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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in true greatness (2)


10 Keys for a successful & rewarding life

Many people ask what is required to create a successful life, which can include areas of relationships, business, career and more. Whatever your current focus, consider these 10 tips to guide you:

1. See through your resistance

The ego mind is that part of you that tells you no, that's not possible and offers reasons why you cannot do what you want.  Ego kyboshes ideas, blows them out of the water and discourages you.  Its up to you to see through fears underlying your own resistance. Why do you fear success?

2. Align with intuition

Call it the the inner voice, Spirit, intuition, the proverbial Jiminey Cricket voice of conscience or something else. Whenever you listen to this higher more expanded aspect of yourself, you know you can have everything you want in life. Its a matter of focusing attention here rather than on the sparks doubt. You choose to hold back or move ahead.

3.  Set your intention

The more you clarify for yourself the road you wish to travel, the more powerful the journey can be. You do not need to know exactly how the universe is going to translate every step of your intention into physical reality.  It helps to be flexible, to be certain your version of success is attainable and feel it.  The power of intention is like a launching platform or catapult to accepting and expressing inner greatness.

4.  Share your passion

You create your version of this world as a place to share your gifts.  This requires you not only identify what your gifts are by also have the backbone, courage and take initiatives to present them. 

5. Feel worthy to receive

Self-worth issues can be roadblocks to different avenues of material success. The spirit world is taking care of each of us. If you open your mind and tell yourself you are worthy to be successful, success happens, with a bit of effort, trust and intervention from higher (unseen) forces.  It goes without saying you have to believe, know and have the right mindset.  You have to see yourself sharing your gifts. How the gifts get to people may surprise you as you allow the universe to cooperate with you.  The 'what you wish to share' always takes shape in your scope before the universe reveals to you how the rest unfolds. 

6.  Honour who you are

Never measure yourself in terms of anyone else.  What is in you allows you to do anything. Open up to your own unlimited inspiration and power.  You can be successful in anything.  Simply make up your mind, set our intention and get on with it. Whether its a business, relationship, new career or something else envisioned, its all within reach now.

7.  See money as energy

Many people assume that certain kinds of businesses or people are prone to be more financially succesful than others. It is often assumed for instance, that spiritual businesses cannot make money.  Whatever your business idea or other life vision, the experience of having it can be curtailed by your beliefs about money.  Seeing money as energy flow allows a more abundant self-perception to emerge. 

8.  Change your consciousness

You have to be willing to take ownership of your thoughts, feelings, actions and involvement in situations. Changing your consciousness is about accountability, the willingness to take responsibility for where you are at, your self-view, educational and other milestones as well as self-defeating tendencies to get over.

9.  Empower others

Whatever hat you wear, whatever roles you perform in life, your job is to empower and enable not disable others.  Part of your responsibility in this life is to help others identify and honour their own inner light and empower them to honour their gifts and talents, share them with the world and shine brighter. Its often easier to see in others what they do not yet see in themselves.

10.  Recognize your unique path

Refrain from comparing yourself to others. You are only in competition with yourself, on a path to clarify and share more clearly your reasons for being.  Each human being is on a unique path.  Resis judging others and dismantling people and ideas.  You exists to build people up, empower them to see their own true greatness via your unique journey.  Insodoing, you come to see everything as a mirror of your own true greatness.


6 Tips to accept true genius

Whatever your vision, the process of getting to experience it is well underway.  At this point, you may temporarily sense a gap between the vision and its manifestation. Ponder 6 Tips to accept true genius (experience a more balanced and integrated perspective):

1. Accept you have what it takes

Encouraging self-talk is powerful yet it only takes you so far.   Stories about other people offer solace but are not themselves a solution. Shift from believing something is possible to knowing and feeling its already here. You are not allowed to have the dream if you do not have ability to create it.   Be aware everything is accessible via resourcefulness and ingenuity.   You may need to learn or unlearn something or collaborate. What is required is fearlessness and creative vision. Rest assured, any dream can take shape for you.  The what comes before the how. Details of the unfolding and the physical timeline are up to you.

2. See beyond the obstacles

Never ask why something is happening to you.  Always ask how you can reframe and transcend within your present level of experience. You may currently only know what is happening through the five senses.  Sense organs only know things in terms of comparison which creates distortion.  This is not perception, and is not sufficient to know the issue as it is. What you perceive directly, viscerally is what you know.  The rest is your imagination.

3.  Trust your vibes

Your feelings guide you to do things that are not understood by the logical and rational mind. Allow feelings to guide you.  If you feel restless in an environment or no longer feel good eating certain things, find the courage to change your environment and what you are eating.  You'll dind that making changes in one area of your life trickles over to peompt changes in other areas.  This is about being consistent and true to yourself on all levels.  

4.  Pay attention to how you are conducting yourself

Happiness or misery may seem to be arising within you. You not have to give anyone else the privilege of triggering emotions or deciding for you how you will interpet incoming energy available to you. If you give your power away, reclaim this power. You decide how to perceive and respond to everything. 

5.  See value in negativity

Frustration, impatience and tension are all subtle forms of anger.  This is very powerful energy which can be harnessed and rechannelled in creative and productive directions. the choice of how to recognize, and direct energy that is constantly flowing through and around you, is completely up to you. Decide to see it as inspiring, otivating, a stepping stone to realizing more of your true greatness.  

6.  Recognize your mortality

If the longing for salvation (to know the truth) is genuine, and you are constantly conscious of your mortality, you only do what truly matters to you. You do not waste a moment doing anything else.