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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in natural (15)


Rediscover what is natural

What matters does not come through your familiar senses and brain so much as through your skin, your emotions, your heart and your entire body.  Notice how closely you listen. 

Recognize who you are and make peace where you are.  Notice your relaionship with others.  Appreciate the uniqueness of others as well as your own. Know everyone complimentary.  As you listen more closely to how you think and feel, make these discoveries:

1) Anytime you allow uplifting thoughts to fill you, nothing else remains

2) Anything you conceive is yours to be, do or have provided you are open to receive it

3) Any obstacle you can think of, already fades as you shift your attention

4) Anything you think about attempts to distract you from how you truly feel

5) Anytime you align with what feels like bliss, happiness, joy, love, confidence, appreciation, love, well-being, wellness, and abundance, you rediscover what is truly natural.  You allow yourself to be where you want to be rather than imagine what you have to do to get yourself here. As you get your head out of the clouds, and are picky about how you feel, this is the swiftest path to recognizing where you want to be and already are.

"The more things seem to change, the more they remain the same." -Steven L. Hairfied (An American Monk) The Twelve Sacred Principles of Karma


Recognize what feels natural

Something inside you is aware of what feels natural. The mind is so conditioned that it does not recall what is natural and does not understand it. Mental perception is an interpretation.  What is natural is untouched awareness.  It sees no order of difficulty or hierarchy.  What unfolds through an open vessel cannot be put into words. This natural unfolding continues, whether or not the mind resists and shifts your attention.  

Nothing sets out to convince you of what is natural. You allow yourself to see things as they are or, obscure the view and so you see things as you are instead.  As you tap into timeless joy, listening ability sharpens and peace expands.  You no longer recall what what never true.  You no longer choose to deceive yourself or distort nothing.

"Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself." -L.W. Gilbert


Why the story loses its appeal

At some stage, the story and details you share to describe who you are no longer resonate. The drama, entertainment value and emotional triggers lose their appeal. You do nothing and watch elements of the identity you construct fall away of their own accord. The urge to offer credentials or opinions fades.  Listening replaces talking.

In essence, you systematically see through layers of your self-created illusions.  You recognize reasons for attachment and detachment, and outgrow certain ways of experiencing the world. You begin to realize it is part of life to feel and let go of all perceptions, not only those that evoke negativity, but also those that trigger positive and uplifing feelings.  Perceptions of lows and highs are all transitions guiding you home. What is natural unfolds through it all.  The mind has selective awareness.  The heart always knows what is meaningful.  As heart and mind are seen as one, be that.

"Renunciation is not getting rid of the things of this world, but accepting that they pass away." -Aitken Roshi


Move with the energy

You may think you can ignore certain thought energies yet, each one is destined to flow in its own time.  Suppression simply postpones expression.  Each one signals a path to the centre.  You can see through the self-expression to see eternal being arising. 

Understand your true, unchanging position.  As awareness, one does not express, suppress or even touch energy.  One simply watches it come and go in waves.  One follows the path back to source.  Here, all subsides in the formless and all is known.  Energy is what it is: neutral.  Mind gives it form. Notice whether you allow or resist the natural flow.  As energy returns to source, it is neither love nor hate, but innocence.   


Feel your way 

As you realize people are saying to you, 'I want what you have,' 'I want to do what you are doing,' you realize you feel your way to whatever you are asking for.  You realize what is normal and natural already exists. You realize your passion and enthusiasm are catching. You are already taking thought to where it has never been before.  From the universal witness, eternal point of view, one is aware everything is unfolding. The human mind would like you to believe you must work to create and wait for a dream to unfold. The universe knows the dream exists already. Feel that.

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