Let go of what is important

Enjoyed engaging interactions with Stevn Hairfield and special guest Jeff Daugherty on Insight Radio. Access the archives to listen to the May 15/16 show. Feedback is always appreciated.
In this particular program, Jeff offers his own compelling story about what caused him to wake up, see his behaviour and life in a whole new way. He shares how direct experience enables each of us to explore the power of ego to control us and what it is to let go of all we think is important. He reflects on his resistance to certain attachments, ambitious professional roles and lifestyle, and how he now feels born again, and all his experiences makes him who is his right now. Losing what he thought was important enables him to see the world and his place in it with new eyes.
Whether life-changing revelations are triggered by relationship break-ups, environmental disasters, health concerns, work-related crises or something else, the universal message is clear: Move from self-centred to soul- centred living. Nothing is hard unless you believe it is. The underlying question is, why allow things to escalate to where crisis is what you require to shift from seeing your life through the selfish head to seeing through the compassionate heart?
The irony and blessing is that what the ego thinks matters temporarily hides who we really are. The unreal life that temporarily engages our attention can be very convincing. However, the real is ever-present and cannot die. It is part of an individual journey to forget how to feel what is right, and also an option for each person to shift back from ego-based thinking to heartfelt or authentic living. You may be taught to over-complicate what is simple, but whatever it takes, the universe brings you to a point where you are invited to trust your own feelings more. The more you trust in the unknown, the more the universe gives you reason to trust life. Honouring this is easy. Live from the heart a new kind of purpose-driven life. Lick your finger to feel the wind direction. Go with it. Shift from doing to being. Be aware and love who you choose to be.