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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in illusion (29)


Surrender deeply

As you stop and determine what you are truly seeking, everything changes. Notice which choices distract you from getting to know who you are.  Reaching outside yourself does not bring completeness. The process of deep surrender allows all illusions to disperse and disappear. The ego and emotional patterns no longer control focus of attention.  What remains is true nature. Notice what is always present. Everything is real to the senses until you wake up to see that which never changes is actually real.  The sky is the container that is always here whereas the cloud that seem real come and go.  The moment is true essence.  It never comes and goes.


Allow oneness 

The mind suggests you go through periods of forgetting and remembering.  From the vantage point of oneness, everything on Earth is the same energy flowing freely without beginning or end. Nothing is better or worse than anything else.  Ego and perception of hierarchy only exist in the human mind.  Notice where your thoughts, emotions and behaviour reveal you perceive inequality.  Notice what process you go through to remove the blinders to allow you to know who and where you are.


Remember courage

Through the process of realizing fear is illusion, you may feel vulnerability before you recall inner courage.  As remembering deepens, accelerates and intensifies, all that is not you is suddenly irrelevant and falls away.  Consciousness is awareness, the experiencer, that which is being experienced and the act of experience itself. This cannot be described or known.  Love is. You cannot know that which is and yet, it is what it is.


Move your state of consciousness

Everything has a self identity, an awareness.  Every part of a hologram is also smaller part of the whole. You are a hologram, a droplet of the universal ocean.  As your believe system changes, your life experience changes.  Remember the line from the Matrix: 'It is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.' Go beyond the rules.  When you get into consciousness, shift how you decode vibration, you can overcome illusory laws of physics, and are no longer manipulated by rules of mind. When you know what is wanted, you can see the process and move your state of consciousness.  Details grow more real and palpable through experience.


Let go of what is not you

Sometimes you need to see and experience what is not you, what you do not prefer, as part of your process of awakening.  Consider nothing has meaning until you give it. All negativity can be viewed as a friendly messenger.  Vibrate according to what you sense is true and this is perceived as your reality. You can choose to vibrate based on what you feel is self-empowering.  This enables you to let go of what is not you.  How do you desire a particular experience to influence your remembering of timeless insights?

As you choose to sense blessings everywhere, you awaken to levels of frequency, resonance and inter-dimensional beingness.  You cannot see what you are not a vibration of.  You cannot solve a problem on the level it emerges into being. You cannot be conscious of what you are not willing to feel or accept.  

As you recognize that everything exists now, you discern illusory perspectives of the now moment.  Shift energy vibration and transform your universe. Be aware you already move through parallel realities.  Raise your vibrational awareness and you grow aware of vibrational patterns that are you and are not you.  This draws attention to worlds inviting exploration.  What gives you power is knowing what power you have at your disposal and choosing not to use it to do harm.  True power is awareness, compassion and keeping composure. To know you are part of the infinite means you need not demonstrate or prove anything.