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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Opportunity to create global impact

Imagine for a moment, that the focus of our life direction and energy is a translation of all unspoken intentions, hope and vision we have for the world. It is like each choice is a compass for where we are directing our energy.  Feel ready to shift gears or direction?

A shift in awareness reveals no experience is the result of a random spin on a roulette wheel. We can move from being self-centred, to being service centred, and then focused or guided on something beyond ourselves. From the moment we begin to sense disharmony in our external world, this is an invitation to determine where disharmony exists within. Only as our thought, words and actions align, transformation occurs in experience.  We can recognize we are conscious co-creators. Every moment, we are creating and directing every moment of our lives. 

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