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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Talk yourself out of a mistake

Consider that no decision you make is ever a mistake. The body does not lie. It has no agenda. It is in a deep relationship with soul.  Listening to impulses and intuition may seem like rebellion to the conscious self. And yet, what the mind concocts is not always truth.  This is a new paradigm.

Let's say you are moving to a mental place where you are learning to detach from judgment and conditioning.  What if you choose to let go of negative ideas, illusions of insecurity, power, and boundaries?  What if you are deciding to feel more vulnerable? Reflect on different ways you can view a situation you initially viewed as a mistake or others do. What else could this mean? Here are 10 possibilities. Expand if you choose;

1) You are honoring your right to choose.

2) You are choosing to mature.

3) You are opting to say what feels right.

4) You are stepping more into true self.

5) You are redefining what it means to respect the self.

6) You are moving into a fear-based place to overcome it.

7) You do not have to explain it or figure it out.

8) You are transcending what you have been taught.

9) You are never alone and guided by the unseen. 

10) You are reminding the self that the unknown is valuable.

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Reader Comments (2)

If we do what feels right at any given moment without thinking about the outcome of such an action, it will lead us through a maze of our own creation from the center where the cheese initially lured us to, back to the spacious entrance from which we came.

If we think before we act, we tend to stay stuck in the maze where we bump into the walls over and over again.

The conscious mind may not be able to fully sense the maze we are stuck in. What may seem to be a mistake may be an opportunity to make a proper turn in the maze towards liberation. When it comes to feeling there are no mistakes. When it comes to thinking or pondering, the word mistake may be viewed as synomonous.
September 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, your reflection is powerful. This is an invitation to reframe fear energy, to allow it to bring you into a mental place of power. To suggest that vision brings clarity of heart is another step toward liberation from the self-imprisoned mind. This is a message from the telepathic central point that brings you into this form where you are. Revelations trigger the imperative vision. You are invited to speak with compassion, love, virtue. All that you know is unfolding. Everyone changes their perception and experience from within. You are teacher, student and a stream of energy that is already triggering a more profound collective awakening that is imaginable. Other dimensions and universes are inter-related.
September 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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