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"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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What is your true origin?

In Rule by Secrecy, author Jim Marrs quotes a particular point highlighted by the authors of Forbidden Archeology;

"There exists in the scientific community a knowledge filter that screens out unwelcome evidence.  This process of knowledge filtration has been going on well over a century and continues to present day...Realize that scientific institutions such as the Smithsonian and the National Geographic Society, are set up by the world's elite factions in the first place to either debunk, distort or simply ignore scientific data that tends to enlighten people about their true origins." 

Many views exist about origins of Humanity. Increasing information is emerging to suggest non-human intelligences are involved in our evolution and also have a hand in things now.  Read and sift through alternative sources of data. What do you feel to be right in your deepest being?

On what do you base your understanding of your origins now?

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Reader Comments (20)

There are many levels to this question.

1) Ultimately, why would it matter. We are here now and we live in the now and we experience now and can feel now. That said, when info is blocked through lies, the system begins to swell up and signs of illness begin to set in. So knowing the truth will indeed help the human race to become more healthy. Believing in a lie creates tension in the body and mind.

2) If we are talking about the origins of the human body or species, there are many theories and channelers who say that we are hybrids developed from other planets and star systems brought here to create and manifest dreams as a template for other worlds and civilzations to follow.

3) If we are talking about the soul, our origins are from just about anywhere and everywhere from many star systems.

My understanding of who I am is based on what excites me. On one level, I want to go back to where I came from, and I am always looking to the stars for the ticket out. When people speak of their extra terrestrial experiences, does the info they speak of resonate and flow fluently or does it run into a wall? The truth is EASY to discern. There is no tension in the truth.
September 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, as a human being grows more self-aware and chooses to gradually peel away layers of identity, at some point, that being arrives at nothingness. This is a level of consciousness where nothing matters. There is no judgment, no labels, only energy. As you say, the truth is discernable inside. Unconditional acceptance dissolves resistance. To reach a mental place where you trust intuition and innersight brings you back to where you never left. Views of 'what matters' change based on states of awareness.

A curious phenomenon continues to recurr with Google icons. UFO cartoons and crop circle imagery lead viewers to stories about crop circles and unexplained phenomena. What do you make of it?
September 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Yes, nothingness and pure source is yet another origin layer, or rather, when everything is peeled back, there is only source.

The UFO cartoons and crop circles sound like fun google experiences. I haven't had that happen to me yet.

Google is a mechanism for an individual to look up and gain information and therefore experiences. The information consists of energy and the energy modifies our auric field to allow us to perceive differently. The people who are experiencing such events are asking questions before they type in their search parameters. When we ask a question, the space around us shifts to deliver the answer to us. The UFO is delivering the answers. The questions asked may seem simple to the viewers, but there is deeper symbolic and metaphorical meaning beneath the pondering. Crop circles, like anything, are said to modify our energy field when experienced. The crop circle experienced may provide the answer to the googled inquiry or is changing ones auric field so that they can consciously become more aware of the deeper answer they are searching for.
September 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Hi Liara .. I don't know; I'm not sure - evolution shows us how the cells of life may have started their present course; were we all one great blob, or black hole .. ? I do feel there are parallel plains and there's more than one life going on at once, but only one we can see. I do hope I find out when I go 'upstairs' ..

Thanks Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
September 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Bern, questions and answers always have multiple layers of meaning. Google says September 21 that their series of crop circle and UFO logos are meant to recognize H.G Wells' 126th birthday. Yet, on another level, we coud read deeper metaphores and meaning. Some people trace their ancestry beyond earthly origins. To fully accept how you feel inside means you know and have nothing to prove.
September 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I have known since earliest childhood that the constellation of Orion contains my home. Specifically the star Alnilam, the center star in Orion's Belt, calls to me. There is no scientific way to verify this but there is the simple way of knowing. As Bern so eloquently stated, there is no tension in truth. I have known Orion from earliest childhood, in fact that was my childhood "invisible friend" and still Orion is my friend, and my home.

