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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in Blog Talk Radio (7)


How do you feel about soul exchange?

On my Blog Talk Radio show Jan 17/18, I am interviewing an individual who is regarded as a walk-in soul.  This video offers some insight into this phenomena. This inter-dimensional experience is not widely recognized or mentally understood. Share your feelings, insights and experiences.  It is possible you interact or have known soul-walk ins. How do you sense this phenomena empowers you and helps the planet? What energies are you sensing?  Some people sense being aware of this phenomena is a natural part of re-aligning with Cosmic Synchronicity.


William Henry & cosmic significance


William Henry invites you to see the hidden significance of geometry and symbols in the Washington Capitol Building as well as in other landmarks around the planet. He is an invesitgative mythologist, author and speaker.  He guides tours to places which acelerate awakening. 

On January 3, my Dreambuilders Australia Radio Show guest is William Henry.  Join us live to explore where you ahve not gone before or access the archives.  Be bold and to open to hearing more about gateways to higher consciousness, stargates, portholes and synchronicity.  You are here for reasons unfolding right before you.  Simply be open to what is revealing itself.

Imagine that in this moment, you are undergoing a process undetected by the physical senses that involves degrees of DNA activation and transformation.  Discover that free will influences how things unfold and when, what you feel, where you go, and whether your surroundings amplify anything noticably inside you.  You are gradually tapping more into collective consciousness. The physical body can evolve into a pure light body. What if the physical is not all there is?

Check out Lightstream Productions to learn more about William Henry's books. 

Now, the cosmic significance of this process is determined in part by what you bring to the experience. You decide whether to engage on mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or other levels, consciously and/or unconsciously, seperately or simultaneously. Every choice has implications. 

What does a vortex mean to you? How does connecting with energy, frequency and light, enable you to tap into dormant inner power? Why even go there? We only ever invite people and expierences into our lives that we are ready for. You are here to allow more of the unseen to enter into your awareness. Join us!


More than just another prophecy

Many prophecies are offered concerning the fate of humanity and the true meaning of 2012. Regardless of who you read, you sense nothing is carved in stone and that your thought energy influences things. You may not yet consciously grasp how or why, but you play a pivotal role in what is unfolding now.

Imagine humanity is one global organism in a holographic state. You connect to the Internet and access your virtual self in Internet cafes anywhere they exist. Yet, you are still not fearless. Your behaviour does not yet detach from separation anxiety and enter universal oneness as a single planetary organism.

One view is 2012 represents a period when the human organism is to know a radical shift in awareness. Hyptheses suggest mind and soul-altering events. Why not expect the unexpected? Your evolutionary shift from dense matter to expanding consciousness is not limited to 2012. How do you sense unity or not? The nature of what is pending depends on human responses to everything now.  As you hear more about spiritually-minded beings, you may begin to shift your sense of reality to living faith on Earth.

What if love energy has the potential to create a spiritual battery to charge or renew the human mental environment. What if we create powerful vibration to determine the destiny of humanity? What if this effect can emerge out of unprecedented unity of purpose bridging language, culture and belief? This view of a 2012 prophecy is a harmonic convergence of the spiritually adept of all faiths and traditions.

On December 17, tune in 8pm EST, I am a guest on The Experience Radio show with Steve Fox. Tune in to share your perspective on 2012 or consult the program archives. We discuss different levels of perception, cosmic shifts, consciousness and states of remembering. Not everyone simply waits for things to unfold.  Your choices, intention and belief/disbelief in ego-free mind shape your experience.


Jannie Funster & how to be true to you

To some, Jannie Funster is an enigma extra-ordinaire. She is linked with a variety of labels; Singer, songwriter, composer, blogger, adventurer and others, but you may be asking yourself, who is she really? Would you not like to know how much you have in common with her inspiring journey?

Many people believe they are on a quest to rediscover who they are. They do not always remember all the details about where they have been or, they may detach from or outgrow their own memories. They live in different places, work at jobs, and choose other experiences. Sometimes they even find the courage to listen to the heart, and even go the next step.

You may also be in the process of doing what you feel it takes to identify that indescribable something directly. Describe it as a calling, an inner or outer purpose, or whatever you like. We all create modified versions of fulfillment to bring us back to what matters. Wherever you are on your soul journey, this exchange has potential to uplift and expand you right now.

Jannie is to be my radio show guest on November 29/ 30 (check your time zone).  Come join us, participate in the chat room, call in wth your questions or listen to the radio show archives.  Choose to find meaning in and appreciate it all.  Be like Jannie: learn what it means to be true to the real you. 


Ben Abba & Interview on Immortality

I originally hear of Ben Abba though  media interviews and finding his unique book about immortality.  The subject is so thought-provoking that I contacted him about an interview here and another on my Blog talk radio show November 22.

The subject matter invites everyone to review the basis of conditioned beliefs and re-evaluate the nature of their own self-disclosure. Thanks for consenting to this interview and being willing to expand on your insight on the radio.

What is your view about physical immortality? Why focus on this subject?

Its possible. I believe ~25 "immortals", living among us today, already achieve it.

I focus on this to learn how to extend my own life, the quality of my own life, and to share what I have learn to others who desire to learn the same.

 How does learning about this give a person a different awareness of reality?

Fear of death gives others control over us. Without fear of death, we become free to live our lives to their fullest.

Share any example(s) of your own personal verification of immortality.

A very small sample: walking barefoot on hot cools, surviving a car crash, remote viewing, Li Ching Yuen, locating and making contact with real "immortals", and observing many other death-defying miracles throughout my life.

 How does an evolving perspective on physical existence accelerate your personal development?

Quite a bit. I now "know" and not just "believe" that we have free will and not just living a pre-determined life.

Consider the law of attraction. What sorts of individuals do you invite into your life based on your interest and research into immortality?

More enlightened beings or those who choose to evolve and grow in their lives.

What is your understanding of the human potential for spontaneous healing?

I am beginning to know that it is not only possible, but it is happening, in many different ways, all around us. What brings you to such conclusions? Personal observations and research into such done by others interests me.

How do you sense spirituality shifting inside you and others in light of what you perceive and learn of immortality?

My beliefs, my lifestyle has considerably changed already due to my research into physical immortality. Also, immortality is one of many forms of "infinite abundances". When I applied what I have learned in my research of "immortals" to other areas of my life (financial, business, relationships, etc.) i have noticed similar changes in my own life.

 What is your insight into past lives? How does this relate to your insight into immortality and longevity?

 I am well aware of the scientific evidence proving the belief of reincarnation and I have researched my own previous lives, with enough evidence to "know" I personally have reincarnated. Good question. I believe it helped me accept the findings of my research into immortals, immortality, and longevity.

Why do human beings resist changing views on immortality?

Fear seems to be the answer. Fear that their current beliefs may not be correct. Fear that others could have what they may not have. Fear that they are not "worthy" enough to receive what they truly desire in their own lives.

Do you sense a connection between increased self-respect, self-responsibility and longevity?

Definitely! (I can build on this later.)

Are you aware of National Geo studies on centenarians? A recent one was published in 2005.

YES! I have had a copy of the January 1973 of NG for years!

We are grateful you share perspectives on this wondrous subject. This is part I of the interview.  A second part will be published as a separate entry.

I invite you to listen to my archived radio show where we expand on this subject and Ben's writing.  Check out Ben's blog for further information on his work: