Entries in vibration (158)
Be open to the Gamut
Notice 'ah-ha' moments are arising in many areas of our lives. We are acting more fearlessly, listening to natural urges to let go and make changes. One big revelation is Earth is not a spaceship but a timeship. As we awaken to the the nature of galactic time, we awaken to our timeless, multidimensional nature and the profound implications and upgrades unfolding in every area of our lives. The radical truth is not something to simply believe in, but something to live and fully embody. As we tune into energy vibrating, we grow more aware of what goes on within us as well as engage more consciously in life and cosmic travel as/ thru a vortex. It dawns no separate self exists, no discrete knower, no autonomous entity standing apart and witnessing all this and reporting to "the others." There is no past, no future, nowhere to go, simply freedom beyond imagining. This is heartfelt Truth. And yet, we exist to go further than simply deduce our 3D world is illusion. There is no substitute for first-hand learning. We exist to discover intimacy with ourselves and life in the world of form. Getting out of our heads is about taking risks to live dangerously, face fears, live and love in ways that allow us to be vulnerable. Only as we experience the gamut of emotions can we fully manifest our gifts, deeply express our own uniqueness.
Be open to deeper Truth
Notice in Truth, we are each a continuous fountain of cosmic light. The breath echoes eternal flow of energy that connects seen and unseen worlds. What we detect through, as and within ourselves may differ. Ongoing events echo potential for wider Transformation and Transition. We have opportunities to move through or beyond subconscious fear and linear time-locked patterns, to live consciously in love and activate full energy systems. Every human being is divine and spiritual. Some choose to expand consciousness in new ways. No choice is better or worse. Superiority and inferiority are illusions. To tune into the endless vibrational song of existence, is to activate the multidimensional being of light that cannot be extinguished nor affected by the external. If it resonates, visualise being enveloped by a beautiful golden matrix of pure energy. Imagine thin tendrils of light swirl down to wrap around you. Feel exhilarated, rejuvenated, bathed in Love. As this energy flows, it moves into organs, blood vessels, through every area of the body and beyond. Recall you are not the body, not the mind, not the emotions. You are Spirit and Soul. This is not what you do or do not do, not your personality, not your behaviour. Its pure cosmic energy.
Align with the New Normal
See beyond the Intolerable
Notice healthy transcendence is neither a flight nor severing nor disconnection from lower 'uncomfortable' things and qualities. Rather, its a going beyond that does not exclude them. It is a kind of innate, receiving, decoding and streamlining of energy. As situations or feelings grow more noticable and/or intolerable, it dawns the urge to escape does not always serve us. Radical inclusion enables our expansion both horizontally and vertically, to integrate a certain quality while at the same time, not identifying with it. Its about seeing value in what was resisted or initially disregarded. This is the art of separation and simultaneous connection. Both coexist and function in divine resonance. A journey to accepting and activating all facets of True Being involves recognizing and working through all we are conditioned to judge and push away. Denial or suppression of anger is common. Anger that arises invites engaging in that angry part of ourself. Its about being inclusive, allowing energy to flow without allowing it to overcome us. To deny intense or difficult feelings prevents creating an in-depth relationship with them, keeps us fragmented and unable to embody genuine wholeness. Instead, staying close to what is being transcended allows us to know it well, and stay just far enough away to see it clearly, to bring it into lucid focus. Transcending certain energies does not mean we know longer experience them. We simply energetically reposition it within rather than identify with or get triggered by it. This is a powerful insight that triggers shifts into expanding consciousness. Stay focused on this Road to self-mastery. Awarness allows calm abiding.