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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in intention (36)


10 Ways to Accept Personal Responsibility

The fundamental building block for creating a new life in alignment with who you are is taking personal responsibility. This is about owning your behaviour (thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc.) and consequences. Until you take responsibility for your actions, (as well as self-judgements, you do not develop self- respect or truly respect of others.

To take personal responsibilty means you don't react to external events.  You simply act. Your actions come from your true being, that which is self-directed, self- motivated, self- disciplined, and knows and resonates with harmony.

  • What does personal responsibility look like to you?
  • What are the specific steps to putting this into practice?

Consider 9 Ways to Accept Personal Responsibility:

  1. Be accountable for thoughts, feelings, words & actions
  2. Stop using words: try, can't, don't won't, shouldn't
  3. Cease complaining & blaming
  4. Take nothing personally
  5. Listen to heartfelt intuition
  6. Live in the present
  7. Use the power of intention
  8. Ground yourself in nature 
  9. Engage in mindfulness practices
  10. Accept where the will exist, a way can be found




Opportunity to create global impact

Imagine for a moment, that the focus of our life direction and energy is a translation of all unspoken intentions, hope and vision we have for the world. It is like each choice is a compass for where we are directing our energy.  Feel ready to shift gears or direction?

A shift in awareness reveals no experience is the result of a random spin on a roulette wheel. We can move from being self-centred, to being service centred, and then focused or guided on something beyond ourselves. From the moment we begin to sense disharmony in our external world, this is an invitation to determine where disharmony exists within. Only as our thought, words and actions align, transformation occurs in experience.  We can recognize we are conscious co-creators. Every moment, we are creating and directing every moment of our lives. 


7 Steps to more Conscious Living 

To get into the vibration and consciously create a new normal, its helpful to ground ourselves and be more aware of where we stand. Living more cosnciously is a choice for each of us. The question is, where are we, how do we view ourselves and the world, and where do we go from here? Consider 7 Steps to shift into more conscious living:
1. Create a Conscious Living Journal
This ia a place where you write, sketch, create collages or whatever orients your journey forward. Its not a place to rant or complain. Its important to get clear on how you view yourself and a sense of what matters to you. Adding daily entries enables you to see shifts in perspectives, priorities and the blossoming for yourself.
2.  Devote time to doing what you love
At this stage, the focus may still be unclear. To help the process, respond to these questions in your journal:
a. What would I do right now if I knew I would die tomorrow ?
b. What kind of legacy do I wish to leave?  
b. What evokes heartwarming feelings and excitement to motivate me?
c. How can I love myself and the world more?
d. Which action will I take right now to share more of who I am?
3. List you fears
Fear is linked to unconscious living. It is linked to heart-brain IN-coherence.  Coscious living is linked to heart-brain COHERENCE. What If I told you that if you change your thoughts and feelings, you have power to change your brain chemistry, shift from default settings to live more consciously?  Conditioned thoughts and behaviours that evoke fear are felt in resistance, withdrawl and doubting who you are. Its helpful to take a close look at ourselves.  You are invited to explore fears, write the opposite to get comfortable with new possibilities. Imagine how it feels to face and conquer fears. What is life feeling like in the present moment? Do what you fear and feel yourself reclaiming power you unconsciously gave away. Only as we make the unconscious conscious do we empower ourselves to live a more naturally loving, enriching kind of existence.
4. List 5 blessings in your life
Being aware of what we appreciate gets us in touch with uplifting feelings of balance and wholeness. We benefit from growing more conscious of joy, pleasure, bliss. The more we focus on balanced energy, the more we invite creating more experiences that evoke similar feelings.
5.  Learn about sacred geometry
Geometric shapes are the building blocks of nature.  Everything is formed by vibration and geometry.  Geometry is the way in which universal energy manifests on the physical plane.  It communicates to and through every living thing on earth.  this, in turn, is how we communicate back, consciously and/or unconsciously.  Conscious living is about growing more aware of the power of our thoughts and feelings
6. Set an intention
The power of intention is often underestimated. Reflect on yoru sense of direction and motivation right now.  This is an evolving process. We can have personal, family, community, planetary, universal or even galactic-related intentions. As our perspectives shift and change, our sense of intention changes as well.
7. Engage in breathwork
Breathwork is one of the most effective actions you can take to make the unconscious conscious, live more in integrity, enrich the overall life balance and align with well-being. A range of breathing techniques are available to help you learn to decode and read your own breathing rhythm, as well as techniques that facilitate deeper emotional trauma release. Follow your intuition. Everything is synchronicity.

