How is love the new paradigm?

Love teaches without words. It actually reveals and you choose to resonate or not. Whenever you permit society or anything else to dictate how you are supposed to feel, then you do not focus on inner guidance. Practical experience invites you to question basic your assumptions about communication, attitude, sensations and truth of love.
Consider if you sense love is lost, you miss not what you think you lose, but what love represents to you on or how you attech to that. Love as a new paradigm is seeing and experiencing directly through the heart centre in this moment. Allow yourself to be and express unconditional love. Be more receptive to higher vibration energy. Let it flow. Allow intuition to guide what you do and say. Watch the revelations unfold.
Until we truly love ourselves, we will never be able to truly express love to another being. Many people have a distorted view of what love is. Love is not a feeling; it is an emotion (energy in motion). Love arises in how we dialogue and interact with ourselves and others, it is how we choose to express our energy. In essence, love is a state of being. In order to be love to others we must first love ourselves fully and make choices according to honesty, virtue, kindness, compassion, love and self-acceptance.
As you wonder about people who do not seem to understand love and compassion, what if they exist to help you move beyond your current understanding? What if they exist to help you move beyond your beliefs? The new paradigm is inviting you to move beyond how you think to expand consciousness. Love is the answer to every question.
Reader Comments (12)
I learn constantly, even from myself when I withdraw love or mutate the word we use to describe that energy into something it's not. It's humbling and awakening in equal measures.
I hope your week is a beautiful one so far, Liara!
Consider Gregg Braden: "we don't have to go anywhere. We are living in a global initiation chamber, with these geophysical conditions occurring on a worldwide scale. Its as if Earth herself is presparing us for the next stage of evolution."
living in the most obvious places
so we will never miss it
within our hearts
within each cell
within breath
and light
lovely to think of love
thank you
It can not be pondered over.
It can only be surrendered to
Beyond the Warring Mind.
Recall the Armies,
Disarm the Mines,
And sink the Fleets that patrol the Seas.
Erase the invisible boundaries,
And take down the flags.
When we can truly see each other
Beyond the borders that keep us apart
We can wave and smile
And know that we have found Peace of Mind
And a Sensation that we can describe only as Love.
a state of truly listening,
one can sense the essence of the matter,
and help transcend matter
back into spaciousness.
Return to Love.
Is a unique message channeled from Spirit
To bring Peace and Lightness to a situation.
Love unwinds the wound up.
Thought, Memory, Recycled Information
Does not provide the solution to any problems or tension.
Inspiration beyond the regurgated
Provides the keys to Love,
Although love has no doors to open or walls to climb.
Love opens my eyes, lifts my feet, speaks my words and writes my expressions. It is all that I will ever be from here to eternity.
Say for instance, we fear extremist terrorists, but choose to love them anyway. That moves us beyond. So it moves them too, because of our unconditional love?
Ahh, Maybe I understand what you mean.