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Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in self-worth (21)


5 Steps to increase personal power

Notice living in your personal power involves doing what you love, feeling relaxed and at peace most of the time, materializing and monetizing your life purpose without self-sabotage.  Sound like a mouthful? Currently not your reality? Ponder five steps to get greater access to your own innate personal power and unleash the gifts you exist to bring to this world;

1) Tap into negative energy within and express it in a refined way  

This is cathartic. Take personal responsibility for misinterpretations of situations at different stages of your life and recognize the energy can be rechannelled or expressed differently.  Rather than expressing anger outward, recognize that from the moment underlying reasons for it are understood, this energy is harnessed and redirected in ways with unforeseen benefits.

2) Notice self-worth is self-love in action 

Do things that people with high self-worth and self acceptance do.  When you hold yourself in high esteem as a person, you respect yourself and others equally. Express kindness, compassion, love without expectations.   

3) Establish clearer boundaries

This is about finding courage to clarify and present who you are to the world.  It is done from a new level of high self-worth and requires you clarify for yourself what you will and will not do and limits to commitments.

4) Let go of the non-essentials

 Be honest about what evokes suffering, resentment and struggle.  Shift focus of attention to life circumstances that resonate joy and completeness.  Trust yourself more.  Like atrracts like or more of the same energy.

5) Commit to your dream and connect the dots

Only synchronicity exists. Be receptive to what you uncover. about yourself and take steps to actualize what the heart and soul are guiding you toward.  Its already in you.  Simply allow it to flourish.


The Truth about Commitment

The truth about commitment is not about a physical other but realizing who you are and choosing to live more authentically.

Being committed is always being honest with yourself. This implies being willing to change how you view yourself and the world and being open to teachings or guidance. Many people expect spiritual teachings to be free. The truth is that all spiritual and holistic understanding comes at a cost to the one who attains it. Experiences over many years can come together as effective teachings. The truth itself is free once one is aligned to it, but the process of getting here is not.

Ask yourself why many spiritual teachers are not respected and/or valued, yet are often expected to share teachings on request, for free. Ask yourself how you would feel if you were asked to do your job for free or an employer refused to pay you when your finished tasks.How you respond echoes a vibration of self-worth. It is possible to function in this world with less money, and the paradigm is changing, How you respond to energy exchange is a teaching for your soul.

Its interesting that to want something for free can reflect the refusal to take responsibility for one's life and the expectation others will do the work. Evolution does not happen that way.

It is easy to blame money (or lack of it after its spent on other things). The truth is you commit fully to your evolution or not. You follow intuition and synchronicity or not. You recognize some kind of give and take are required to maintain balance of energy flow or not. Exchange does not have to be money, but it must be mutually beneficial to both giver and receiver. This said, being productive is not simply a quantifiable act in the material world. It is also about exploring and aligning with understanding things from holistic (spiritual) vantage points.

From one vantage point, everything has equal value. Thus, devaluing spirituality is the biggest act of collective disrespect toward spiritual reality, the path and the teachers who walk it. Misunderstanding about spiritual laws of energy explains why many people perceive obstacles and challenges. Notice how many death-affirming choices are made, while thinking spiritual teachers need not be paid. On one level, the spiritual assistance desired is repelled by beliefs and affirmations to its low worth. The belief that self-mastery should be free and not require effort on one's part lowers vibration and keeps one from tapping into key wisdom.


Live more authentically

It is common to reflect on how to make life better, business more successful, relationships more fulfilling, and behaviour more effective.  The common thread in all of this that is often overlooked is the nature of perception, thoughts and beliefs.  Imagine shifting to create and live in a whole new way.

  • Why are you not yet living your dreams more fully?
  • Where are signs and symbols shifting your perception?
  • Which among the visions you have for your life would enable you to live with more joy?
  • What is the best that could take place as you rediscover steps to be more true to yourself? 
  • How are you already expanding to experience more conscious abundance in all areas of your life?

These are some of the topics to be explored in our upcoming workshop outside Athens, Greece June 13-14, 2015. Join us to rediscover how it feels to tap into timeless wisdom, to live more authentically, to be true to your soul.  Watch what happens as you let the universe do its thing.


