Recall the Truth of Yoga

Image: visionary sacred geometry by David Diamondheart
Notice social media leads many people to assume yoga is about challenging postures and physical fitness. As it happens, yoga is not really about bending and twisting the body, holding breath, mudras. Much of yoga images in popular culture overlook the surface is a pointer. Yoga itself is a path, timeless technology. It guides us to a state where reality reveals itself through us. We come to ground what is larger than us, cosmic consciousness, the innate connection of mind, body, spirit. It is not about hiding self-rejection, seeking to be what we are not already. It is a journey of surrender, love, acceptance.
In fact, it dawns, every subatomic particle in the body is always interacting with everything else in the universe. If this cosmic flow stops, we cease to exist. So, yoga is to know the union of existence by direct experience. We gain insight during meditation until existence itself is a state of meditation and altered states are what we experience when we forget or move away from the vibration of yoga. To hear “God is everywhere,” or “Everything is one energy,” is heresay until awakening. We are each a 1000 petal lotus or golden flower opening to the Truth.
As we practice yoga, we start at the point of harmony or disharmony we are vibrating in mind, body and spirit. The breath guides us into presence in this moment. Yoga is the process of moving towards an experiential reality where one knows the ultimate nature of existence, how it forms, shifts, changes, that one is an intricate part. The term 'Yoga' implies a complete path in and of itself. It is like the hero's journey, coming full circle, letting go of beliefs, all you outgrow.
So, some observe yoga is about breaking patterns, cycles, building flexibility, getting fit, liberating ourselves from the limitation of memory. These views certainly have value. People may initially find yoga as it offers health benefits, is a means to reduce stress, balance biochemistry. Its physical and mental benefits are well-known. One can experience remarkable changes, know peace, joy, feel more balanced, even accelerate rehabilitation from injury. And there are many people who miraculously heal from chronic ailments in part from yoga. And yet, none of it is the essential nature of yoga.
The basic point of Yoga is to shift life experience from ego-driven pursuits to an all-inclusive, soul-guided one. Instead of being an individual, we come to feel part of an ongoing universal process. The result of shifts in consciousness blows the mind away.
In the ancient ways of yoga teaching, the physical dimensions of yoga were presented as aligning this human system to cosmic geometry. To be in perfect alignment removes friction. Internal friction means you are working against yourself; you are an issue or in conflict with yourself. So long as inner tug of war exists, peace seems out of reach. Everything is stressful. As you commit to more worldly pursuits, challenges multiply endlessly.
Turns out, comic wisdom echoes our own body, mind, emotions and energy work with us, not against us. As these four aspects are aligned, suddenly this body- mind creates miracles beyond our wildest dreams. What for us is normal, ordinary, appears extraordinary or superhuman. Whether it is business, personal , physical or other endeavours, our level of efficiency, deep understanding and flow magnify based on power of intention. Truth is, the key to everything is aligning with sacred geometry of existence. It all comes back to vibrating in harmony with cosmic symbols.