Imagine total disembodiment

And as the visual world totally fragments, all evidence of body vanishes. This is like a disembodied spirit, pure raw experience, just sensations of color, form, sound, light. It dawns its possible to snap back together again to a "normal" consciousness at will.
The geometric regularity of it all stands out. There is a powerful tendency for everything to reduce to ornamental patterns, geometrical arrangements of 3-D and multidimensional shapes, with rich periodic, symmetrical patterns in deep vibrant colors. The deeper one engages with sacred geometry, the simpler and more evocative the patterns are. As the body identity totally vanishes, these patterns are no longer external, but they are. I am the spatial patterns which create my experience. The recurrent symmetry in the mind's eye is somehow primal to experience. It is akin to an energetic grid, the origin of the holographic universe.
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