Wealth is not what you think

Every moment, you are invited to be mindful of the way you view yourself. Notice how the mind invites you to define and accumulate wealth.  Be wary.  Material wealth and physical attributes do not bring lasting pleasure.  The quality of the relationship you have with yourself is key to accessing the flow of wealth as joy. 

So, the nature of joy you experience and how secure you feel in the process is a measure of success.  Being heart-centred enables you to feel your way into states of abundance. Being mindful of this practice invites other kinds of abundance into your life.   Begin with an abundance mindset.  Be open to feeling fulfilled. Here is a guide to allow more abundance into your life.  Notice your inclinations and freedom to shift focus:

1) Respond rather than react

(Allows you to assume role of objective observer.  This aligns you with personal power, expands your awareness.  You choose to see from a higher vantage point, get in touch with Higher Self and develop your capacity for compassion.)

2) Interact using kindness & honesty rather than attack, defend or criticize

(Whenever thoughts focus on criticism, you put yourself through unnecessary stress and anxiety which stem from the control of negative ego. Be aware of where thoughts are heading.  This helps you see expectations as they arise and what silently drives your choices.)

3)  Accept innate worth, goodness & beauty rather than deny or overcompensate

(To connect with your authentic self is to be in touch with feelings, and to focus the quality of your conscious thoughts on love, joy individuality and freedom)

4) Recognize your unique being rather than compare yourself to others

(This is an invitation to be aware of the dominant voice that guides you at any given moment.  Notice if this is the judgmental oppressor or the part of you who already sees the best results.) 

5) Focus on who you are becoming rather than the past

(If you feel plagued by self-doubt, this leads you astray, distracts you from true reality and what is possible.  Remain sensitive to your feelings and know when you diverge or go off track.  Hold a clear vision of your optimum future self.  As this is reinforced, your subconscious moves from your existing self-image to align with this and manifest a new reality.)

6) Be generous with Self rather than stingey or scarcity- minded

(Unless you are compassionate and generous with yourself, and willing to take positive action to support your best interests [and those of others], your life will remain unchanged. To experience an abundant life, simply open your heart and let love in.)

7) Be open & receptive rather than bossy, manipulative or controlling

(Notice breakthroughs you make as you see yourself from a more expanded point of view.  The challenge is honouring your feelings and allowing yourself to trust them.  Monitor the intensity of your will. Be flexible rather than resistant.  Notice how smoothly life flows as you allow it.)

8) Be conscious of how you think and feel rather than unconscious

(Sensing your deepest feelings is a gauge for how you are progressing through life.  Your soul always calls you to adventure.  Intuition allows you to know instinctively and directly.  This gives you access to deeper wisdom through inner senses,  a more expansive view of what is available to you.)

9) Be responsible & open to all possibilities rather than blame & deny

(Turn your back on your inner critic.  Give up arrogance. What parts of Self do you pledge to accept?Declare a clear positive intention to attract what you desire.)

10) Focus on humility rather than judge and be righteous

Whenever you are about to make a life choice, ask yourself this - where am I coming from?  Does the ego- mind drive or the heart centre inspire my action? The heart is key to your authentic being and opens the door to something far deeper.


Allow authenticity to speak

Every moment, the mind thinks and speaks using words.  What you choose to utter reveals your sense of self-worth and much more about you than you realize.  What do you hear yourself say? What are your word choices telling you about authenticity?

Authenticity is unconditional love.  Being this is doing nothing but implicitly accepting who you are without fear. It is seeing life energy, the shared force, in everything. It is all seen through the lens of love. You are aware the conditioned mind blocks you from seeing universal oneness. When you say "I think," this echoes a sense of doubt or dissatisfaction already. Notice what you imagine into being for whatever purpose you also imagine.  Allow or resist presence that is, the unwavering love that embraces all.

Choose to truly listen. What do you notice? Write down some of the words you use. Notice the feelings that aise.  Be aware of emotions. Words are defined concepts that are, by nature, limiting. Even now, you are invited to learn and unlearn self-perception. Notice thoughts and feelings may draw attention to reasons for feeling less than perfect, less than unconditional love, peace, balance and well-being, that are all inside.

"All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind."
- Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam