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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in self-worth (21)


7 Tips to achieve individual potential

Everyone has the innate capacity to realize individual potential. This can include transcendent moments of joy or peak experiences, in the many unique ways they take shape. While prolonging pleasure and minimizing pain may strongly appeal, the path to clarify and live more consistently in a state of joy is not always straight forward for everyone.  Consider these 7 tips;

1.  See everything as a teacher

Being open is about being attentive, recognizing every situation and encounter is a teacher that offers lessons to help us evolve into more of our unrecognized potential.  The process of growing and developing as a person is different for each of us.   The desire for self- growth arises as physiological needs are met, as basic safety and security are covered, and we sense something more  exists to life.

2. Uncover Talents 

Sometimes teachers, parents, colleagues and your nearest and dearest point your talents out to you.  Even strangers may share their observations and encourage you to move in certain directions. Often you naturally take steps to develop strengths and see where this guides you.  Putting talents to practice shows you what you are made of! 

3. Listen to the heart

The more you listen to your heart, the more you act from a place of love rather than a place of fear.  Acting from a place of love allows you to tune in and act on intuition and notice synchronicities. more of your potential to blossom. Your choices echo what you feel inside. 

3. Identify fears

Part of the human experience involves growing aware of your fears and why they arise. Fears and unconscious shadows are self-limiting.  So long as you do not place yourself or anyone else in harm's way, the best course of action involves facing your fears so you stop believing they define and constrain you.

4. Be unconcerned by external opinion 

Working through what holds you back is about reaching a place where you are unaffected by what people think or say about you. You are no longer motivated by how many likes or followers you get or do not get on social media.  This is about beginning to view yourself as your own authority. It requires you love yourself on a whole new level.

5. Live in integrity

Living in integrity is about being honest with yourself, being impeccable with your word. Taking personal responsibility for how you think and feel and knowing you may not control everything that happens but, you control how you respond.  You decide if you allow emotions and moods to control you or not.

6. Trust in yourself

Trust that your urges to make choices have perfect timing. You may feel inclined to change professional  course or change your entourage.  Whatever changes you feel ready to embrace, they relate to feelings, gut instincts, that are guiding you to let go of what you outgrow and evolve into more untapped potential.  This may involve a shift inside, a changing sense of prioirities, the 

7. Surrender

Let your life shine. Believe in yourself and let go. Tune into the light inside you.  Surrender to those dreams that you feel your way into right now. Step back for a moment. What happens as it hits that your innate potential is not fixed in time or space.  Your limtis are shaped by your beliefs and your level of confidence.


Most people spend their lives reacting to feelings rather than creating with them.

- Neale Donald Walsch


Tap into life-restoring power

Many people are familliar with the phrase, you are the Answer you seek. Yet, what does this look and feel like in practice? It may involve clarifying your ideal client, adding detail to a life vision, company manifesto, short-term goals, or deciding what kind of legacy to create and leave.  

At this stage, you may be in the brainstorming phase or encountering shifts and changes to original plans. This can lead to asking yourself for ways to access new energy and inspiration.  Choosing to work with me can accelerate your process and trigger new revelations. Ponder these five tips to tap into life-restoring power:

1. Stretch yourself

You grow and gain from what you do not know, not from living as if you already know.

Recall Anthony Robbins who echoes: "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." Stretching yourself is about trusting intuition.  Its about no longer saying "I can't" but identifying core beliefs which translate into resistance, fear and low self-worth that block the dream. 

2. Listen differently

Its common practice to listen with the intend to reply wrather thatn with the intention to understand.  Watch your perception and reality shift as you repeatedly ask, what opportunity or lesson is this encounter bringing me? If you do not listen or hear yourself, you do not do this effectively with others.

3. Empathize

This is about getting into another person's shoes or situation, discovering what that person feels.  Allow yourself to move beyond fear of vulnerability and sympathy to truly feel the connection or intimacy you seek.  A difference exist between imagining emotions and opening yourself to feel.

4. Be Committed

Decide that to achieve a specific role brings dignity and self-respect.  You could have many flames in the fire yet which one(s) are actually extensions of your passion, core values and bring you fountains of joy?

