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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in identity (28)


Release pure brilliance

Notice you exist to radiate light, to release pure brilliance, to ignite creative force.  Everyone has innate gifts to share.

From the moment you recognize you are conditioned to perpetuate illusions of limitation, identity loses importance.  Let go of labels and all that you think defines you and absolute genius reveals itself. The truth is ever-present.

Allow yourself to expand on what you think you are. Pay attention to your feelings.  Let the soul be your pilot. Logic has no place here.   The more you trust, the more direct experience gives you reason to trust more fearlessly.


Who is playing this game?

As you shift attention to and from external events, what do you notice?  The inner judge arises.  Watch it comment and compare.  Beliefs and morals pipe in.  Listen to the voice that asks who is responsible for the events and the fragmented perception of them. Who is playing this game?

As you shift from noticing difference and conflict in the world to feeling unity, the mind is quiet.  Observe the traits of the human ego.  It appears arrogant and selfish.  As you shift from an ego focus to feeling guided by the heart, your behaviour naturally changes.   Soul knows everything is always pointing to who you truly are.  Discover that.  What stands in the way is the desire to be "me." To know the truth is to want nothing in return.  Life shines out of pure grace.

Consciousness is playing this game. The human being is a divine expression of consciousness yet does not control or possess it.  So long as your focus is on a separate or individual identity, you overlook the divine being within.  The living spirit shines inside each being.  You only appreciate those things you feel mirrored within yourself.  True nature is present. Its never quite the picture you see with human senses. So much more is revealing itself. Allow seeing. Feel the way.

Everything points to the God or Buddha within you.  Everything evolves and regresses on some levels.  As you allow yourself to see and feel more of the divine within you, the pictures change.  Travel inward and expand on the kaleidoscope.  Many forces are at work to sustain this illusion.  Be awake and flow with the movement of consciousness.  Be alive to the light of consciousness.


Build on the legacy

Whatever you do in life, do what you love. Sense your legacy.  How do you see it? For whom is this legacy really? People you know and/or do not know? What about yourself?

At different life stages, notice what happens to your priorities. Notice what you begin to recognize emerging in 'the purpose of it all.' Notice what you have an urge to do or share more consciously, what you wish to give back as a gift or gesture to leave the world a little better than as you found it.   Ponder some examples;

1) Pinpoint key moments and experiences. Notice what you view as defining factors of or influence on your drive, focus and love for your discipline, livlihood, people or series of career moves.  How does all this factor into the bigger picture?

2) Networks & Communities.  Notice your core motivation.  The focus on networking is this: What *I* can learn, what am *I* interested in, how can *I* increase *my* visibility and growth. Networking is generally *self*interested.

The focus on community is more selfless in nature. Together *we* co-create know-how, build bridges, orphanages, wells, hospitals, schools, animal shelters/ reserves, endowments, foundations, non-profits and other projects. The view is nobody is as effective or far-reaching as *all*.  Altruistic networks emerge.

3) Connect with the hero inside yourself.  Notice how it feels to be balanced and fully human,.  That is, appreciate each aspect of yourself asit  is and all the wisdom that arises through experience,  Notice what stands out in your current awareness, who or what compliments or enriches your existence.

4) Acknowledge what is burning inside you. This is a wake-up call. You are beginning a process that is like a deep form of soul-searching.  Take notice of who or what you are helping in your daily practice and what comes into your awareness to cature your attention. Do you have the inclination to give time, money, services or something else out of generosity? Who are you helping? Notice where and when you desire nothing in return.

5) Allow energy to flow and watch- see beyond the physical things and potential effort exerted to the energy that speaks through you.  Love and serve yourself and others.  This kind of legacy speaks through vibration, waves, nature and that which is beyond words.

Share your perspective on building on a legacy.  What does it mean at this stage of life? Is it something you do, are doing must do, cannot do or something else?


Recognize who you are

Come to your own recognition about who you are.  Do not listen to anything the mind comments about this.  Thoughts are created and perceived to invite you to notice who you are not.   Something watches thoughts. Do not focus on memory.  Even this is imagined.  Do not accept what you are told, what you read or believe.  Look deeper.

Something observes the gradual losing of the identity.  Notice what you are not losing importance and fading out of your scope of awareness.  Certain labels and self perceptions are irrelevant and disappear. You give up sports training and no longer view yourself as a competitive athlete. Everything is and yet your focus goes from general to specific and gradually to nothing.  You can say you are not what you do, not "X, Y, or Z" but what is left? Who can appear and see without you? Sense it in silence.

"We live at the threshold of a universal recognition that the human being is not mere matter, but a potent, energetic field of consciousness." - Michael Beckwith


The truth has many faces

What you see is only ever yourself in different forms. You love and accept everything equally or dislike and reject certain things that reveal you do not yet love yourself fully. Hearing this, you may notice degrees of acceptance or resistance and think you have unanswered questions. How does it feel to know you always find what you seek but do not always accept it?  Watch how what you are living transforms before the senses.  Notice the opportunities that emerge in your life.

Consider the truth has many faces.  At any moment, you see the version of the truth you desire.  Until you see through illusion, you do not see things as they are, you see things as you are. As you begin to notice you do not always act in your best interests, you may begin to focus on particular life questions.  The truth according to whom? The best interests according to whom?

Notice why you actually want something. Identify it. Why would you separate from that which you want or tell yourself that you must struggle to get it? If you think you lack anything, its because you forget that the identity you create and reinforce is not real. Notice experience changes as you shift focus of attention from doubt to certainty.  What underlies it all?

As you journey into the heart, you return to innocence. True self is forever present.  Separation from the ultimate truth of who you are is impossible.  Any restlessness or discomfort you feel is an illusion you create to pinch off from what never leaves you. This is another wake up call.

"Being part of the natural world reminds me that innocence isn't ever lost completely; we just need to maintain our goodness to regain it." -Jewel