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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in resonance (24)


Be a conscious co-creator

Notice we attract into our lives what we focus on. To be ready to shift gears, rise above what no longer resonates, requires we create experiences that evoke what we imagine the new reality feels like. Rather than focus on whats missing, on the present reality, on what we always have been or on what others want for us, we engage in what uplifts us, evokes light-heartedness, playfulness, spontaneous joy. As we focus thoughts on what we intend to manifest, wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken us or our vision of a new reality. Vibrations we emit right now already change the course of our life.


Shift the Morphogentic Field

Notice the world is going through a decomposition of the false paradigm so we can know who we are from a new point of view. How this is experienced, the pace and timing, is up to each of us. It may be felt as a spiritual unfolding in which one shifts into harmony with a higher vibration. Listening to the heart, acting on intuition, brings more coherence, happiness, even the unspeakable ananda (one of the highest states of being). We become fearless, noble, powerful, filled with unconditional divine joy. Silence sets in and unexpected choices happen. For those who wish to operate like that, in resonance with Source, they must be willing to do what is necessary to align one's own consciousness. Living in integrity requires honesty, authentic, conscious choices. The resulting energy shift is reflected in body-mind, the whole phenomenal plane and morphogenetic field, the pulse of a new baseline for planetary consciousness. The dawn of expanded consciousness is up to each of us: to revitalize, reconnect, and radiate our own inner light.



Who are we really?

Notice expanding consciousness is about recognizing dream states are far more than we are told. We are actually dimensional travelers who freely shapeshift and move among various planes of existence, like parallel universes. Dreams may feel like portals or gateways to other dimensions where we encounter beings, entities and other versions of ourselves. Awakening is a process of remembering what we are already doing and being. Its about letting go of what prevents being fully transparent. Dreams may offer premonitions or metaphors to accurately decode what is unfolding in our 3D lives. Our innate multidimensional capacities are accessible and expand though dream worlds. We can tune into helping others on Soul journeys as well as guiding Souls on their transitions between worlds. As boundaries dissolve, ideas of night and day dissolve. It dawns what we are doing and being is merging. Linear time is collapsing into a mode of existence that arises in divine resonance.


Let Skeletons out of the Closet

Notice a common assumption about expanded consciousness is that this is about developing Siddhis (paranormal power), magical shifts in perception, instant manifestation, ability to travel or jump interdimensionally, access multidimensional realities at will, and all the appealing yet untouchable aspects of "enlightenment." In fact, what is apparently supernatural simply blossoms into the new normal only through deep inner work that allows illumination from within. This is the White Lotus opening or Secret of the Golden Flower of wisdom. True Nature arises through deepening self- awareness and a journey to self-mastery. It is about making the unconscious conscious, letting the "skeletons (shadows) out of the closet", growing aware of different aspects of self; traits, behaviors, and feelings, how we respond to what happens to us. Its also understanding that every thought and feeling we have every moment is shaping the direction and experience of our life. Unseen energies naturally shift and change physical conditions as we fearlessly examine conditioned structures of the human mind; its patterns, underlying trauma, electromagnetic and other blocks. Without honest and thorough self-examination, we unconsciously recreate the same dysfunction and imbalances in our world. Man does not suffer from external forces as much as from his/her own dysfunctional mind. The common thread in all dysfunctional relations is an issue of power. Until we have a conscious and loving relationship with self, we cannot experience "love" elsewhere. Our true purpose is not to direct or influence the behaviour of others using ego. Rather, it is to inspire the divine impulse of love to arise and flourish in others in resonance with our own inner radiance.


Steps to being present

Notice everything is energy. As existence is constant, non-existence cannot exist. Each of us is always here and now.  We are one with All that is.  Being everything, we lack nothing.  We are complete.  Energy sent out simply comes back.  Everything changes except universal law.  By changing our understanding of ourselves, seeing unity rather than separation, we recognize we lack nothing, no longer create realities where that subject arises.  We distance from those who no longer resonate.  We no longer buy into the fears perpetuated by those around us and they vanish from our reality. We create into our experience by what we talk about and what is compatible with our frequency. It all comes from us.  From the moment we know we are abundant, we create abundance. We are choosing that experience in thought, word and action. We are moving throughout and into several billion parallel realities per second.  All of these exist simultaneously. By choosing this expanded reality, you experience it instantly with those beings on the same wavelength.  On one level, we are each shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality, a billion times per second.  We are each a co-creator God consciously awakening to our true power at our own pace. Our view of 'normal' is shifting  and expanding.  Any fear arising in us is misunderstanding of our true Self.  By learning through life experience, by trusting and surrendering to the divine universe, and Life Contract we are born into, it hits we lack nothing.