The Power of Love

Love is described in many ways. Often overlooked is that every instance you say, "I love ...anything" perpetuates illusions of separation. Humans are taught to fear the impersonal. This is why its common to be concerned with creating an identity, gathering labels, credentials and accumulating roles and experiences or stories to share. People are taught to fear losing these ideas, and so, experience a tug-of-war within. Whenever discomfort arises, this is a gauge you are drifting or turning away from the truth felt in the heart. The power of love never stops vibrating through everything. Your body is simply a vehicle where you tune in or out of the flow of something bigger than you.
Watch what happens as you turn away from the personal, from desires and fears, from the thoughts and memories they create, the sense of linear time and space or familliar points of reference. Hence the phrase, 'all roads lead to Rome'. Home is not a place, but a feeling that is felt come what may. Being the witness allows the natural state to reveal itself beyond self-created illusions. Every moment the Light has potentlal to illuminate itself.
Thus, it is said, whatever you do, happiness is. It is not dependent on experiences. Real love is without conditions. Everything is actually love energy in motion. What is perceived is shaped by mental filters until mental filters are recognized as they are and allowed to dissolve.
The true Power of Love is felt as everything is felt to have equal value. That is, everyone you meet, every experience is created, orchestrated and/or destroyed by you for lessons. Every revelation triggered, every thought and feeling, is the universe speaking to and through itself, in infinite diversity.