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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in identity (28)


Usher in a new way of life

Notice that in order to usher in a new way of life, we must be willing to consciously activate the alchemist within. This is about cherishing and recognizing symbolic sunrises and sunsets in our lives. This implies not only thinking, speaking or writing about things we desire or wish to shift out of our lives, but also putting this thought energy, heartfelt intuition and self-love into action. Every decisions and life choice is a powerful energetic imprint. When ready, we physically, emotionally and otherwise let go of self-created illusions, codependence and other dysfunctional patterns and attachment we adopt to maintain false identity and block true being. We may want to detach or distance ourselves from people or situations because this causes pain, while the idea to which we are attached does not. But to really understand this whole issue of attachment, to tradition, to nationality, to custom, to a habit, to knowledge, to opinion, to a saviour, to all the innumerable beliefs and non-beliefs of 'right and wrong', we must not be satisfied merely to scratch the surface and think we have understood attachment issues when we are cultivating detachment. Whereas if we do not try to cultivate detachment, (which only becomes another issue), if we can simply see attachment clearly, then perhaps we can delve deeper and discover something entirely different, which is neither attachment nor detachment. It dawns that where attachment exists, no love exists. Attachment is the outcome of fear, of various forms of loneliness, and emptiness. An alchemist discovers the field of non-judgement and universal love through letting go of the unreal and being true to a compassionate inner voice. We refresh and renew simply by tuning in and listening to the Highest Self.


Interview with destiny

Wouldn't it be nice to converse one-on-one with destiny? These questions are an invitation to grow aware of what is driving you: the logical mind, feeling heart or some combination.  Do you self-question and hear no response? Imagine the future or more authentic version of yourself is eager to answer and finally more audible than ever before. 

Q: Peers have big changes happening in their lives. I feel stagnant, stuck. Am I lost or, is there something wrong with me if I am unaware of similar shifts in my life?

Notice comparison is self-judgement or lack of self-acceptance. To sense or focus on what is not happening takes attention away from noticing and thriving on what is. Everyone is on a unique path to seeing and accepting their own greatness and innate genius. Each at his/her own pace.  

Q: Okay, I have the vision. How do to make it happen?

The what is the creative role of the mind and comes before the how. Ego thinks it controls the what, the how and when. Another voice echoes dream-making and dream-finding is an exercise in give and take between the heart- mind.  To assume separation has you think you must force things. Do you think you never do enough? That you are not enough? Just as you cannot force love to happen, you cannot force visions. Surrender guides you into the flow. Similarly, you do not really bake but allow it to rise based on right conditions and what is out of your control.

Q: So, I feel silly talking about my dream. It sounds crazy!  What do I do?

Who or what feels silly or crazy? The ego. Why? Ask yourself what threatens the ego. Focus on the heartfelt version of you that gets excited about the vision and does not doubt or fear. It knows all is said and done.  Keep adding detail to the vision. Where are you? What are you doing? How do people feel around you? Know and feel that its all real and happening. Write it down. Share your enthusiasm. It rubs off! Remember-watch your thoughts: you catch up with what you believe.  Watch your words: your reality emerges from all you express.  Observe your experience: are you living the dream or do your thoughts, beliefs and self-expression echo obstacles exist between you and dreams? What are you choosing to perpetuate: love and harmony in thought, word and action or, fear and disharmony?

Q: I feel purpose-driven. Not knowing my destiny worries me...

Purpose changes at different perceived life stages.  To create an ego identity, you adopt labels and life roles.  Ask yourself to grow aware of who these labels appease. Who holds expectations? Everything mirrors you. Language and behaviour reveal how you feel about yourself. You cannot escape the truth but you can hide for as long as you choose.

Q: Which emotions are safe to feel?

Self-love is reflected in the energy of excitment, belief in yourself, knowing that dreams are realized. Self-doubt, self-hate, self-loathing focus your vitality in self-defeating or self-sabotaging directions.  Although its valuable to recognize and feel all emotions, and explore triggers for the purpose of healing, where you focus attention shapes your experience.  Imagine what a simple change in self perception does. Destiny is not about what you do but who you are, and the degree you accept this in all you present to the world.

Q: When does a person stop seeking destiny?

You decide exactly when seeking stops.  When you stop focusing so much on job-seeking, the perfect opportunities mysteriously find you.  The right person, place or whatever you used to be looking for comes along or presents itself in unexpected ways.  This is about seeing yourself and realting or connecting to everything differently. Its a difference you feel.

Q: What can I do to be more authentic? 

Authenticity is about listening. When you are open to learning more about yourself and why you think and feel as you do, intuition grows louder. It is ever-present, but often overlooked or simply unheard.  Detecting vibes of the heart-mind allows you to notice more synchronicities.  Its up to you what to notice, how to feel and when to act. The flow does not give you the outcome the ego wants; it will not make things necessarily easy for you.  It does not give you what you want but what the soul needs to grow and blossom.

Q: What is intuition exactly? 

Intuition is the language of the Soul. Like any language, one can tune in, block out, forget, remember, learn or unlearn signs and symbols.  They are created and decoded by you.  Imagine yourself as a code-breaker, extraordinary detective, and also one or knows your life vision. You simply join the dots you choose to see. 


