Let go of what is not you

Sometimes you need to see and experience what is not you, what you do not prefer, as part of your process of awakening. Consider nothing has meaning until you give it. All negativity can be viewed as a friendly messenger. Vibrate according to what you sense is true and this is perceived as your reality. You can choose to vibrate based on what you feel is self-empowering. This enables you to let go of what is not you. How do you desire a particular experience to influence your remembering of timeless insights?
As you choose to sense blessings everywhere, you awaken to levels of frequency, resonance and inter-dimensional beingness. You cannot see what you are not a vibration of. You cannot solve a problem on the level it emerges into being. You cannot be conscious of what you are not willing to feel or accept.
As you recognize that everything exists now, you discern illusory perspectives of the now moment. Shift energy vibration and transform your universe. Be aware you already move through parallel realities. Raise your vibrational awareness and you grow aware of vibrational patterns that are you and are not you. This draws attention to worlds inviting exploration. What gives you power is knowing what power you have at your disposal and choosing not to use it to do harm. True power is awareness, compassion and keeping composure. To know you are part of the infinite means you need not demonstrate or prove anything.

Reader Comments (6)
Letting go of what is not me is letting go of what was me. Each moment is a monent of renewal, refreshment and recongifuration. Our form metamorphosizes many times over before it becomes nothing - AND everything.
This is a beautiful post. I like the fact that I don't have to prove anything. I can just be and revel in the experience!!
Thanks, Dandy
and as Alexys says, letting go of what is not me - allows me to become me ...
Thanks .. the power of transformation .. Hilary