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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in guru (6)


Live as if nobody can teach you

Reasons exist for everything we perceive and invite into our lives. Most people are inspired by others.  We all imagine and create people we admire for qualities and experiences we relate to or aspire to have ourselves. 

Yet, inspriational mentors we connect with and admire also silently invite us to grow more conscious of our own true qualities so we can bring these to light. Ponder these ten points that encourage seeing yourself more often as your own guru or inspirational mentor:

1. Stand on your own

Even for a moment or a day, let go of ideas, all that you are taught. Unspoiled wisdom exists within you. This involves trusting yourself more, living more in love than fear. Trust is not about techniques, strategies or tools, but about getting to the root of your character.  The more you interact with empowering people, the more you empower and listen to yourself, the more you are accepting yourself.  What is your inner voice sharing? How does this en-lighten or en-liven you?

2. See into the nature of pleasantness

The only way to be genuinely pleasant all the time is if everything around you is always seen to be pleasant.  This is unrealistic. To be happy all the time is to deny the full gamut of emotions and lessons available. Every ah-ha moment is drawing you deeper into yourself, to see the origin of your beliefs, projections and reflections. Which core beliefs are you discovering and healing?

3.  Notice assumptions and beliefs cloud perception

As you grow more skeptical about everything and everybody, about social systems, policitial structures, religious beliefs, scientific theories, and popular beliefs about other planets, you discover no ideas enable you to get intimate with real life.  Getting real involves the willingness to question familliar foundations and bravely remove the carpet you imagine that you stand on.

4. Observe the inner skeptic 

Life unfolding around you is never going to be 100% what you think you want.  Ask yourself who thinks it should be? See the inner skeptic as the teacher it is. At any given second, a geosynchronous satellite is emitting a T1 ( a terabyte) of information.  The human brain compresses 3-4 terabytes of information for memory storage. Imagine the interaction between the human brain and geosynchronous satellites and what we are downloading unless we grow conscious and take personal responsibility.  We have the capacity to transcend all that which gives the illusion we are separate from true self.  

5. Delve into the secrets of time

How else could you learn but through the invention of time or imagined gaps between here and there? Earth is not about instantaneous manifestation though many people tell themselves this is what they want or work toward.   Recall your intention in being here. Be aware of conditioned impatience or the urge to want things or results faster. What is time teaching you about yourself, downloads and your human experience?

6. Mistakes are necessary

If you are protected from committing mistakes, you can never learn anything.  Being aware is noticing the difference between mystics and mistakes; mystics see everything the way it is, people who see mistakes judge how things should be.   Watch what happens as you grow more solutions-oriented and then begin to identify the source of perceived problems and solutions is the same.

7. See through illusion of directions

What you assume is up or down, side-to-side or in other directions, is arbitrary. Reflecting on the planet as a spinning sphere, if you are looking upward, you cannot ever be sure which direction you are looking in. The only direction you can be certain of is what is outward and what is inward.  As you explore the outer world, your inner world grows sharper.  Imagine yourself as a pilot in a plane in a wild spin with no sense of up or down. What do you do? How do you ground yourself without traditional points of reference?


8.Conscious choice followed by conscious action

One view of the ideal path is to live with awareness of what is going on energetically within and without.  The more conscious you are of what you dream, the more  conscious action you take to pave the way for what is unfolding as new realities. You take conscious action to draw out more of your forgotten or hidden self.  Notice what is arising within. Trust arises in consciously observing truth and grows as you embrace vulnerability. What truly matters?

9. Stop lying to yourself

Pain and pleasure happen within you. Have you ever experienced anything outside yourself? Who determines what happens within you? Notice what happens as you determine how your experience of life is on this planet is 100% determined by you. You cannot lie to yourself and make any more excuses as the truth reaches conscious awareness. You respond to everything as a way to wake up to the big picture.  Everyone and everything is helping you help yourself. Who or what stands out as helping you most right now?

