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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in self-mastery (29)


The key to changing the world

The key to changing the world is recognizing the source of your external perception.  As Gandhi echoes, you must 'be the change you wish to see.'  You can think about this on a personal level, related to your body and life or, go deeper, to focus on the impersonal, to recall the origin and nature of true leadership, and grow into a living example of that.

As it happens, ancient leaders in Great Earthly Civilisations saw and governed from a holistic perspective. True leaders were not ego-driven but functioned based on a strong heart-mind connection.  Everything early leaders did was seen through the activated Third eye or heart centre. Many people in the the modern Age have forgotten how this feels, what it is in practice. The downfall of Great Civilisations can be traced back to ego taking control. The cause of the Fall of Atlantis, and disintegration of Great Civilisations that grew from dispersed Atlantean survivors, illustrate this well. (The wisdom of Atlantean survivors is felt to be reflected in ancient Greece, Egypt, South America, Mayan/ Toltec Mexico, Tibet,  and other places, some of which have mysteriously disappeared in ways unrelated to egoic control)

Encouragingly, the global trend is to recognize what humanity is doing collectively in not working. The nature of interest and desire to act related to the environment, economic and governing systems, are all shifting.  New kinds of collaborations and partnerships are arising that did not exist before. New interaction is being explored and timeless wisdom is being rediscovered.

Come what may, the key to changing the world guides one to the authentic message of transcendence and unity that echoes through ancient traditions and works. The moment is arising where it no longer makes sense to denounce anyone or entertain negativity. Every being of wisdom knows the life-breath intimately.  Awareness of the life-breath united with the upward breath, together with insight into Self, creates the most desirable world.


Take advantage of our email courses combined with Skype  

Many people are asking about online courses and how they can benefit from our coaching as well. We offer 4 main Quantum Coaching packages which involve reading through our latest ebooks in combination with skype calls worldwide.  Contact us about our free 30 min phone consultation to discuss.

Quantum Covert Coaching tools include;

1) In the Flow (24 Chapter book with exercises & meditations + 24 sessions)

2) 15 Universal Principles (15 chapter book + 24 sessions)

3) Being Harmony (10 Keys of Consciousness to Live Your Highest Self)

4) Shapeshifting & Self-Mastery (linked with the book The Magic Stone)

 What are you waiting for? This moment is perfect to rediscover forgotten parts of yourself and live at an optimum level.


Recognize who you are

One of the most common dreams people share is the desire to work toward and become enlightened. These people admit they wish to love life more, or be more content and at peace.  They pray, aspire to be like Deities, living gurus, deceased masters or ordinary living people they know who just seem to be able to find joy where they are. One of the biggest ah-ha moments one can have relates to the perception of time. 

That is, the mastery of time is like mastering your true self. How you go about this is up to you.  What you perceive begins and ends inside yourself. When you understand psychological time and how it shapes your perception and thought processes, you begin to recognize the nature of this moment and all that is here and accessible to you right now.

Enlightenment is the moment you completely recognize who you are and integrate this heartfelt knowing by living more consciously.  Enlightenment expands as every moment feels fresh and new.  It is like innate goodness is being born and reborn whenever we appreciate the Now. You are the ony thing preventing yourself from being happy where you are.

It is always possible to tune into the energy vibration of basic goodness.  It is alive and flows through our entire being and all of creation.  Human beings are gifted with the ability to raise awareness and experience the warmth of love in infinite ways.  This is the Now from which everything arises and where everything you think you lose disappears. It is simply thought that blocks seeing what is always here. Thought is psychological time, an barrier you create to experience transcendence. True nature transcends time altogether.


Master diplomacy

Diplomacy is often viewed as a useful skill in negotiations and handling people. You may understand diplomacy as figuring out the right words to say at the right time in the way that is least offensive to another person's beliefs or ways of seeing the world.  As you come to think there could be more to diplomacy than the obvious, then what?

Reflect on your use of tact in interactions. How and what do you withhold or hide? What is transparent and to whom? Explore the nature of your own communication through, to and by you.  Be clearer about vibration, how it shapes what's really going on in your life.  There is nothing you cannot know or be when you trust fully.

What if you could:

*stop second-guessing yourself when it counts? 

*master diplomacy in a whole new way? 

*intuit exceptions to a given rule and see underlying reasons for rules themselves? 

*see you create ideas of 'right' and 'wrong' that help and hinder you? 

*feel good and love life regardless of unfolding life situations?

Be aware signs all around you exist to guide you to master self-confidence and tap into talents and wisdom  you forget is inside.  Come to view inspirational mentors themselves as stepping stones to gaining new insight into yourself and living more fully. Imagine your ideas of right and wrong change based on where you are not for reasons you think, but based on how you feel.  Imagine certain life experience makes you feel as though you get NOWHERE... this is why you are NOW- HERE. Explore where your actions support your intention or not. Create powerful shifts in behaviour.


Master your fear 

Self-mastery is always within reach.  Understanding fear is a big step to watching it disappear from your life.

You may hear people say they expect to get older, weaker, and generally deteriorate and imagine other reasons for fear to arise.  Some people quickly tell you their limitations. Watch thoughts passing through your mind and feelings in your bones.  Notice your own beliefs, assumptions and expectations. If you focus on what you do not want, you focus on the absence at what you do and experience fear.

If you notice any negative or pessimistic thoughts, then part of you is open to the possibility that things are not going well or things can get worse.  When you allow yourself to believe this, you forget what you think creates your experience.  You always have the power to shift your attention and change your thoughts.  It is a choice to shift focus away from peace of mind and knowing in the heart all is always well. 

What if you train the mind and can retrain it?  What if you underestimate the power of intention? What if you intend to feel younger, stronger, and more energized?  What if you convince yourself that you are getting more creative, attractive and inspired? What if your appetite is changing? Good feelings set the stage for more good things. 

In a practical sense, watch what happens as you envision your business growing, your health good and stable, your relationships nuturing,  your life enriching, that your dreams are within reach and unfolding. Notice what happens as you allow yourself to see beyond conditioned ways of seeing your situation.  

Ultimately, a vision of well-being, abundance, contentment, fulfillment, love and acceptance exist whether you allow them into your life or not. You have to be wiling to allow these ideas into your experience. Notice how emotions both distract you from perfect health and well-being and alsoguage how far you stray from who you are.