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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in sacred geometry (15)


Who needs self-awareness?

A common question is 'who needs self-awareness?' And another question is 'can self-awareness even be taught?'

The funny thing is, only awareness that something is good for you really prompts you to do it and you require a certain level of awarness to know it.  Humor is always indispensable, expecially when you realize certain thing you can only ever figure out for yourself or allow to happen naturally.

Being here implies being on a path of expanding awareness. This is the only reason energy like this enters your scope. After all, you co-create everything you encounter for soul lessons and do not see anything you are not ready for.

One big revelation is that sacred geometry is a language of mathematics and sound (vibration).  Exposing yourself to such imagery opens your intuitive awareness.  It also expands understanding of timeless insights about energy.


10 Reasons to join our workshop in Greece

When people do not act solely based on intuition, that is take action where it feels right,  sometimes they ask themselves why they should do something.  Consider ten reasons to join us at our upcoming Greece Workshop and  inspire others:

1) Visit ancient sites in Epidavros

2) Discover how perceived history influences your life choices

3) Raise awareness of core beliefs and values

4) Be part of a related group contribution to charity

5) Meet and interact with like-minded people

6) Come to see your life from a more holistic perspective 

7) Expand personal & collective consciousness

8)  Benefit from opportunity for self-growth 

9) Deepen understanding of links between changes in your life, the Earth and the universe

10) Have fun expressing and integrating creative vision 


Upcoming Workshop in Greece

Details are coming together for my June 2015 "Clarify & Purify Your Vision" workshop in Greece. Join us to

  • Unleash more of your creative potential
  • Make connections between changes you notice within yourself, on planet Earth and in the universe
  • Clarify shifts in energy, awareness & sense of life purpose 
  • Recognize links between yourself & sacred geometry   
  • Take part in activities to raise your vibration  
  • Expand feelings of Oneness & Unity with All that Is
  • Discover increased vitality, as more Life Force flows through you
  • Deepen ability to love & connect to your Divine Essence
  • Find it easier to let go of what no longer serves you
  • Build deeper trust and empower yourself
  • Ground more of your Spirit in the physical 
  • Tune into more of your gifts and talents
  • Enhance your intuition

And so much more

  • Find more about my forthcoming book In the Flow  

Express interest here, contact me directly or via Facebook

Early bird tickets now available through this link until Friday April 10th, 2015 as well as tickets closer to event

Note accommodation cost not incluced in event cost but special prices available for on-site accommodation. Details available upon request.

Also listed in Vitality Link , Real Adventures (Live it!) ; Spiritual Events Worldwide


10 ways sacred geometry empowers you

Sacred Geometry is not only the language of Creation but also an ancient healing tool that works on may levels. Everything is sacred yet humans are taught to forget this and create illusions that evoke imbalance instead. The platonic solids underly everything you think is real.  Each one emits a sound and even the combined symbols are part of your core being.  Coming to recognize them is easier than you think.

Feeling drawn to shapes like never before? The geometry taught in school are actually pointers to the reason why you are affected emotionally or not by what unfolds in your life.  That urge to learn more may prompt you to request a sacred geometry coaching session. Consider ten ways you can feel empowered by exploring the energy of sacred geometry:

(1) Grow more intimate with Spirit (your true self)

(2) Recall your divine (soul-level) nature 

(3) Open yourself to manifest more consciously

(4) Come to view everything as synchronicity

(5) Tap into innate courage & self-confidence

(6) Access deeper connection to the Higher Self

(7) Attract more meaningful relationships

(8) See underlying reasons about what is unfolding for you

(9) Favor high-vibrational foods like fruits, veggies & protein

(10) Strengthen and enhance your immune system


Enter into multi-dimensional shapes

If you happen to begin dreaming of rotating cubes and other multi-dimensional shapes, you may not yet see how this relates to your life.  You may not yet know why you are creating a reality you are creating.  It may seem like a bad dream. You are beginning to realize that everything arises from sacred geometry.  In dreamworlds, you see multi-dimentionally and decide what is to emerge on a linear time and physical experience.

Numbers and shapes speak a language. Living, breathing entities are more diverse than the mind can comprehend. Dialogue with sacred geometry is ongoing.  As you enter into the thought process of shapes and sounds of silence, you peer through a looking glass into a dream world.  Multi-dimensional shapes connect in a web of energy lines.  The shapes are windows into soul as well as doorways to different levels of awareness and existence in different dimensions.  Connect to the collective memory.

When you think of Earth, you may dream of a sphere in constant motion.  As you realize the human mind only focuses on fragments of reality, you deepen insight into the range and speeds of energy.  Every shape like another doorway to another point of departure into a different kind of existence.  Imagine the dream world existed before your sense of the Earth.

If you are tired of the drama in the external world, turn inward.  Discover from where everything emerges. It happens without effort when you're ready.  Open yourself to feel the nature of your beliefs. Tap into the power of creation.  It arises in every shape.  Every moment, you are gauging how much to allow self to remember.

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