Move through self-created limitation

Notice the difference in experiencing "challenges" while asleep and while awake. While asleep, we identify with the energy of the illness, pain body, grief or situation as victim. That may be what we needed then so as to navigate through the world at that state of consciousness. Benefits of the dis-ease, or dense energy state include; attention, not engaging in what you are unready or ill-prepared for. Yet, when awakened, walking the path of alignment into higher consciousness, experiencing illness, chronic pain or other life challenges is not about forgetting physical pain or mental suffering. Rather its about reknowing ourselves outside the labels and other self-created limitations. Who am I outside the illness, pain or self-defeating relationship. It dawns, "I am no longer bound by pain or ailment, former identity of what hurts or seems wrong with me. This process is about remembering who we are outside what we gave our power away to; an idea of illness, dis-ease, intense emotions, controlling or self-destructive relationships. People identify you with how you identify yourself. Listen to the self talk. Who are you outside of those things that kept you contained, feeling less than you are? When such things happen, its a prime opportunity for Spirit to move energies through our body that help us awaken to an expanded perspective of what we are going through. What seems dark or unpleasant is a path for Spirit to bring through more light , to activate DNA, awaken more of the DNA, to uncoil the tension. To remain in alignment with higher consciousness while going through prickly "challenges" is to let go of victimhood, negativity, and the low density stuff that keeps us in conditions that reflect limitation. The body may feel terrible, yet the mind can stay in a higher vibration. Rather than wallow or complain, use the time of feeling ill/ low energy/held back states to move ahead with a book project, creative painting or other inspiring pursuits that are catapulting your forward. Thus, only one part of us is in disease or self-created limitation mode. This is an opportunity benefit from challenges; to journal, meditate, stay in a place of neutrality. Once you get past resistance, being here helps shift stuff. Allow the energy to move through you, no matter how long it takes. Make the most of this time- study, read, write. While parts of you are dying, other parts of you are simultaneously strengthening, blossoming or being reborn.