Notice the world is going through a decomposition of the false paradigm so we can know who we are from a new point of view. How this is experienced, the pace and timing, is up to each of us. It may be felt as a spiritual unfolding in which one shifts into harmony with a higher vibration. Listening to the heart, acting on intuition, brings more coherence, happiness, even the unspeakable ananda (one of the highest states of being). We become fearless, noble, powerful, filled with unconditional divine joy. Silence sets in and unexpected choices happen. For those who wish to operate like that, in resonance with Source, they must be willing to do what is necessary to align one's own consciousness. Living in integrity requires honesty, authentic, conscious choices. The resulting energy shift is reflected in body-mind, the whole phenomenal plane and morphogenetic field, the pulse of a new baseline for planetary consciousness. The dawn of expanded consciousness is up to each of us: to revitalize, reconnect, and radiate our own inner light.
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