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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in self-worth (21)


Make every moment count

Through humble surrender, each person is invited to open the heart to the deeper truth. As our self-worth increases, we let more love in and let go of suffering.  Notice what is happening as you let go of beliefs about what is right and wrong, let go of desires, ambitions and be an empty cup. We step in and out of dimensions based on where our energy vibration aligns. To grow more conscious is to open the mind to possibilities and clear cellular memories.  The universe reflects whatever you believe. 

Making every moment count means knowing everything that unfolds invites you to learn something.  Allowing yourself to feel negative feelings is a step in letting them go. As a momentary reaction, you can see everything through the lens of love and embrace all parts of yourself.  Comparisons, judgments, and memories prevent you from releasing your personal stories. Feel what you feel without focusing on it or allowing it to control you. The feeling leaves your energy field and reveals the timeless being that is you.

"Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count: everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted." - Albert Einstein


Why surrender to broader knowing?

Every moment of physical existence, you are conditioned to resist what the heart tells you.  This happens as you are invited to adopt language and symbols, as you are taught to make choices that please others, as you are inclined to favor doubt over intuition.  That which you hold as your object of attention is part of your way of filtering and exploring what matters. You engage in life with selective awareness by choice.

Now, in this moment, new perspectives are always arising. Beyond the body you see, the essence of being is actually a force of energy. It sends you messages from a state of complete allowing, a state of no resistance.  That is, your personal perspective shifts into an observer. This witness is a perspective of broader, cosmic knowing.  It does not judge, doubt or fear.  As a pure consciousness, you are non-physically focused. This energy vibration is the most dominant vibrational part of you that shapes your perceived experience. So, why surrender to this broader knowing? Why Be your Dream now?

Notice what happens as you observe the ego mind rather than believe all it says and allow yourself to be contolled by it.  Focus shifts to unconditional love and appreciation of everything. Difference no longer exists. You see everything as a divine reflection. There is no separation. If you encounter conflict or judgment and take it personally, notice your energy vibration. How you feel about others mirrors how you are treating yourself. The state of your external world mirrors the vibration of your inner world.

"All of our reasoning ends in surrender to feeling." -Blaise Pascal

The things we love most 

You might wonder if you can truly love anything more than anything else.  Everything being equal, the essence of being loves all the same. Yet, during your process of remembering in physical worlds, notice inner evolution.  As you identify and focus on positive aspects of all situations, you invite clarity, allow well-being, feel a greater sense of relief and draw toward you more experience that is meaningful. 

Notice how often your habits of thought resist or deny that everything serves you.  This includes all those encounters with friends and relatives that evoke discomfort, fear and negativity inside you.  The more you choose to feel good about where you are, the more reasons you attract to feel good.  As you reflect, you realize what you love most about existence is messages of unconditional love are everywhere.  You are reminded of contrast to encourage you to 'snap out of' temporary amnesia.  Know you are worthy.  Trust all is well. Sense you are in a perfect place to laugh, love and appreciate every moment you are given.


Celebrate new self-recognition

Every moment you are choosing to gain new insight into your self and what is unfolding inside at soul-level.  Every step is a milestone that enables you to develop transferable skills and universal insight. They trigger stages of self- transformation.  

Reflect on this guide to help you celebrate self-recognition.  What do the various points mentioned mean to you? How do you resonate on emotional and other levels? Where do you recongize invitations for new kinds of openness and growth?

1) Love yourself throughout every stage of self-inquiry.

2) See awakening to self-worth as part of a collective shift.

3) Learn to be honest with the self is a means to dissolve fear.

4) To release a habit or pain requires you accept a root cause. 

5) Recognize the revelation of karmic release alters everything.


Unleash the real you!

Something within you is holding you back from sharing all that you are. Whatever you are doing with your life at this moment is not all you exist to do. Yet, you are also missing lessons available to you now. You may be unaware of why this is. Consider these questions to help you unleash the real you;

1) What am I waiting for? As you become progressively more honest, it is apparent that you are only ever waiting for yourself to open the gates to freedom.  Waiting is a choice. To realize time itself is an illusion you reinforce, is the key to transcend it. No time like the present.  Its all there truly is.

2) Why is it taking so long? Impatience is a smokescreen for fear. When you truly wish to do things, you find a way.  When fear controls you, the mind echos excuses to keep you paralyzed as you are. Change requires as long as you decide.

3) How do I know if I make a mistake? Experience is is just experience.  When you do not exert effort, you do not choose to stretch and grow. A sense of regret or error is a value judgment. Emotions are misplaced.  They teach you how you distract yourself or postpone greater self-acceptance.

4) Which road is the best one?  Every road has equal value.  You are no better or worse than anyone else.  No choice results in you being more or less beautiful, more or less capable. You always hold capacity to be just as you are where you are.

5) Where will I go first?  The destination is less important than a willingness to embark on a journey.  You need no help to connect with the courage and confidence you have inside.  You make decisions based on how comfortable you feel with the lessons you are learning.  You leave key decisions up the body and spirit which are aligning all the time.