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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in shutters of mind (1)


Notice the shutters are open

Notice the shutters of the mind are open except when you imagine they exist.  Allow yourself to trust more fully what you do not understand.  Be silent.  Feel what is resonating in the heart.  

Part of you may ask how you can open the shutters of the mind faster, wider, more efficiently.  The heart knows that nothing can be done and nothing really matters. Simply be. Do not try to surrender for surrender happens with out you. You may think its a good idea to be more loving, compassionate, kind and tolerant. Yet, from the moment you stop exerting effort, who you are flows naturally.  Every moment as fresh and new. Every person is worthy, lovable, acceptable, embraceable.  Every situation is perfect. All mirrored opposites are accepted and integrated.  The nature of the game is rising to a whole new level.  You are the creator of this game of life.