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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in relationship (11)


Move through self-created limitation

Notice the difference in experiencing "challenges" while asleep and while awake. While asleep, we identify with the energy of the illness, pain body, grief or situation as victim. That may be what we needed then so as to navigate through the world at that state of consciousness. Benefits of the dis-ease, or dense energy state include; attention, not engaging in what you are unready or ill-prepared for. Yet, when awakened, walking the path of alignment into higher consciousness, experiencing illness, chronic pain or other life challenges is not about forgetting physical pain or mental suffering. Rather its about reknowing ourselves outside the labels and other self-created limitations. Who am I outside the illness, pain or self-defeating relationship. It dawns, "I am no longer bound by pain or ailment, former identity of what hurts or seems wrong with me. This process is about remembering who we are outside what we gave our power away to; an idea of illness, dis-ease, intense emotions, controlling or self-destructive relationships. People identify you with how you identify yourself. Listen to the self talk. Who are you outside of those things that kept you contained, feeling less than you are? When such things happen, its a prime opportunity for Spirit to move energies through our body that help us awaken to an expanded perspective of what we are going through. What seems dark or unpleasant is a path for Spirit to bring through more light , to activate DNA, awaken more of the DNA, to uncoil the tension. To remain in alignment with higher consciousness while going through prickly "challenges" is to let go of victimhood, negativity, and the low density stuff that keeps us in conditions that reflect limitation. The body may feel terrible, yet the mind can stay in a higher vibration. Rather than wallow or complain, use the time of feeling ill/ low energy/held back states to move ahead with a book project, creative painting or other inspiring pursuits that are catapulting your forward. Thus, only one part of us is in disease or self-created limitation mode. This is an opportunity benefit from challenges; to journal, meditate, stay in a place of neutrality. Once you get past resistance, being here helps shift stuff. Allow the energy to move through you, no matter how long it takes. Make the most of this time- study, read, write. While parts of you are dying, other parts of you are simultaneously strengthening, blossoming or being reborn.



Uncover what sustains you

Notice a certain longing arises within that no external relationship can fully satisfy. Every external relationship arises in hopes to do so. Yet at a point, it dawns its not possible to be fulfilled that way. This hope or longing is only satisfied as one falls in love with the whole. No part can fulfill it. To fall in love with the totality and realize One is that, is to fall in love with Oneself and feel utterly complete. This allows contentment to arise. Nobody is content right now. Contentment simply is. No need arises that thinks it needs to be satisfed. To feel truly fulfilled then does not happen with any relationship or love affair of the world. Being in love with, tuning into the love energy of existence, sustains us. Other situations may seem to enrich that, but they are not it. The belief that they are or can ever be leads to restlessness and discontent. If one partner or another thinks their relationship is the answer, is required to feel complete, issues may arise. Two individuals who feel complete within themselves can enrich each other. All your external relationships are enriched as you love and accept yourself. You invite feelings of love and wholeness to be reflected in your life and entourage. From the moment One glimpses true fulfillment, the Path or Way to peace reveals itself. Awareness is the pilot. To be fulfilled is to overflow with Love, and know true contentment is uncontainable. Letting go of falseness allow One to radiate the frequency of love to bless others and be a blessing itself. It happens within yet any imagined boundary with the "external" then dissolves.


See beyond the Intolerable 

Notice healthy transcendence is neither a flight nor severing nor disconnection from lower 'uncomfortable' things and qualities. Rather, its a going beyond that does not exclude them. It is a kind of innate, receiving, decoding and streamlining of energy. As situations or feelings grow more noticable and/or intolerable, it dawns the urge to escape does not always serve us. Radical inclusion enables our expansion both horizontally and vertically, to integrate a certain quality while at the same time, not identifying with it. Its about seeing value in what was resisted or initially disregarded. This is the art of separation and simultaneous connection. Both coexist and function in divine resonance. A journey to accepting and activating all facets of True Being involves recognizing and working through all we are conditioned to judge and push away. Denial or suppression of anger is common. Anger that arises invites engaging in that angry part of ourself. Its about being inclusive, allowing energy to flow without allowing it to overcome us. To deny intense or difficult feelings prevents creating an in-depth relationship with them, keeps us fragmented and unable to embody genuine wholeness. Instead, staying close to what is being transcended allows us to know it well, and stay just far enough away to see it clearly, to bring it into lucid focus. Transcending certain energies does not mean we know longer experience them. We simply energetically reposition it within rather than identify with or get triggered by it. This is a powerful insight that triggers shifts into expanding consciousness. Stay focused on this Road to self-mastery. Awarness allows calm abiding.


