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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in natural (15)


Recall what feels natural

Imagine the possibility that every situation you perceive  is an opportunity, to uncover or demonstrate the highest idea of Who You Are in relation to what is occurring.  You may wonder how to do this or which way to turn.  What if being here, being open to choices that feel right and going with what the mind cannot explain is a step to waking up and doing what matters to Soul.

Ask yourself if it feels right to talk to yourself more, to awaken and be open to exploring new ways of living your life.  This may involve shifting priorities. Every moment, you are in the process of recovering or remembering your true identity, what you exist to be and do.

Recall what it is to feel through life. As Imagine Dragons echo in their new song Natural, what feels right invites us to leave your heartache behind.  Every moment, each of us invites ourselves to let go of limited physical identity, to grow conscious of reasons for resistance, let it go and surrender. Imagine what that would look and feel like?

Then, go futher: What if the mind released ideas of yourself confined to a set of assumed facts, events or circumstances? What do you do or how do you respond to this blank slate? We are being shown who we are and who we are not right now. Awaken the senses that listen to demonstrations of love that fit no mould. Find or create a soundboard so you hear yourself.


It all comes down to this

It is very simple to understand the human and its ego. Yet, one cannot understand the being.  The journey of the human+being is to begin to see the nature of each part and bring them together or begin to recognize how they are inter-connected.

The human ego thinks it is a separate individual. The human exists in perceived time and space that it imagines is filled with objects, concepts and references. Each human creates his own life, reality and sense of things, his own thinking. The individual thinks it has free will and is unaware of how he thinks things into being.  By watching the human, you get acquainted with the being.

The being resides in the changeless now.  The nature of this now is love.  This is the changeless moment where there is no memory such as the moment of giving birth. There is no ego in this kind of love. The very awareness of such love is being.  Now contains the present moment. The present contains your past and future.  Love and freedom are natural expressions of being in the unchanging now which is eternal. Being is the only reality.  Divine will is the only will.  You arise from and dissolve into the divine. Everything you do, you do it for feelings you imagine having.


Allow what is natural 

With no effort, core being is naturally fulfilled unless it imagines itself to be different. The one who is ready simply awakens.  He who is not ready sleeps.  Nothing stops 'you' unless you are not ready to allow yourself to see.  The unfolding simply unfolds unless 'you' get in the way, or imagine obstacles.  By living, without knowing or doing anything, all is well. Being quiet is being yourself, not following anything from the mind.  If a thought arises, it is as though the thought never came.  Before a thought arises, it has no meaning. Be without intention. Keep quiet.  Watch what happens without waiting.


Do what comes naturally

Notice what happens as you allow what comes naturally. Sense what it feels like.  Reality does not change.  Only your perception of things evolves with awareness. Reflect on this;

1) Observe the external world calmly.  Take nothing personally.

2) Silently be aware of your thoughts.  Recognize each one is a pointer.

3) Listen closely to the body.  Nourish it.  Eliminate on cue and rest properly.

4) Detect heartfelt intuition and trust it.  Emotions are a gauge of how well you listen.

5) Love freely and laugh at the wonder of it all.


Allow all feelings to dance

As a living being, you are rediscovering what is natural.  Part of your nature is to discover all emotions and allow them to flow.  It is fine to express how you feel in the moment.  

Watch children in their candidness and spontaneity. They do not judge or second guess themselves. They are like a free flowing river unless someone reprimands them. If this happens, its like the river comes up against rocks or rapids.  Where do you buck the current?

Ponder how it serves you to dwell on anger, doubt, fear or other heavy energy. What happens as you allow discomfort to get implanted under your skin? Do you scratch the itch?

At some point, you are going to encounter people who disagree with you or, who are closed off to what you are experiencing. What you feel is alive and true for you even if it is not someone else's reality.  Be awareness. Surprise yourself. Peace is not something to be kept or forced. All emotions have peace inside them. You do not find peace.  It arises as you allow it to be here.

In essence, you are aware of space yet, space is not aware of 'you.'  What is real does not need saving or changing as the mind thinks it does.  Watch what happens as you allow all feelings to dance.  Each one is a teacher inviting you to see beyond external conditions to feel through the lens of soul. Through the divine eye, everything is appreciated as it is and for what it is.

Notice you share an experience differently with people.  You may think you express love differently to a friend, child, lover, parent and acquaintance, yet do you really? Only the mind is capable of judging and distinguishing different kinds of love. The heart simply loves.