It could happen to you

Watch what happens in your life when you set an intention and at the same time, surrender to the outcome of something greater. To let go enables you to merge with energy and see physical conditions and experience differently. You may tune into the mystical, be open to allowing new examples of harmony into your life. Something beyond you engages and activates healing, shifts in circumstance or life change.  Such things can only happen to you when you are receptive.

Consider the case of Beth (not her real name). Under enormous stress, she was juggling two unfulfilling jobs, struggling to pay her mortgage and suffering emotionally due to a lack of a personal life and conflicts with professional peers.  The intense negativity and tension led to recurrent migraines, minor health issues and manifested a cancer diagnosis.  This said, she chose to view this severe illness as a gift and a wake up call to explore and release unconscious emotional trauma and shift her focus to create a new future. She decided to take responsibility for her choices and make key changes that access more innate potential.  She identified sources of disharmony, what was not nourishing her soul, sense of balance. As the result, she is in remission, connecting with encouraging people and has a new professional direction.

Are you ready to step back and live in ways that bring your ideal future into the present? Did you relaize that you are becoming like the five people you spend the most time with?


10 Keys for a successful & rewarding life

Many people ask what is required to create a successful life, which can include areas of relationships, business, career and more. Whatever your current focus, consider these 10 tips to guide you:

1. See through your resistance

The ego mind is that part of you that tells you no, that's not possible and offers reasons why you cannot do what you want.  Ego kyboshes ideas, blows them out of the water and discourages you.  Its up to you to see through fears underlying your own resistance. Why do you fear success?

2. Align with intuition

Call it the the inner voice, Spirit, intuition, the proverbial Jiminey Cricket voice of conscience or something else. Whenever you listen to this higher more expanded aspect of yourself, you know you can have everything you want in life. Its a matter of focusing attention here rather than on the sparks doubt. You choose to hold back or move ahead.

3.  Set your intention

The more you clarify for yourself the road you wish to travel, the more powerful the journey can be. You do not need to know exactly how the universe is going to translate every step of your intention into physical reality.  It helps to be flexible, to be certain your version of success is attainable and feel it.  The power of intention is like a launching platform or catapult to accepting and expressing inner greatness.

4.  Share your passion

You create your version of this world as a place to share your gifts.  This requires you not only identify what your gifts are by also have the backbone, courage and take initiatives to present them. 

5. Feel worthy to receive

Self-worth issues can be roadblocks to different avenues of material success. The spirit world is taking care of each of us. If you open your mind and tell yourself you are worthy to be successful, success happens, with a bit of effort, trust and intervention from higher (unseen) forces.  It goes without saying you have to believe, know and have the right mindset.  You have to see yourself sharing your gifts. How the gifts get to people may surprise you as you allow the universe to cooperate with you.  The 'what you wish to share' always takes shape in your scope before the universe reveals to you how the rest unfolds. 

6.  Honour who you are

Never measure yourself in terms of anyone else.  What is in you allows you to do anything. Open up to your own unlimited inspiration and power.  You can be successful in anything.  Simply make up your mind, set our intention and get on with it. Whether its a business, relationship, new career or something else envisioned, its all within reach now.

7.  See money as energy

Many people assume that certain kinds of businesses or people are prone to be more financially succesful than others. It is often assumed for instance, that spiritual businesses cannot make money.  Whatever your business idea or other life vision, the experience of having it can be curtailed by your beliefs about money.  Seeing money as energy flow allows a more abundant self-perception to emerge. 

8.  Change your consciousness

You have to be willing to take ownership of your thoughts, feelings, actions and involvement in situations. Changing your consciousness is about accountability, the willingness to take responsibility for where you are at, your self-view, educational and other milestones as well as self-defeating tendencies to get over.

9.  Empower others

Whatever hat you wear, whatever roles you perform in life, your job is to empower and enable not disable others.  Part of your responsibility in this life is to help others identify and honour their own inner light and empower them to honour their gifts and talents, share them with the world and shine brighter. Its often easier to see in others what they do not yet see in themselves.

10.  Recognize your unique path

Refrain from comparing yourself to others. You are only in competition with yourself, on a path to clarify and share more clearly your reasons for being.  Each human being is on a unique path.  Resis judging others and dismantling people and ideas.  You exists to build people up, empower them to see their own true greatness via your unique journey.  Insodoing, you come to see everything as a mirror of your own true greatness.