The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. -Vince Lombardi

5.  Value your Independence & Uniqueness

This is meant to take shape financially, emotionally, mentally, psychologically, and on othe levels as part of achieving inner balance.  The more you love yourself, the easier it is to see that your entire life is pointing to the state of your self-worth.   Make the unconscious conscious and the bare Truth is revealed.


3 Signs is time to Re-define Success

Many people wonder how they can do what they love and get paid what they are worth.  This voice may echo inside you too. Ponder three signs its time to redefine success:

1) Something is shifting inside. You do the work you do and are not actively looking for a new role and yet, a quiet discomfort or restlessness is arising.     Stong feelings are bubbling up.  You are noticing sensations surfacing within that you have not noticed before. This is the moment to pay more attention to what makes you tick.

2)  Dialogue triggers it.  You may strike up a conversation with someone you know, a group or a complete stranger.  Whomever it is draws your attention to something you are unable to put into words. You do not know what you are looking for but it hits that part of you is indeed looking. Work and success do not relate at they did even moments ago. A different relationship is capturing your attention and shifting your priorities about which mountains to climb.

3) Opportunities are knocking. You may not yet get head-hunted for that dream job but emails are mysteriously showing up in your in-box. You know new opportunities are showing their heads.  New postions in different fields are also crossing your radar.  You even hear positions related to your own are offering higher salary than you currently earn. You feel increasingly open to offers. Why? No brainer! Something within is beginning to clarify a new version of success. 


9 Ways to Re-program the mind to get what you want

How many are aware of the origin of our thoughts? Many people are under mind control.  To free the mind, we have to question our reality and what we are creating for ourselves. The surce of all misery on the planet can be linked back to ego desire.  Is it easier to change your thinking or the world? Ponder nine ways to reprogram the mind;

1. Know how the mind works

Only 5% of our behaviour is conscious (analytical).  95% of what governs our behaviour comes from our subconscious mind (which is survival-based).  The only way to overcome what holds us back is to reprogram the subconscious mind.  Fritz Perls says, "Lose your mind and come to your senses." In other words, get out of your head and get into your heart.  What is the conscious mind? It deals with the past, present and future (understands in terms of linear time). It is about what contributes to identity or sense of self.

What is the subconscious mind? It is always awake, taking in information even when you are sleeping.  It expresses itself through the body, lives in the present moment. It is non-linear. If something happened to you 5yrs or 10yrs ago, the body experiences it as if its happening now. Lingering tension is not time-related. It conveys messages from the subconscious which also works through images. This is about taking responsibilty for what we are watching and feeling. Everything we see is stored in the subconscious which invites opening or deepening feeling centres.  

2. Trust

When we tell ourselves in thought, words or action that we cannot do something, we are allowing mind to limit our experience. When we trust that something is happening even when the mind cannot see the means or way to do it, but focus on knowing we are doing it anyway, this is trusting intuition. 

As you trust yourself more, you grow more intuitive and reprogram the subconscious mind.  You are entering the realm where nothing is logical. The conscious mind tells you this is crazy, that you do not need it, but the subconscious mind knows the truth.  Only synchronicity exists. The subconscious mind is a supercomputer and can do a zillion things now. You simply allow it to manifest abundance and other things or block it.

We have to place ourselves in an environment that compliments our energy. We also need to create images that clear our negative energy and help us lead the life we want.  The conscious mind is a good liar. It tells you that you are undeserving. Subconscious mind reveals the truth in the state of our body.  The universe gives us what we feel in our body. 

3. Reframe value

Imagine money as energy currency.  We are the intrinsic value within ourselves. How we view our intrinsic value affects how we manifest money which itself is neutral.  Money is a medium of exchange.  Reframing self-worth implies being detached from money and the imagined need for it.  Only then can you step into and vibrate from the realm of abundance.  Knowing what you want is important but we have to honour our worthiness through honouring everything around us.  We have to see that we are priceless and that everything is coming from you.  People who know their self worth are wealthy.  We place ourselves in or project environments that compliment our energy.

4. Total body awareness

Absorb yourself into the present moment.  This is where our subconscious mind lives.We have to see that always living in the head, we are disconnected from the heart.  The heart does not have to think, it only has to feel. Meditation gives us clarity of mind. We grow sensitive of our own impulses.  Every day, we grow more aware of our habits. Surrender the persona who is your mask. We are not only pure energy, but nature's indefinable.  Take time to walk through nature. We have to re-program the subconscious mind.  What kind of environment are we in? Everything in our body is based on our environment. Its a lot easier to see how tense our muscles are by growing aware of how we breathe, how deep.

5. Break your routine

Routines serve us.  Growing conscious of our routines and why we do the things you do, serves us. Its about forming new habits that work in our favor.  The more we do something, the more it becomes a habit. Move out of comfort zones.  Negative people are projections of what we need to work on ourselves. The secret is how we react to them. The attitude is key here. Breaking habits in terms of lifestyle. As we take the first step, we put things in motion that enables us to become the greatest versions of ourselves. We have to break the habit of ways our subconscious mind takes in information. We have a choice, we are co-creators of our reality. We liberate ourselves from he routine that is no longer serving us.

6.  Change our beliefs (or let them go)

During the first seven years of life, you are programming the subconscious mind. We are told things during the first seven years that  contribute to our sense of self.  Once you start questioning beliefs/habits consciously, you start reprogramming the subconscious (feeling) mind. If you think you are not good enough, you can ask why and show yourself that you are worthy.  Change habitats to change habits. Repreogram the subconscious mind become more of thee greateest version of you. Forgive yourself. We do not have to blame parents or role models for who we are. The secret is in not externalizing our power. Many of us attack what we hate rather than promote what we love. Be the water, the super alchemist.  In changing our belief systems, the words we speak form our belief systems. We can all learn from each other's perspectives. Right now, a new world is being formed. This is about embracing the power of Now. Losing thebcomeing the senses. This is how you reprogram the subconscious mind. A lot of people live in repeat based on uncosncious memories. Get into creating new memories. Be open to new expereinces.  New memories become your new subconscious mind.

7. Move regularly

Exert yourself physically.  When we are not in our own bio-rhythm, life is out of balance.  Moving into your body is speaking the same language as the subconscious mind.  The subconscious mind works through imagery.  We create the image we want the subconscious image to portray.  We do not get what we want, we get a mirror of what the body vibrates.

8. Priming the subconscious mind

The subconscious mind works through association. Visualize a color and and object that is that color.  Prime your subconscious mind with healthy raw food. Eat the best foods and treat your body well.  Spend time in nature and this aids you to function more in the present moment. The more you tap into your subconscious mind, the more you reconfigure the master computer.  The more you move into your emotions, you learn more about how you feel.  Once you grow more aware of how you feel, this changes everything.

9. Align words, thoughts and actions

When thought, word and deed are aligned, life is in harmony.  We upgrade, update and live a better version of ourselves.  Do we embody self-love in all our actions? What are we doing right now to cultivate self -love for ourselves? What else could we be doing?


5 Tips to shift gears 

If you hold a vision and it is not entering your life experience fast enough,  then its the perfect moment to shift gears.  Ponder these five tips;

1) Recognize you do not want what you think but the feeling of having it/ being here

The underlying message is to focus on the feelings you imagine are evoked by the envisioned experience.  This is about shifting focus and energy from separation (how to get it or make it happen), to unity (how it feels to be in this place or to experience something right now). 

2) Accept time is an obstacle you create you close the imaginary  gap 

Dreams are realized instantly in the inner realm. You are already 'here'.  You imagine someone and are instantly with them, imagine going to a place and imagine the jouney unfolding. Allowing an experience to enter your awareness involves consistently acting as if no gap or timelag exists. 

3)  Talk as If

Its important talk as if you are already doing something to make it more real. Speak about it in the present tense and often.  This aligns you with the specific dream vibration and allows it to take shape into your experience.

4) See everything as energy first

From the moment you see everything as energy, frequency and vibration, you shift from believing something is possible to knowing its already happening. This shifts your energy from separation to being a living example your vision.As the vibration of acceptance, worthiness and love take over, this is energetic, heartfelt living. When you only see one flow of energy, situations enter your scope faster.  This is an exercise in letting go of separation. 

5) Let the universe determine the details

The universe can deliver your dreams in infinite ways.  It may be easier and quicker for your dream to come in a way you’ve never considered. The what always comes before the how is important to remember. The how is not up to you.  Simply allow yourself to feel the way into the perfect circumstances. The universe does the rest.