When I ask my guides about my origins they say it is hard to find the origin of a circle once it has been completed and I, like all of us, have lived circle upon circle upon circle. My origin is tomorrow. My gift to earth is based in the Orion and Alnilam part of one of my circles. It makes me curious about all of the other "origins" I have had.
September 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCurtis
Often we are inspired to do something and don't even know why we did it. The action has everlasting rippling effects. We are susceptable to suggestion even if no physical mouth is around to say anything. The action has been initiated by Spirit, if one is open to it, and a wave is generated into the physical world where a rearrangement of energy and consciousness occurs across the globe. The butterfly effect.

Most often what we say is something we need to listen to ourselves too. Once fully listened to, there is nothing left to say. Our actions need closer inspection as well, because if we understand why we do something fully, the message has been received and we no longer have to spend time doing the action ever again.
September 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Hi Liara,

I judge my origin on my ability to love. Isn't that all that matters? Unless scientists are working on a way to debunk and distort that. I agree with Mr. Marrs. On one hand, scientists want to enlighten us, on the other hand they want to keep us in the dark.
September 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Bern, truth resonates through time and space. When you move past judgment, you arrive at contentment and the awareness of continuity. Something reaches out to us from innerworlds. The physical world can be viewed as a distraction and a teacher. Whether each energy being chooses to stay connected with it or not is a choice.
September 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, one view is that the origin of humanity is nothingness. Some thougths are fragmented. Some people get wrapped up in mental and emotional dramas. Every entertainment and image drives you further into something. One perspective is people are moving back to nothing, through a step-by-step process. To be free from the fear and control of what people tell you has happened empowers you to open your senses and remember for self. Desire for truth is not satisfed by external information.
September 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alexys, within, you find timeless insight and reasons for balance. When a person is willing to expand and grow inside, then answers are retreived and one moves out of the darkness into the light. Everything is a teacher. You choose to be connected to internal, loving nature or not.
September 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
You pose an interesting question. I view my orgin to be of source, I don't have a clear understanding of what or who source is ... only that it is what we so inadequately know as true love incarnate.
September 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Sometimes when I question I feel I already know the answer, but do not know the proper words to explain what I am feeling, so I look for the words that most closely resemble what I am feeling.

Once when I was questioning what is an atom, as well as what is nothingness I came across this definition. .

An atom a fundamental piece of matter. (Matter is anything that can be touched physically.) Everything in the universe (except energy) is made of matter, and, so, everything in the universe is made of atoms.

In these words I see energy as a nothingness, part of the universe but not made of matter. It can be felt, seen, but cannot be touched because it has no physical form.
September 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertumel
I honestly think human origins are beyond what many humans can describe or understand at this time. When we are meant to know, it comes back.
September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVelma
Mark, you are not alone. More and more people are moving through old paradigms. They move beyond supporting attitudes and mindsets that you outgrow. It is always possible to peel the layers back to sense what remains. In reality, no energy being actually fails in ascension or getting back to source. When you are blessed with foresight, you dissolve perceptions of problems. Everyone is given repeated chances to reconnect with soul.This is about remembering expansion, love and self-acceptance. Love manifests back into universal consciousness.
September 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
To quote an Elvis Presley song, I believe our true origin is from a "hunk-a hunk-a burning love." a.k.a. a Divine Almighty who chose to love us so much, I still can't undestand why. I can only thank this presence for giving me the gift of this moment. And be grateful for my life.
September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
tumel, the power of free energy changes everything. Check out
September 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Velma, one view is that the universe is built to help humanity return to love. This is not limited to the sense of love you now know or can readly describe.

Some people also look for clues about their origins in collections of specific letters and and their organisation in sacred texts. Certain archetypal languages not based on Earth such as Summarian cuniform, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and sacred geometry draw attention to messages encoded by ancestors. Michael Dyrssen's book the Bible Code offers additional insight.
September 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Curtis, to feel very connected energetically to a particular truth is an empowering experience. Not everyone has reached the mental place where they know unconditional love and acceptance in every area of their lives. Different stages of self-acceptance relate to different areas of life experience. A sense of congruence is shifting to enrich you. When a person fears, he expects to be harmed or to have his thought challenged. As fear dissolves, love replaces it with full divine conscious awareness.
September 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jannie, gratitude is timeless. One view of life is like any other. The truth is expressed in different words and emotions yet, inner sensing often defies human explanation. What you know you need not express.
September 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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