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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in parallel realities (4)


The Secret to True Nature

Notice that as we let go of outdated beliefs and reveal our true colours, our entourage shifts and changes until we are in complete resonance with multidimensional nature. Every mind makes its choices between embracing truths or turning away. We guide self on the Path. Change is always both good and bad, because change, even when it is refreshing, always entails perceived loss. Nothing new appears unless something old ceases. There exists despair and equanimity. Impermanence is both. Its synchronicity that the lotus grows out of the mud and the phoenix arises from the ashes.
Much of my writing refers to death, absence, and disappearing from one world, body or state into another. Focusing only on immortality resists the wisdom offered by ideas of death and prevents one from feeling truly alive. As consciousness expands, one shifts from belief that death is an end to awareness of energy in motion, transforming, transmuting, changing form, state and ultimately, parallel realities.
If you want to understand True Nature, simply observe cause and effect over time. When the time is ripe, True Nature reveals itself. Every personal and emotional teaching of impermanence that life is kind enough to offer, deepens my capacity to love and expands innersight into the over-soul and its projections. We are all on a journey to realise that everything is based on love, connection, abundance, and freedom. No matter the experience, we can choose to perceive it through these high vibrating frequencies, and therefore embody more of our divinity in our current reality.



Awaken to deeper remembering

Notice we exist to awaken into full spiritual remembrance. We have opportunities to know different stages of Consciousness. Everything is reminding us that we are much more than we think. Tuning into inner knowing shifts our Present Consciousness. As we come to realize pure consciousness exists beyond time and space, through varied states of awareness, we explore aspects of self in our own reality Our Stored Consciousness holds all the experiences in every lifetime at any age and we can access these aspects of ourselves, ask them to come forward to share wisdom. We then travel through realms of our Alternate Consciousness, where key decisions created other versions of ourselves in alternate realities. We can interact and gain insight from alternate selves. Moving through our Parallel Consciousness, we are active in other bodies on Earth in other eras of Earth’s history. Each energetic exchange leaves all aspects of ourselves in a higher vibration. Interacting with our Interdimensional Consciousness, we experience the knowing of being in other life forms or dimensions again for exchange of energy and insight. As we embrace our Eternal Consciousness and pause to experience that transformational energy, it dawns we merge and are All That Is. Each HUman being is an awakening Avatar. Each of us is a creation and mirror of God. To know Source exists, is to know we are each droplets of Source with potential to activate and sustain optimal functioning.



Steps to being present

Notice everything is energy. As existence is constant, non-existence cannot exist. Each of us is always here and now.  We are one with All that is.  Being everything, we lack nothing.  We are complete.  Energy sent out simply comes back.  Everything changes except universal law.  By changing our understanding of ourselves, seeing unity rather than separation, we recognize we lack nothing, no longer create realities where that subject arises.  We distance from those who no longer resonate.  We no longer buy into the fears perpetuated by those around us and they vanish from our reality. We create into our experience by what we talk about and what is compatible with our frequency. It all comes from us.  From the moment we know we are abundant, we create abundance. We are choosing that experience in thought, word and action. We are moving throughout and into several billion parallel realities per second.  All of these exist simultaneously. By choosing this expanded reality, you experience it instantly with those beings on the same wavelength.  On one level, we are each shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality, a billion times per second.  We are each a co-creator God consciously awakening to our true power at our own pace. Our view of 'normal' is shifting  and expanding.  Any fear arising in us is misunderstanding of our true Self.  By learning through life experience, by trusting and surrendering to the divine universe, and Life Contract we are born into, it hits we lack nothing.


Expand into True Self

Notice as one grows conscious, it dawns the light body is designed to take in energy to expand into more of True Self. This relates to how harmoniously you live (in thought, word, action). Living consistently in integrity is an act of self-love, respect and compassion.  This has energetic consequences for activating the light body. The resulting expansion makes room to receive higher vibrational light codes into your DNA. As this light is activated, your system actualizes the frequency, radiates it outward and shifts your perception of reality. One sees, embodies different versions of Self in parallel timelines.