simply grappling with physcial health issues, a closer look reveals how they react or respond is based on state of mind.  You may sense someone you know recognizes having cancer as a stepping stone to strengthen relationships, to appreciate life more, to reframe conditions or to challenge and accept himself on a new level.  If a person is highly-resistant or submissive to disease, this effects the evolution of an illness as much as attitude.  Consider how different people you know or have known respond to cancer. Consider how members of your family are responding or have responded to this disease.

Whether or not a person recovers fully from an illness depends on a variety of factors.  For most people, full recovery is the goal.  For this to happen, a person is invited to reflect on thoughts and behaviours that may have contributed to the evolution of the disease.  This includes; lifestyle choices as well as physical, emotional, psychologcal, environmental and other factors.  What blessings or revelations does having the disease trigger? One thing is crystal clear:  attitude and action are key.  Take this on-board:

  • Be kind to yourself & others. Set an example.  What goes around comes around. 
  • Take care of your physical body.  Explore healthy eating practices and physical exercise. 
  • Be mindful.  Raising awareness boosts energy, strength and inner healing.
  • Positive thinking, affirmations, laughter/ humor and creative expression therapy all empower you to deal with whatever life throws your way the best you can.  
  • Notice balance and imbalances in your life. Feel the difference and thoughts and behaviours contributing to each.  You decide what matters. What if nothing does?

"If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or fight like hell." ~Lance Armstrong

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