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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in separation (21)


Radiate what is Real

Notice every moment is an opportunity to recognize how we come to see ourselves, others and the world, and how we separate from who we are. The lens we look through distorts or rejuvenates the light source. The physical body we live in is an amazing vehicle to experience time, space and the universe in ways that you cannot experience as Spirit. Every moment of your life in a body is full of potential. Its one thing to hear about possible truths but another to consciously tune in, decode your own life situations and remember the nature of it all. What if opportunity is knocking to uncover and obliterate all the lies and illusions that distort your reality? What if listening to intuition and synchronicities points to a completely new life? Everyone you meet is guide to being and radiating what is Real.


Be open to the Gamut

Notice 'ah-ha' moments are arising in many areas of our lives. We are acting more fearlessly, listening to natural urges to let go and make changes. One big revelation is Earth is not a spaceship but a timeship. As we awaken to the the nature of galactic time, we awaken to our timeless, multidimensional nature and the profound implications and upgrades unfolding in every area of our lives. The radical truth is not something to simply believe in, but something to live and fully embody. As we tune into energy vibrating, we grow more aware of what goes on within us as well as engage more consciously in life and cosmic travel as/ thru a vortex. It dawns no separate self exists, no discrete knower, no autonomous entity standing apart and witnessing all this and reporting to "the others." There is no past, no future, nowhere to go, simply freedom beyond imagining. This is heartfelt Truth. And yet, we exist to go further than simply deduce our 3D world is illusion. There is no substitute for first-hand learning. We exist to discover intimacy with ourselves and life in the world of form. Getting out of our heads is about taking risks to live dangerously, face fears, live and love in ways that allow us to be vulnerable. Only as we experience the gamut of emotions can we fully manifest our gifts, deeply express our own uniqueness.


See beyond the Intolerable 

Notice healthy transcendence is neither a flight nor severing nor disconnection from lower 'uncomfortable' things and qualities. Rather, its a going beyond that does not exclude them. It is a kind of innate, receiving, decoding and streamlining of energy. As situations or feelings grow more noticable and/or intolerable, it dawns the urge to escape does not always serve us. Radical inclusion enables our expansion both horizontally and vertically, to integrate a certain quality while at the same time, not identifying with it. Its about seeing value in what was resisted or initially disregarded. This is the art of separation and simultaneous connection. Both coexist and function in divine resonance. A journey to accepting and activating all facets of True Being involves recognizing and working through all we are conditioned to judge and push away. Denial or suppression of anger is common. Anger that arises invites engaging in that angry part of ourself. Its about being inclusive, allowing energy to flow without allowing it to overcome us. To deny intense or difficult feelings prevents creating an in-depth relationship with them, keeps us fragmented and unable to embody genuine wholeness. Instead, staying close to what is being transcended allows us to know it well, and stay just far enough away to see it clearly, to bring it into lucid focus. Transcending certain energies does not mean we know longer experience them. We simply energetically reposition it within rather than identify with or get triggered by it. This is a powerful insight that triggers shifts into expanding consciousness. Stay focused on this Road to self-mastery. Awarness allows calm abiding.


3 Tips to get through rough spots

Every human being is familliar with bumps in the road of life.  These bumps take shape as mental challenges, physical adversity or emotional rollercoasters that involve anger, fear, sadness and grief, shame or intense energies with no labels.  Challenges threaten any facit of your sense of identity; safety, security or stability, mourning (death) or loss of connection.  When ready to step back and see with new eyes and an open heart, reflect on these 5 tips;

1. See everyone as a mirror

Everyone you encounter is inviting you to get intimate with yourself so you understand hidden emotional triggers.  How you respond to people who describe their difficulties (or complain) echoes your relationship with your true self.  Notice what you accept, resist or reject, what evokes self-love or self-loathing. You may hear yourself saying, "what do you mean? I simply wish to offer support or help someone I know going through a rough period in their own life. How do I best do it?" The simple answer is; stop seeing separation between you and other. That is key.

2.  Get grounded

The best way to help others (and yourself) is to help them focus on their bodies and being present to this moment. This is especially useful if you get emotionally triggered by people who focus energy on what perpetuates negativity.  Acknowledge discomfort is part of a process of self-acceptance. It is valuable to shift attention from memories (past) to current situation and blessings in being here.  Grounding helps manage emotional pain because it highlights pain is linked to an emotional memory and has no power to hurt in this moment.  Being here now is a way to reclaim inner power. Pain is physical and suffering is mental.

3. Reconnection

Deepening connection is the ultimate life purpose.  You may assume facing adversity or natural disaster is required to shift priorities, view reality differently. Imagine seeing your stories for what they are, exploring and healing related trauma so it no longer controls your unconscious behaviour or projections.  This invites you to find new meaning or lessons in everyone you meet and every experience you have.  Notice whether you are pro-active or reactive to experience. You can reach a place where you only view problems as a figment of the imagination and watch them miraculously work themselves out.  Watch what happens as you realize any grief or loss you feel is not for a perceived other but a loss of connection with your truest self.  Reconnecting or deepening intimacy with others requires you first get to know yourself, your unconscious patterns and emotions on a very intimate level. Self-mastery is pure freedom.


5 Tips to shift gears 

If you hold a vision and it is not entering your life experience fast enough,  then its the perfect moment to shift gears.  Ponder these five tips;

1) Recognize you do not want what you think but the feeling of having it/ being here

The underlying message is to focus on the feelings you imagine are evoked by the envisioned experience.  This is about shifting focus and energy from separation (how to get it or make it happen), to unity (how it feels to be in this place or to experience something right now). 

2) Accept time is an obstacle you create you close the imaginary  gap 

Dreams are realized instantly in the inner realm. You are already 'here'.  You imagine someone and are instantly with them, imagine going to a place and imagine the jouney unfolding. Allowing an experience to enter your awareness involves consistently acting as if no gap or timelag exists. 

3)  Talk as If

Its important talk as if you are already doing something to make it more real. Speak about it in the present tense and often.  This aligns you with the specific dream vibration and allows it to take shape into your experience.

4) See everything as energy first

From the moment you see everything as energy, frequency and vibration, you shift from believing something is possible to knowing its already happening. This shifts your energy from separation to being a living example your vision.As the vibration of acceptance, worthiness and love take over, this is energetic, heartfelt living. When you only see one flow of energy, situations enter your scope faster.  This is an exercise in letting go of separation. 

5) Let the universe determine the details

The universe can deliver your dreams in infinite ways.  It may be easier and quicker for your dream to come in a way you’ve never considered. The what always comes before the how is important to remember. The how is not up to you.  Simply allow yourself to feel the way into the perfect circumstances. The universe does the rest.