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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in unlimited power (2)


5 Tips to create your paradise

It is common to assume paradise is a place other than where you are.  What if you have the power to create your own sense paradise from this very moment? Reflect on these five tips;

1. Clarify what paradise means for you

Is paradise represented by a particular place, climate, vegetation, food, objects, state of mind, interacting with certain people, engaging in certain activities, a feeling of being 'home'? Whatever it entails, write it all down, draw images or collage it, to make the vision more real. 

2. Identify your passions

What you are doing when you feel joyful, loving, lose all sense of time, or feel connected to something beyond yourself?  Pinpoint what sorts of things you do already to evoke such feelings. This may include things like; vocations, sexual encounters, giving of yourself or surrendering to inspiration and giving that creative form in ways that enrich the world. 

3. See the external world as a mirror   

How you feel inside is reflected in your external experience. That is, if you are not experiencing your version of paradise in the external world, this is an invitation to do some inner work.  Clarify a new vision.  Every situation offers lessons in love and points to a flip-side.

4. Recognize the power of emotions

Emotions arise to guide us to our own unique feeling of paradise.  They let us know if we feel balanced or unbalanced, close or far away from our unique frequency of inner harmony. You might feel this as respect, light-heartedness (humor), appreciation, acceptance, self-love, self-confidence, calmness, gentleness, humility, or some combination of similar feelings.

5. Feel the way

As well as the metaphors and examples of heaven depicted in books and movies, paradise is a feeling that we create inside ourselves wherever we are.  As we ease into higher levels of self-love and acceptance, the external world mirrors this in different forms. People seem to appreciate us more.  We feel heard and validated. We act in ways that are increasingly intuitive, fearless.  We grow unafraid to be more fully transparent, candid and vulnerable. For example, you can say you are moving into an environment that feels more like paradise in relation to your vision, but this only happens as you love yourself more as you are, where you are .  Come what may, take responsibility for your creative energy.  Recognize you have unlimited power to live in joy.  Now, what do you do when you find paradise? What if its the moment to create ways to share it?


Reminders of unlimited power

Dreams remind you of unlimited being. Are you aware? You may hear you hold untapped abilities, resources and brain power, but do you really take this to heart? 

Look closely. During dreamtime, you do not question how it is you are able to fly, have superhuman powers, breathe under water, walk through walls, feel suffering or pain of other creatures as if it is your own, activate invisibility, or do other things that the human mind says you cannot. Imagine your doubt dissipates.   Let go of fear you nurture from childhood.

As you strengthen your conscious dream recall, you begin to sense how it feels to be in more than one place, to adopt more than one form, gender, and role, and to participate in more than one story. Each level of reality has its own relevance to your beliefs.  Notice what is being offered.  You are not here to assume, but to be open to exploring.  Part of you observes all stories, deepens insight into emotion, bilocates and more.  Watch your wings unfold.

The curtains of the mind slowly open to reveal what it is to be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.  Notice the shakti energy, what emerges naturally, and how you attune to it. Notice what you are allowing to penetrate and what you resist accepting about "you." It all points to the witness that sees through your eyes. This witness observes through all other bodies.  You see within your own direct experience how barriers to receptivity break down. 

Follow the impulse of curiosity. Based on what feels natural to you, integrate into it as a living reality.  Notice who is supporting you during your evolution. You are educated to measure and to judge yourself and to disregard innate knowing.  Nobody can give you who you are.  Open up to the heart of sincerity.  Be willing to explore without limitations.  Nobody exists.  You still feel what its like to be the characters you watch and imagine.

To recall the essence of unlimited power then, contemplate why are you searching, why the mind tells you to reach for the unattainable.  Notice your vision of fulfillment is feeling alone, but grounded in multi-sensual, multi-dimensional experience.  Notice possibilities you may be excluding.  Your reality is opening into a bigger world. Your perspective is shifting.

"I love to think of nature as an unlimited braodcasting station, through which God speaks to us evert hour, if we will only tune in." - George Washington Carver

“Our greatest strength lies not in how much we differ from each other but in how much-how very much-we are the same.” - Eknath Easwaran, The Compassionate Universe