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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in contentment (9)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Rats & Relationships


My dream was in my old bedroom at my childhood home. My sister was in bed beside me. I was scared of rats getting into the room. I thought they would come thru the skirting boards. My uncle came in checking everything was secure. He could find evidence that they were trying to get in. There were people from work in the room ensuring me that there was no way they could get in. They even pulled up the carpet to show me no holes. I kept looking at the closet thinking they’ll get in thru there. But I look at the floor in the closet and it looked secure. I was terrified. My sister took out a notebook and was adding up sums. She showed me how long I had left to live. I didn’t know why she was showing me this. It was all mathematical calculations.


Why fear boredom? it's good when it enters your life. Boredom is a transitional state, a stepping-stone to the next stage of personal growth. If you understand its wisdom, you can use it to fuel self-reflection or spark your creativity or take life in new directions.

Are you "skirting?" Unable to advance specific interests? "To smell a rat" suggests you are convinced someone is trying to deceive you.  Even if you do not initially see proof of this, to focus on negative thoughts can invite in what you do not want.  Are you making something out of nothing? What happens if you pay no attention to bothersome thoughts?  The mind may be playing tricks.  You only experience what aligns with vibrations of love or fear. 

It appears you crave a sense of security, while your current experience echoes you feel unsafe and insecure.  The floor is like the foundation of your beliefs. You may question the basis of your trust. A carpet often echoes sense of warmth, comfort. Notice if you continue to doubt,  then contentment will continue to elude you.

If your "biological clock" is ticking or you feel time is running out to have a family, its not up to others to decide or impose their ideas of what is right for you and when.  Any hole is a two-edged sword: it reminds you that you are whole and complete with or without offspring.  The hole may also echo empliness you feel or low self esteem if you would like to hide your head in a hole. Don't be an ostrich and bury your head in the sand, hoping your problems will disappear. Facing, reframing them, is far more effective.

The bedroom is symbolic of the heart. If you close off the heart, fear being vulnerable, it is not open and cannot let anyone in to create a reliable friendship or romantic relationship. Confusion about unresolved feelings, or desire for intimacy suggest you are in process of tapping into and integrating lost childhood memories.  Get intimate with yourself,.  True intimacy in the external follows.

We all have different relationships with our siblings, or sister, from close to distant relationships.  Review your relationship with your sister. How is this changing or how has it changed? How would you like it to change? Do you feel she interferes in your affairs? Do you trust or question her advice? Have reason to trust or distrust?

A dream about your sister (that you do not have a relationship with) may signal your longing for connection and union.  Turns out, in the Bible Proverbs 7:4, it states a foolish woman "does not stay at home". This is sometimes interpreted as a sister who is causing trouble within the family.  One who causes trouble for family may also disrupt your life. Dream dialogue with older sisters sometimes points to our deep-seated desires for reliable advice and unvoiced concerns that go though our mind. We can be the sister we are seeking and see if this mirrors back.  We have opportunity to create a new kind of dialogue. Remind yourself it takes two to tango. How are you growing in her midst? How does she benefit? Does it teach you about avoidance or connection? Or is dialogue strained or non-existent?

We dream of extended family members when we are transitioning away from the expectations or influences of the immediate family. The uncle can represent a new way of going out into the world to provide for ourselves. At the same time, the word 'uncle' is associated with giving in (to "what" & with whom?- meditate).

We offer Dream Consultations on single and multipl dreams as individual sessions or a tool as part of integrative  psychotherapy. We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for details.


Recognize what you really want

Everything you do or do not do is an effort to recognize what you really want.  Finding this article is no accident.  Noticing particular situations or people in your life is no accident.  Growing more aware of what you think and feel is no accident.  In fact, there are no accidents.

Even now, you are noticing certain things about yourself and your life that feel completely new.  Awarenss is expanding.  Know you are always in the right place, in the right moment.  Watch what you resist letting go, what is disappearing from your life.  Be aware of what you are feeling.  Your feelings are the path to what is hidden right in front of you.  Everything that matters is ready for you to embrace it when you are.  Any pressure or stress you feel comes from you.


Have a happy mind

Many experiences are universal yet, must be discovered and rediscovered by each of us at our own pace.  We allow wisdom to reveal itself through us when we are ready and willing to accept it.  We each weave our own tapestry of life by making choices. How to maintain a happy mind?

1) Break free of the traps of the mind: Let go of the past, stop focusing attention on fear and the future. This releases you from ties binding you to karma/ family histories (recover the 'original self'). As identities are seen as the masks they are and shed, personal histories shrink and fade.

2) Be aware of and let go of attachment to inner possessions; judgments, thoughts, values, and ideas about right and wrong.  Notice everyone is a teacher pointing to existing contentment.

3) Break free of the traps of the body/ impermanent world. Thinking about doing anything is the hard part. Notice how the mind stalls and postpones things. Taking action itself is easy.

4) Explore the true nature of freedom & what it means to be 'liberated in life.' Notice you deny the ultimate freedom. You only step beyond parameters after you create them and grow aware.

5) Bring together the elements of a fragmented existence.  Each person who is open and receptive grows aware of an inner pilgrimmage and unique experiences with Spirit.

6) Be here in this present moment in mindfulness and kindness. 

"Renounce the self that does the renunciation." -Swami Venkatesananda


What is the secret of attraction?

Contrary to popular belief, the secret of attraction cannot be learned.  Still, the idea of this natural force is something humans seek to harness and control. Many people assume its something you can pursue or have and wield like  magical power to turns heads.  Yet, if not that, you may ask what is it that actually influences what and whom you attract?

You may be surprised to hear that the source of your assumed animal magnetism is not what you think.  Sexual prowess relates to confidence, and appreciation of the physical body, but there's more.  Beneath the surface, attraction is an energetic force.  You allow yourself to feel it through acceptance and being aware of something deeper.  Its about raising awareness of a soul connection.

In essence, the source of true power of attraction is to tap into existing mental clarity.  That's right! This is about seeing through what ego tells you attraction is and focusing all faculties and skills to manifest the purpose known deep in the soul.  You know when you are in the presence of someone who lives in the now.  You feel peace and contentment of the universe without doing anything. Be the divine force inherent in us all.

"The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe." -Deepak Chopra 


Be content in the changing world

As you gaze out into the world, change is everywhere.  You are invited to change and evolve based on what other people are doing. Come what may, are you always able to take change in stride and view it as an adventure?  If not, then some thought or belief is getting in the way. 

Know raising awareness of how you think and feel is an invitation to laugh at yourself and let go of what has already served its purpose.  Every moment is a new beginning beckoning. Transform your perception and transform your life.  Notice the exhileration and newness that refreshes and revitalizes. Allow the heart to clarify the nature of the experience that focuses your attention. How is it an invitation to love thyself, your conditions and everything around you all the more?

"All the art of living lies in the fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Havelock Ellis