10. Unleash your inner radiance

What feels like moments for me seems to be hours for others.  Time stops as I discover everything I believed was me is not me. What is here is there, what is there is here, past and future get mixed up until distinctions disappear.  As the fog clears, when two eyes are open, the world of time exists and when these eyes are closed, another reality presents itself though another eye. Watch what happens as Mastering Time becomes a conscious choice.


Honour your guru

It is often assumed that to honour your guru is to worship or highly respect something outside yourself.  Notice what happens as you view everything and everyone as a pointer to the guru within.  To know thyself is to reclaim what you can never lose.

Imagine that the highest goal of life is to recognize yourself as the Creator of your own human experience. The eternal moment of now is a forever changing mosaic. Your own consciousness creates your experiences. Whatever you fear you draw to you in order to shatter your own myths. As self- doubt subsides, you no longer view yourself as separate from anything. Honesty and transparency are clearly the right path. What you do to others, you do unto yourself. To see yourself as you truly are is to know you and God are indivisible, and the heart always echoes your own divine voice. You are love, Source, that from which everything is always in the process of emerging.


Appreciate the ego-mind

It is often assumed the ego-mind is something to suppress or eliminate as if it is bad or not helpful.  It is also sometimes said that you only think with the ego-mind and feel through the heart.  Watch what happens as you choose to view every thought and perception as a teacher that is offering insight into your false (conditioned) Self:

1) Begin to notice what triggers your own inner judge.

2) Begin to sense all words are merely pointers to how feelings about them. (Words only hold importance until the moment you see this reflects a conditioned sense self-importance. To recognize right and wrong only exist in the ego-mind is to cease to allow this ego to control you) 

3) Begin to rely less on the external world (your projections) for teachings and openly receive insight through the inner guru.  (As innate confidence reveals itself as ever-present, you begin to recognize it is not arrogance but a reflection of acceptance of what is)

4) Begin to view the ego-mind & heart as one.  To align with who you are is to feel whole, one (at peace) with everything, regardless of what anyone says or does not say, does or does not do.  (One can recognize / radiate divinity while in physical body)

The heart/mind align to the degree you are true to yourself.  Being honest with yourself about how you feel is natural unless it is conditioned out of you.  Each time you grow aware of a belief that no longer serves you, an emotion other than unconditional love and acceptance and see it as it is, you are closer to seeing things as they are.  Doing what feels right is intuitive, instinctual. Its like soul speaking to itself.  And so it is.


How do you live?

Everything is happening in the same moment.  People often ask you how things are going, or how you live.  See what happens as you respond, "I cease experiencing. I am life." 

You already are everything mind invites you to think you must learn. You do not need what you are led to believe.  Reflect a moment. Pause and breathe.  It hits that you are a student and simultaneous master, sage, avatar, a guru with untapped inner power.  Allow what is to envelop all doubt.  Know the heart speaks through you.  You do not hear the call.  You vibrate all that is right now.


What is really going on?

At this moment, you are a human being who arrives here in search of yourself.  Nothing outside the self is relevant to this journey. The external is illusion that emerges to distract you.  When you discern what you are experiencing moment-to moment, you take nothing for granted.  What is going on?

If you repeat thoughts, they become your nature.

If you are on a spiritual quest, you are potentially divine.

If you seek a guru, you forget the meaning of fearlessness.

If you do not understand others, they do not understand you.

If you do not respect others, they do not respect you.

If you journey inward, that which cannot be said is the truth.

If you sense soul, you touch on infinity of unconditional love.

If you oppose, remember you cannot contradict nothingness.

If you wish to expand, be constant, steady and unwavering. 

If you wish to affect the future, accept the present and be.

If you seek knowledge, books only offer glimpse of inspiration.

If you want wisdom, experience on the same frequency counts.

If you are available unto yourself, consciousness absorbs you.

If you wish to get nowhere, you do so without thought.  

If you travel at the speed of light, you emerge ageless.