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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in self-mastery (29)


Master the intuition

Many people are beginning to notice something arising through intuition that they are unable to identify. Notice the feelings that arise within you as you hear and or use the term 'intuition'. Perhaps you sense this assists you, but you do not always trust it fully. What if you do? What if trusting in the unseen, the inexplicable completely actually brings more fulfillment and peace than you can imagine in the mind? Get ready to allow life to unfold in front of you and within.

Consider what it feels like to master intuition. Stepping into its flow means stepping out of your mind. Notice being soulful is being honest and listening to the heart. What does clarity feel like? Who is asking? How does allowing intuition to be your guide transform how and what you see?

"One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself."
-Leonardo Da Vinci


Master your fear

Awakening to self-mastery reveals you are that which observes and has no form.  You are the unmoving seer. Everything unfolds in front of you, emanates from you. The mind decides on its focus of attention and invites you to partake in perceiveable experiences. You are not in the box but can choose to pretend that you are. From this perspective, you explore love and fear and are invited to master fear to see things as they are. Everything flows through the heart.  As you engage in introspection, you find courage to allow emotions to flow so you remember to see them as they are.  In essence, the self invites itself to recognize itself.  Let go of the unreal.


Each path is equally noble

While in the process of awakening, you may question which choices are more noble.  As you move beyond the inner judge, you realize that all paths have consequences, much like every cause has an effect.  No experience is actually better than any other.  Each one simply offers its own insight about being a master. 

Imagine that you are always being nudged to accept the mastery within. Whenever you ponder your destiny, you forget that at a given moment, all choices you make are the right ones.  All feelings you allow to flow are part of a process.  You are invited to open, accept and surrender to the elements of existence.


Reflect on what sustains you

When the mind is busy, many people think they require particular food and drink and a variety of specific things.  The mind prompts you to fear what is or could soon be missing.  Consider what you believe you need to exist and how beliefs shape your experience. As you quiet the mind and body, you begin to notice an omniscient observer that exists beyond mind and discerns what mind in unable to see. 

As you reflect earnestly on what sustains you, then you grow aware this involves something other than perceived conditions, relationships, adrenalin or emotions of the moment, or even conditioned lifestyles or taste preferences.  How does all this invite you to recall the unshakable truth?  What is the common thread in it all? Which thoughts remind you to love unconditionally and awaken more fully? 

Every moment, you remember steps to master who you are.  Why choose to be mindful? The wise direct the mind to observe feelings in feelings, to live in serenity and joy. To be aware is to discern the true meaning of how it feels to be 'here and now,' beyond that, or lingering 'in-between.' As you remember the path to self-mastery, you experience why you exist. This is one way you Transform your life.


What does it take?

What if you do not have to be anywhere? As you realize you are not going anywhere, you suddenly know you are going nowhere. Consider why you feel increasingly impatient as you are. What is this telling you about your states of mind and being?

Part of you may be asking, what does it take to change? What does it take to be yourself and accept it?  What is required to give up the masks and illusions? Some people are ready for this stage and others are not. To be focused on ego prevents you from transcending.

From the higher perspective, limitation does not exist. Evolution does not happen. You are slowly tapping into the vision that is you.   What are you giving representation to right now? All of this remembering is the road to aligning with Cosmic Synchronicity.