The Power of Love 

Love is described in many ways.  Often overlooked is that every instance you say, "I love ...anything" perpetuates illusions of separation. Humans are taught to fear the impersonal. This is why its common to be concerned with creating an identity, gathering labels, credentials and accumulating roles and experiences or stories to share.  People are taught to fear losing these ideas, and so, experience a tug-of-war within. Whenever discomfort arises, this is a gauge you are drifting or turning away from the truth felt in the heart. The power of love never stops vibrating through everything. Your body is simply a vehicle where you tune in or out of the flow of something bigger than you.

Watch what happens as you turn away from the personal, from desires and fears, from the thoughts and memories they create, the sense of linear time and space or familliar points of reference.  Hence the phrase, 'all roads lead to Rome'.  Home is not a place, but a feeling that is felt come what may. Being the witness allows the natural state to reveal itself beyond self-created illusions.  Every moment the Light has potentlal to illuminate itself.

Thus, it is said, whatever you do, happiness is. It is not dependent on experiences. Real love is without conditions.  Everything is actually love energy in motion.  What is perceived is shaped by mental filters until mental filters are recognized as they are and allowed to dissolve.

The true Power of Love is felt as everything is felt to have equal value.  That is, everyone you meet, every experience is created, orchestrated and/or destroyed by you for lessons.  Every revelation triggered, every thought and feeling, is the universe speaking to and through itself, in infinite diversity. 


5 harsh truths that shift your focus

Humans are taught the world is full of harsh expectations. Many people will tell you that you can do better with your job or relationships, be different than you are, act differently than you do, live somewhere more appealing, be somehow more fulfilled. This is all based in how we are conditioned to appease others rather than tune in and live our true nature. Movies and books reinforce whatever we are ready to see.

Ponder these 5 truths that help you shift your focus. In doing so, you discover that it is by shifting your perception that you transform how you feel about whatever you see;

1. The world does not reflect neediness.

All you see is not telling you people are needy, even if your work currently depends on creating or satisfying perceived needs. All you register and attract reflects how needy you are conditioned to feel. A material world functions by teaching people they are less than perfect or less than whole. You only act to continually improve or change yourself, acquire products, services or experiences to change this, when you think something is wrong or missing inside. Although people benefit from mentors at various stages, the key is to gain confidence to be your own guide or guru and accept all you see reflects how harmonious or not you feel within yourself.

2. Nothing and nobody ever really rejects you.

Life you encounter is simply mirror reflecting you only accept or reject yourself.  This tends to be a shocker. Imagine you project your self worth into another character on a holodeck. This is precisely what you are doing, even if Star Trek is not your thing. How you respond to all you encounter reveals how you feel about yourself. Loving or seeing a message of love in everything means no more emotional buttons exist inside to be pressed. Everything invites you to love yourself more, to be more compassionate and forgiving.

3. You are more than your skills.

This is not what society has you believe. It has you adopt labels, identify with them so they drive you nutty. In fact, you are far more than your job, adopted labels and skills, more than anything you think, more than the body, mind and emotions. You are actually a soul taking a human form for many reasons that reveal themselves when you are ready.  It takes courage to recognize and review how you define yourself so you can expand into new experiences that are suited to who you are right now.

4. Language is the root of conflict.

Notice words have cultural associations that often nurture and magnify fear and insecurity. If you use ancient forms of communication based on harmonics, you are an exception to the rule and in contrast, know the feeling of unity and centering through symbolic language. For the vast majority however, language is taught and adopted to perpetuate separation and dissonance. Remind yourself that nobody intimidates or makes you believe anything without your consent. Raising awareness of the nature of language empowers you like nothing else. Tuning into the subtleties of sound, frequency and geometry changes the nature of the game (how consciously or unconsciously you play).

4. The universe does not respond to your wishes.

Humans are widely taught the law of attraction is about attracting the life we desire. Everything is indeed about vibration and what you vibrate comes to you. But wishing for anything emits the vibrational message to the universe that you do not have it. Lack invites lack. What is seldom mentioned is that every moment, a higher version of you is creating what enters your scope of awareness. You only ever give yourself what you feel you deserve. The feelings themselves are the magnet and consistency is everything.

5. The world never changes.

It is common to want to change personal conditions and the world, to make environments healthier, fellow creatures safer, and Earth more peaceful. In truth, you only ever expand or limit your perception of what is always here. In all liklihood, you do not see things as they are, you see things as a reflection of how you view yourself. Your mental filters determine how you register energy and how it flows though you. It is always possible to allow filters to dissolve, to retrain the mind, and be the changes you wish to see. Change only happens in your own mind. Whether you think you can or cannot, you vibrate to prove it.


Soulful Expansion

Notice what happens as you reach a crossroads or cross a threshold of experience in your life.  A light switches on. One can be guided to live more authentically, by friends, coaches and/or mentors, to be more true to oneself. Yet each direct experience is your choice. Each option to expand perception, to stretch yourself to commit to living more fully, is up to you.

Imagine you are given new freedom to present yourself and share insights and capacities with the world based on how you feel divinely guided. What are you ready to do? What do you consciously create? Which visions are now unfolding?

We are excited to share we are joining the team as a regular contributor to Soul2Soul Radio.  Tune in to the weekly program for regular uplifting insights from all contributors.