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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Notice the shutters are open

Notice the shutters of the mind are open except when you imagine they exist.  Allow yourself to trust more fully what you do not understand.  Be silent.  Feel what is resonating in the heart.  

Part of you may ask how you can open the shutters of the mind faster, wider, more efficiently.  The heart knows that nothing can be done and nothing really matters. Simply be. Do not try to surrender for surrender happens with out you. You may think its a good idea to be more loving, compassionate, kind and tolerant. Yet, from the moment you stop exerting effort, who you are flows naturally.  Every moment as fresh and new. Every person is worthy, lovable, acceptable, embraceable.  Every situation is perfect. All mirrored opposites are accepted and integrated.  The nature of the game is rising to a whole new level.  You are the creator of this game of life.

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Reader Comments (2)

One shutters to block off excitement. Soon one is blinded by the light that wants to get in for ongoing exposure. So one can say that the mere act of buying into shutters, curtains, or blinds is to shut out the world. One then regulates often based on time when they are available to open that which can never close. Then one may ask why have windows in the first place. Is it a reminder that we have closed ourselves off to the world around us by living in an artificial house. Does one get cabin fever or mental unease when they don't open the windows every now and again for spring cleaning and fresh air? Does one then live in a shell of a house because they fear what may be lurking outside their doors.

The mind has become the unconscious home for the unsettled. For many, there is always something on the mind or in the cluttered house that they can only identify with while being in the mind. Light and unprocessed feelings are circling round and round in the toilet basin which is the mind until it is flushed into the sink whole of the heart. The shutters then are drawn because there is already too much on the mind or the crapper that they can handle. Any more light and they may want to explode and then the septic system will be focused on.

The solution then is to flush all the items of what you call home down the toilet one by one in a conscious manner. Also, use the fire place to burn all the notes you have taken for which one has refused to make a song from. Take an inventory to reinvent what has meaning and what does not. Soon the house will have emptied and the slate of the mind cleared. The final act or curtain to be drawn is to flush the house or the mind down the toilet to discover a greater home that is never sheltered or ever shutters to ever even think about over-consumption.
May 30, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSmudge
Smudge, the life you know takes shape through observation with beliefs as reference points. Notice basic notions that influence common sense or what pop culture thinks life is about. Such ideas are built into language, imagery and all things we use to make sense of the world. This aside, notice how pop culture imposes its will and how you allow your feelings to speak beyond models. Notice who is the potter, carpenter and architect of your universe. Notice how you chisel away on stone based on an orientation to the universe. Watch what emerges

View life as a zebra; notice some people see black on white, other people see white on black, and still other people see beyond basic light an dark. Whatever you see are shades of the same. Similarly, some people focus life on survival as they fear death and the pain they imagine comes with it. Ponder the idea of a single birth, death as a flash and then nothing. It cannot happen. All stopping implies starting. We have not parted because we have yet to meet. The going out of existence implies arising again. You cannot have nothing without something. Much like the zebra analogy, seeing light and darkness is about changing state of mind, seeing wholeness beyond fragmentation. As colours merge, cooperate with ecstasy. When sensations have no meaning, you cannot do or not do. Surrender simply kicks in.
May 30, 2013 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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