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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in illusion (29)


See things as they are

Most people do not see things as they are.  Rather, they see things as they are.  This reminds you that your thinking and judgment shape your perception.  Thoughts you identify with take shape as your ego.  In truth, you are not the thought, but the awareness.  Until you reach a stage where you consciously work through the veils, that is, transcend the negativity, then your life is grounded in selective perception.  You create a world and can step outside of it. Free yourself from thought and you awaken to free self from ego control. 

In a nutshell, why believe the lies that ego produces?   Get out of the mind and realize problems are self-generated.  Comparisons are ego devices.  Living according to an image or a label prompts you to be more unconscious rather than awake.  Be present, natural.  Live free of images or labels to tell you who you are.  Observe defensiveness within you.  Who you are cannot be attacked, needs no defences, no proof.  Whenever you grow defensive, this reveals you identify with an illusion.  The real you exists beyond it all.


Sense the presence of the cosmic witness

The cosmic witness is understood as the universal source; omniscient, omni-present, and infinitely guiding remembering.  It is not separate from you.  Consider these 10 steps to ascertain and sense the presence and of the cosmic witness and what it is not:

1) Awaken to your own ego-created desires that exist at the root of your suffering.

2) Step back from the insatiable ego & illusions you create to reinforce perceived problems.

3) Reflect on underlying reasons for your desires, hopes, fears & attachments that create the above. 

4) Notice the nature of ingrained beliefs  that prompt you to self-judge and imagine what is not there.

5) Recall cosmic consciousness is the core state that re-aligns you with true nature.

6) Explore why the mind imagines limitation, inadequacy, reasons for insecurity & loneliness.

7) Let go of beliefs which are themselves conditioned mental delusions.

8) Practice forgiveness of self and others then realize reasons for forgiveness are illusion.

9) Recall the feeling of "right action" & be what it is that reinforces who you are.

10) Realize that every choice impacts perceived self and the whole universe.


Why are you hypnotized by fantasy?

Many people are drawn to focus on external illusions rather than watching what transpires from the inside out.  When was the last instance you remember focusing on the dancing shadows, the glimpses of orbs or light, until you almost forgot your core intention?

Part of you senses vividly why you succomb to the dream fantasy.  The voice of soul reminds you of free will.  Everything you experience in linear time is truly occurring in the twinkling of an eye.  Hear the echo of deeper soul and connect with Cosmic Synchronicity


How do you know if you're seeing things?

People will often ask whether what they think they are experiencing is real. Does this sound familiar? Are you the kind of person who uses the mind to determine your sense of the truth or do you feel it? Recognize why you choose to sense certain people or sources of information are credible and others not.  You have underlying motivations for taking sides and also for choosing not to agree or disagree.

Perception is subjective.  Each person creates his own signposts about what is real or not.  Some people ground their reality in conditioned beliefs and attitudes.  Other people tap into energy, faith, inner knowing and sense clarity presents when questions fade away.  Notice why you view something as true or false, real or unreal.  How do fear and other feelings fit in? Each one is your choice.

If you conclude you are "seeing things," you are basically doubting the senses. Some people say they would only believe something if they saw it themselves and yet, other people choose not to have faith in their own senses. When people describe something to you that you resist, you may say they must be dreaming. Every thought and feeling is part of how you choose to Transform Your Life.


Shift your vantage point

You may forget that you experience the world through your own senses. Yet, you are conditioned to reach out into the world, to embark on physical journeys, in order to obtain or experience what you want.  Part of you feels unsatisfied. Its why you are here.

This is the stage of your journey which invites you to shift your focus.  You move from what is unfolding or could be unfolding in the physical world, to remember and recognize who you already are.  Choose to be that.  All the  fear, doubt, judgment opposition and complexity exists in the mind.  Let it go.  You decide on what level of awareness to live, whether you decide to connect with soul.

It all comes back to the base vibration within.  You may wish to heal illness, move beyond issues that no longer matter.  You manage to keep focus on what is beyond the distractions. You prepare to realize the solution to every problem you ever see.  As you recognize what truly takes place, you are the observer within, sense the misdirected action and core beauty.  Choose to Transform your Life.