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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Value the silent assistants

As you go about your daily tasks, the ego mind harnesses your attention to focus you on the doing. The process and details escape you. This is a level of selective awareness. For example, you move a finger but cannot explain how the process is actually done. You flick the switch to turn on electricity without knowing how it works. The what matters more than the how.

As you perceive disruptions in your life, notice you get irritated, compare or judge, you are gaining insight into how the ego renews itself. When you do not love what happens, you create distortions in your energy vibration. To relate to mind and emotions creates dense energy and activates unconsciousness. Even so, a silent assistant knows what you resist.

Life experience offers you ways to recognize levels of awareness and resistance to intuition. A silent assitant guides you to access inner wisdom and invites you to trust your own authority. begin to sense how it feels to get out of your own way and see who you truly are.

Ask, "who am I?" Begin to dislodge firmly ingrained ideas that block a clearer view. The process of exploring reasons why you go against your nature actually invites you to detach from what does not serve you. Learn to consciously let go of the ideas and emotions you adopt to create the illusion of unhappiness.

Some people do not require intense suffering to discern they are not being true to themselves. They may have eureka moments or, simply evolve to attune to the state of being present. These individuals learn to dissolve resistance by breaking through the bricks and mortar that support it. They relate differently to silent assistants, and know stillness.

Every person can choose to value the silent assistants in their lives, those things that trigger awareness. Your beliefs prompt you to label them and determine whether you trust. Notice when you permit yourself to slide into undesirable patterns. 

As you refer questions to the silent, loving voice within, you always get answers that reveal what is vital to your true being.  Call it a guardian angel, higher consciousness or nothing.  Appreciate yourself.  Be kind to yourself.  You are your own best friend, here and now. 

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