See things as they are

Most people do not see things as they are. Rather, they see things as they are. This reminds you that your thinking and judgment shape your perception. Thoughts you identify with take shape as your ego. In truth, you are not the thought, but the awareness. Until you reach a stage where you consciously work through the veils, that is, transcend the negativity, then your life is grounded in selective perception. You create a world and can step outside of it. Free yourself from thought and you awaken to free self from ego control.
In a nutshell, why believe the lies that ego produces? Get out of the mind and realize problems are self-generated. Comparisons are ego devices. Living according to an image or a label prompts you to be more unconscious rather than awake. Be present, natural. Live free of images or labels to tell you who you are. Observe defensiveness within you. Who you are cannot be attacked, needs no defences, no proof. Whenever you grow defensive, this reveals you identify with an illusion. The real you exists beyond it all.