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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in intention (36)


Value nothing

Everything physical is transient. Allow all feelings to flow freely. Let them go. What is real is ever-present. The unreal gets in the way until you sense that events do not depend on you to unfold. The witness notices. Who is feeling? It all points to that which cannot be explained.

The essence of being has no inner or outer, no defined lines or boundaries. Every moment, it grows more conscious and recognizes nothing. You do not have to describe who you are for the heart to know. As you shift focus of attention from the mind to the breath and heart, you value nothing and sense everything. What is does not come or go. Awareness is what it is. How does it feel to move beyond dwelling in short-term intentions to be intentionless? Observe the process. How does it feel to have no expectations or attachment? Pure joy.


Allow your expansion

Your invite everyone you encounter. How you view each one is up to you.  Nothing external affects how you feel inside unless you allow that.  As you choose to feel vibrational reality, and you focus there, then emotions do not distract you from the big picture.  Fare ye well. Wisdom allows you to access and be happiness regardless of what happens.  Taste it.  Allow nothing to affect peace of mind. Keep things in perspective.

Regardless of what you see in the external world, how you choose to feel determines what unfolds. You cannot find what you do not believe. You do not experience what you do not feel. Release resistance to what is actual in a vibrational reality.  What you seek is never lost. Know it exists.  You feel it into being. Expect the perfect unfolding.  Restore faith and trust. You deprive yourself only through your focus or patterns of thought. Do not bend the truth to fit you.  Be awake.  See life as it truly is. Clarity is here already.


You are free 2BU

You are forever free to be you. Nothing you find here imposes anything or forces you to change your beliefs.  This is about inviting you to remember the authentic you, to empower you to feel and decide what you want.  Being you has infinite advantages every moment.  Regardless of your physical and other self-perception, something fantastic is emerging to reveal to you your true colours.  If you choose, you are guided through a progessive awakening.  Every choice invites you to launch and expect, allow and receive.

For fun, to uplift the spirit, and to remind you what soul knows, you may choose an inspirational word for every letter of the alphabet.  To go further, choose to identify something good where you are and in every circumstance.  Notice your intention and focus fluctuate from natural to conditioned perspectives.  As you feel and observe the impulses from deep within, you sense and make decisions without words.  You pay more attention to how you think and feel, and recognize the power you harness by choosing to appreciate your time and place.  Empower yourself again.  Remind yourself of the feeling of timeless freedom.


Melt the perceived distance

In the course of awakening, it grows apparent that it is helpful to melt the perceived distance between how you would like to feel and how you choose to feel now.  Take a step back from emotion.  Recognize why you imagine the distance between ego mind and multi-facited reality you choose to create and experience. 

To define identity, ego creates a sense of distance between you and the external world.   On the inner level, the gap is pure illusion.  This is an invitation to reflect on reasons for being, to see through your own misperception.  As you begin to realize no gap exists between you and the external world, you clear the inner dialogue and open to expanding experience. Shift conscious intention.  Be wide awake.  Accept it all.


Merge with the fullness of being

As you choose to detach from and observe the physical body, you begin to sense non-physical energy that is you. This may bring ridicule when others do not understand what you mean or feel.  And yet, you are sensing love you feel for self that not everyone is ready to accept about themselves.  You are tuned into cosmic intelligence, vibrationally communicating and sensing what is shared through energy that is you. 

Notice the relationship between your physical body and astral or spiritual body. What is your intention? Everyone you encounter is affected by who you are, regardless of their awareness and understanding.  The degree to which you appreciate your ongoing expansion bridges physical and non-physical worlds.  This is about freedom you feel by letting go of what is not you and allowing what is to unfold vibrationally.  It is about recognizing fear is illusion and choosing to transcend it.  Merge with the fullness of being.

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