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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in heart (91)


Walk the path

Every experience you choose is part of your journey.  Allow it.  Unfold it.  Savour it.  If you want to know something, walk the path knowing you create it with divine insight and love.  Tune in.  You connect with an ongoing energetic journey shared by all.  The wider you is choosing what is now.  See what happens as you journey deeper into yourself.  Notice patterns in your life.

Allow yourself to step back and recognize when you resist your life.  Notice if you judge, fight or attempt to solve any puzzle in your midst.  The path is all you.  Let go of destinations.  Experience what its like to be outside linear time.  Allow pressures and limitations to fall away. Release what you have been holding. Tune in to the resonance of your own being. The heart is always open. Use the energy to be on your own journey.

This is about mastery and sovereignty. No reason to worry about what is coming.  Its all you. Take what resonates, integrate it, explore feeling more wholeness, to know all is always well.  Explore what you choose. Keep the experience flowing. The nature of being is ever-changing and expanding freedom.  You bring together, bridge, all things.  Be willing to walk through the vessel of yourself.  Trust yourself and all that you are creating.  Its all a gift of love and wisdom.


Passion brings you here

When passion burns inside, the mind interprets this passion.  It comments on what you are doing. Notice how you come to this place.  Notice what you think you need to get to where you are.  Notice what you focus attention on, like your desire to be what you are not.   Notice thoughts come and go in your life.  Notice what is outgrown. Notice that fear is all that stands in the way of love and self-discovery. Notice what it is to feel satisfied, to be at peace.  Nobody looks at a map when here. Notice nothing stands in the way of the light of the open heart.  God is the omniscient one seeing. 


Emotion is simply a word

'Emotion' is simply a word like any other.    Notice whether you react or respond.    Living through the filters of the mind prompts conditioned reaction.  Heartfelt living triggers love, acceptance and appreciation.  Emotion is felt as a signal that travels through your entire being. To view emotions as a group is to recognize inputs and outputs of energy flow.  Imagine infinite inputs and outputs. The mind does not even begin to classify those which exist. Watch and allow emotion to operate. Energy is constantly flowing. Notice what happens as you begin to see and experience things as they are.


The secret of time 

Human life has a perceived time span.  It seems to fall between two moments in history. Notice how you live life based on the clock and schedules.  Notice at what stage time, as the mind knows it, begins to lose its hold on your focus of attention. Notice how the end always meets the beginning.

Time travel is not only possible, it is happening now.  Feel the vibration.  Notice what happens as the power of the imagination travels faster than the layer of perceived time in which events seem to unfold. From different layers of time,  information is retrieved and brought to your attention. This is not merely the role of seers and prophets.  Every being has this gift. The soul itself is the timeless oracle. Only the head and heart are grounded in perceived time. Enter inner time and access the field of abundance. Only the mind has you believe in secrets.  The heart is open and transparent.

The secret of time is that desires know none.  To be awareness is to experience the power of time travel, to move forward, backwards or in any direction and sense the playfulness. Whatever the wish, it is already realized in a future. Mastery reveals you can travel there and bring it to this moment.  The only time that exists is imagined into being by humans.  You stop your own clock.


Feel completely connected

Everything is speaking to you in its own language.  Notice where you listen with the mind or the heart to people, situations and other things you perceive in your life.  When you judge something as good or bad, this is the mind.  When you see blessings, this is the heart. Notice when you feel connected to or disconnected to the heart.  Love is what you are made of. 

The human part of you thinks listening is based on words.  In the mind, the act of listening is an interpretation of words and their meanings. The mind agrees or disagrees with what is perceived.  (i.e., I like what is happening or I do not like it) When mind agrees, it simply confirms its existing beliefs  It cannot  see beyond self-created limitation.  When the mind disagrees, you are blocked.  You are not really hearing.  The moment you apply rules to something or judge it, you are not listening.  You close off or shut out what is being conveyed.

The essence of being is the heart or core of you. Heartfelt listening recognizes everything has a vibration, a message. To listen with the heart is to be completely open. You see every perception points to a deeper message. This is how awakening happens. It is about sensing the way to who you are. The truth is felt. The more you see a message of love, the more you lose yourself and the more you are one with it.  Whatever you can see, experience and allow, you are that.

If you are not listening fully, that is, if you are feeling bad, anxious judging it as good or bad, you are invited to recognize deeper meaning to imbalance. Watch what happens as you ask the heart for insight.  It is always truthful.  You always feel at ease or at peace when the self is absent, when you are not self-conscious. Notice joy flows freely.  When you are enjoying life, watch what happens when someone asks you what you are feeling. Self comes into the picture and the priceless sensation is gone from view.

Notice when you are happy, you feel complete and connected and have no urge to ask questions. There is no need to fix, change or do anything.  Connection is not something you do. Connection is ever present  Emotions are a gauge that help you realize when you feel disconnected from the core.