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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in identity (28)


Revert to non-definition 

Alter your perception.  Recognize you conceal your true light.  Revert to non-definition.  Forget duality.  Detach from emotions.  Feel the energy and light of the heart.  Notice your points of reference and be willing to let them go.  Remember that clarity is a source that flows outward from you.  It is a process of letting go of all beliefs and personality, all illusions and constructs that create and perpetuate fear.

Awaken to the reasons why you are here, why you chose this Earthly assignment and unfolding experience. This underlies social constructs and mental barriers.  Realize you choose all labels you adopt and when you release them. Remember your innate connection to pure freedom and infinite life. As you know all is well, you align with yourself. No path is better than any other. All choices are equal. You resonate questions and answers. You feel your way back to the light. Revelations align. You resonate solutions, healing and clarity for yourself and others. You draw all situations to facilitate ongoing expansion.


Be that now

Every moment, you give birth to ideas.  Notice when you become what you ask for and when you do not.  Notice that the inner being part of you is already what you dream about and the physical you chooses to catch up and align, that is, live the dream or not.   How often are you asked who you are? what do you do? and what would you like to be? When do you feel your way into this process of becoming?  Know you are that now.  You are all the labels and identities you imagine whatever you choose to manifest into being.


Melt the perceived distance

In the course of awakening, it grows apparent that it is helpful to melt the perceived distance between how you would like to feel and how you choose to feel now.  Take a step back from emotion.  Recognize why you imagine the distance between ego mind and multi-facited reality you choose to create and experience. 

To define identity, ego creates a sense of distance between you and the external world.   On the inner level, the gap is pure illusion.  This is an invitation to reflect on reasons for being, to see through your own misperception.  As you begin to realize no gap exists between you and the external world, you clear the inner dialogue and open to expanding experience. Shift conscious intention.  Be wide awake.  Accept it all.


Rush no more

Many people rush through life as they are told the proverbial clock is ticking. Some people notice that acquiring experience and labels to define personal identity loses appeal, even grows meaningless. What happens as you begin to sense no self actually exists? How does it feel to begin to tame the mind?

Something inside echoes nothing has any inherent reality.  Nothing belittles what you have done so far.  The truth is not found through the lens of mind.  Seeking results merely blocks true mind from manifesting.  To reject or accept what arises in a scope of awareness is still action.  Silence and stillness reveal what is.


Go deeper

The deeper we explore our beliefs and the reasons why we nurture certain dreams, the more intimately we grow to know ourselves. Funny thing is, many people are consciously unaware how they relate to body and mind, and how they are deluded by the boundaries and ideas they conjure up.  When was the last time you looked at yourself naked and saw through some of your own misunderstandings?

The deeper we go, the more separation disappears. Notice whom you admire and for which reasons, perceived qualities, accomplishments, ways of thinking or being.  What if everything you notice in your scope is a mirror for something you are invited to learn about true self? What if the essence of being starts empty?

As you imagine you belong to no country, you have no religion, affiliation, or race, you sense the meaning of discarding all labels and descriptions of adopted identity.  What remains? How does the process serve you? This meaningful journey invites you to peel away layers of what is not you : Transform Your Life.