8 ways time teaches you about you

Your relationship to time says a lot about your relationship with yourself. You can learn a lot about your personality, state of mind and level of consciousness based on how you view and relate to time.  If you are asked what time is, notice which (or how many) of the following feel right or compatible with how you view the world:

1.  Time is a means of enslavement

Notice whether you use time unconsciously, as when your attitude resents deadlines or calendar events.  Observe how you feel, whether your muscles contract or get anxious about constraints.  This view evokes feelings of stress, limitation, resistance, discomfort, and punctuality issues. Being late is like sending the message, "I don't care", "It doesn't matter" or "F*ck you." Identify specific emotion(s) driving you along and follow them to the Source.

2. Time is a device of convenience

Notice whether you use time consciously as a tool to rendez-vous with people in specific places, longitudes, latitudes or when the Sun is at a certain point in the sky.  Meet a friend for a hot drink or a lover for dinner. How else in the physical, linear world can you be sure to be in the same point at the same time? This view sees time as a device, like an invisible thread to bring people together in the same perceived conditions.  

3. Time is a luxury

Notice whether time is something you feel you lack, do not have or choose to deny yourself.  Pinpoint whether its something you think you must earn or bend over backwards to get, strain or struggle to obtain. This view sees time as like a carrot at the end of a fishing line you always seem to be chasing. Yet, what is luxury? It is increasingly defined by how people view and  spend time. In a busy and intrusive world, people increasingly value time for enjoying intimate moments and extraordinary or unique experiences.

4. Time is therapy

Notice how much time you give yourself reveals how much love, joy self-care you give yourself.  In another way, what you are aware of in time is all that exists for you and offers a lesson in the psychotherapy of appreciation.  The more you observe and appreciate yourself, the more your senseory perception expand s and the more of your surroundings opens itself up to you.  If you are not in the forest when a tree is cut, you do not hear it fall.  If you are unaware of your needs, you cannot satisfy them in-time.

5. Time is a pointer to the totality

Being here involves intention to know life in all dimensions. Let us say we turn down voltage to lights. You cannot see verything clearly in your midst. Imagine that your mind-body is operating at a limited voltage until you discover you hold back and then turn up the life voltage within you.  Awakening and Mastering Time to time turns up your voltage which enables you to handle whatever happens.  Inside you are fully charged.  Life within you is like an explosion.  Exercising control on the outside can lead you to constraint the energy flow on the inside. As you allow energy to flow freely inside, surrender to yourself, and properly control the outside.  The body, mind can then be used to the full extent.  Things you never thought you were capable of you begin doing simply because you begin to see yourself as a battery with voltage fully charged.


6. Time is a portal

In Science fiction books and films, time portals are often used to take a group of people or a single person back in time. Popular time travel destinations often involve traveling back to the era of the dinosaurs. In some films time portals can also be set as a hazard, for instance, they can begin to go haywire which makes them accidentally transport you where you do not wish to go. Back to the future or back to the past is a choice you can easily change with awareness.

7. Time is the key to endless possibilities

From the moment you see time as branching timelines and dimensions, excitement grows as you create pitstops as you hitchhike through universes.  You shift gears, travel differently, discover astral and lucid dreaming, the insights to travel through the chakras and other systems.

8. Time is an imaginary concept 

Notice time is an imaginary concept that exists in the mind.  You give it life and meaning by focusing attention on it. Time play with in movies and books. We need not travel by Flu powder like Harry Potter and friends who call out the name os a place, disparate and apparate  To be mindful of your past, is to be open to lessons. Yet, do not focus here, or it will trap you.  To be mindful of your future, is to know your vision of future shapes your future. But do not linger too long, or it will distract you.  Choosing to stay present is to marvel at simple wonders of this moment and be infinitely grateful all-the-time.


View the world is a mirror

Watch what happens as you view the world in your scope as a mirror.  That is, every encounter and experience is reflecting the state of your relationship with yourself.  To encounter conflict, judgement, rejection or anything other than kindness and compassion is revealing you do not yet accept all of you.  Every experience is a sounding board. Notice whether you laugh out of a sense of discomfort or you feel joy and expansion about all that is unfolding.  Notice whether you are ready to see lessons you are creating for yourself. Whatever the setting, the key lesson is the same:  Love unconditionally