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Entries in healing (39)


How Writing Helped Heal My Divorce

Grace Carter is a woman who has found courage and new life direction as the result of facing marital challenges. As she worked through this adversity, she found energy to realize a dream that she refused to give up.  I am pleased to share her guest post here: 

Going through a divorce is one of the most painful things you can do. Trust me, I've been through it. As awful as it is though, it's possible to come through the other side and still be happy. Here's how I rediscovered writing, and how it's helped me survive and rebuild my life after my divorce.

Rediscovering old hobbies

When I was married, it was hard to find time for the hobbies that used to make me happy. I was an adult, and I had other obligations, such as childcare, and keeping the house while my husband was at work. I spent time with my husband, which was great at first. Hobbies had to take the back burner for now.

When I was married, I would try and take up writing as I had done when I was a teenager. My husband was never supportive though, seeing it as a waste of time. In the end, I hung up my pen for good.

When we separated, though, I rediscovered writing. At first, it was at the suggestion of a friend that I keep my thoughts in a journal. It was cathartic to lay all my thoughts bare in a book where no one else would see them. However, writing started taking over my life.

Writing as a career

When I was married, I was the homemaker while my husband worked. Now I was on my own though, I needed to make ends meet. I wondered if I could write for a living. What with the internet, there had to be a way, right?

After some searching, I came across various freelancing sites like UpWork, Essayroo and Boomessays. I did a little work at first, feeling my way around and working out what I was doing. Soon though, I had a decent sized client base and work coming my way every day.

This was brilliant for me. I could work from home, as all I needed was a laptop and an internet connection. As a busy mother, I could still take care of my children while I was making money. As well as this, I was using my long buried hobby to actually make money. I felt free for the first time since before I'd been married. I was providing for myself, and it felt amazing.

Moving on

After a while, I thought about branching out as a writer. I thought, 'Why don't I write the book I've always wanted to write?' I started writing a novel and soon it took over everything. The book wanted to be written, and I spent every spare moment I had with it.

Writing the book was amazing, but I did run into one problem while I was tapping away. As I wrote, I drew inspiration from all the other books I'd loved as a teenager. When I was finished, I published my book as an ebook. It felt great until I had an email from a lawyer, warning me that my book had plagiarised parts of one of my favourite novels.

It turns out that I'd veered too close to plagiarism by using that book as inspiration. I could have avoided this by using a plagiarism detection tool like Ukwritings, or a citation resource such as AustralianHelp.

Apart from that small hiccup though, writing really helped me survive my divorce. I found out who I was again, and was able to provide for myself. There was no better feeling than being able to do that. I strongly recommend you try writing yourself, even if it's just in a private journal.

Author bio:

Grace Carter is an editor at Big Assignments and EliteAssignmentHelp, writing websites. She works with team of writers and is involved in communications department.  Also, Grace tutors at Academized academic service.  She can be reached here:






4 Self-created myths & Tips to shatter them

This is the perfect moment to step back and view your perceptions with new eyes.  Reflect on four self-created myths and tips to shatter them:

Myth #1:  Fear exists and must be overcome

The very belief in fear creates insecurity and holds you back from doing and being what comes naturally. Making fear-based decisions or running away from fear is action and keeps you from living your best life now.

Tip #1: Watch what happens as whatever evokes fear is viewed as an invitation to prove to yourself that fear is unfounded. (This assumes you know the difference between imagined fear and putting yourself in harm's way)  

Myth #2:  Material life and spiritual life are separate

All perceived separation is illusion. The idea of a choice between spiritual and material life is but an example. HUman beings exist on Earth to grow and develop spiritually.  Yet, being spiritual does not require abandoning , everyday life and relationships.   Growth involves applying spiritual or universal principles to daily life. In the seemingly mundane is the key to understanding the profound questions of Soul.

Tip #2: Making choices is about hesitating to make decisions.  Being spontaneous and acting intuitively is seeing nothing to reconcile or no separation. This is about recalling what it is to be in the flow.

Myth #3: Disconnection alienates people

Any disconnection you feel from people or situations is simply a mirror of disconnection you feel from yourself. Similarly, any grief you feel about apparent loss is not about the perceived other but about forgetting innate wholeness which can never be taken away. 

Tip#3: Recall everything is love and love knows no separation. Explore the messages that your material life brings you. Allow feeling pointers to love and blessings. This is a gentle reminder of why you choose to be here.

Myth #4:  Money is lacking

Another view is money is a form of energy exchange, a social convenience which only takes on the meaning and importance you give it. Ask why you allow yourself to feel you are not enough, less than or lacking in some way.  Reflect on when you feel desperate for money to manifest certain things, which emotional buttons are triggered and what unconscious issues this points to for healing.  

Tip #4: Seeing everything in terms of energy flow allows shifting from a vibration of scarcity to abundance. How you view and interact with money is siply a reflection of how much you love yourself or deny self-love.


10 ways sacred geometry empowers you

Sacred Geometry is not only the language of Creation but also an ancient healing tool that works on may levels. Everything is sacred yet humans are taught to forget this and create illusions that evoke imbalance instead. The platonic solids underly everything you think is real.  Each one emits a sound and even the combined symbols are part of your core being.  Coming to recognize them is easier than you think.

Feeling drawn to shapes like never before? The geometry taught in school are actually pointers to the reason why you are affected emotionally or not by what unfolds in your life.  That urge to learn more may prompt you to request a sacred geometry coaching session. Consider ten ways you can feel empowered by exploring the energy of sacred geometry:

(1) Grow more intimate with Spirit (your true self)

(2) Recall your divine (soul-level) nature 

(3) Open yourself to manifest more consciously

(4) Come to view everything as synchronicity

(5) Tap into innate courage & self-confidence

(6) Access deeper connection to the Higher Self

(7) Attract more meaningful relationships

(8) See underlying reasons about what is unfolding for you

(9) Favor high-vibrational foods like fruits, veggies & protein

(10) Strengthen and enhance your immune system


Interview with Dario Da Ponte

Steven L. Hairfield, Jeoff Hutcherson and I co-host a regular Aware Talk Radio show. Dario Da Ponte is a repeat guest. Listener interest in his presence and healing abilities inspire me to interview him here. It is a privilege and pleasure.

Appreciate the opportunity to reconnect and share your insight with a wider audience. Thanks Dario for putting yourself 'out there' and reminding us that what we seek is always accessible and closer than we think. So let's get right to it:

Different kinds of healers exist. Please share with our readers how you came to be aware of inner healing abilities and why you use this to empower others.

My personal empowerment journey began when I was 16 years old. My mother gave me The Silva Mind Control book and I was captivated by the possibility that we have infinite potential. For whatever reason, this struck a very deep cord with me. I remember wanting everyone to read the book and learn how to tap into their personal power to create whatever they wanted. It’s just something the seems to run in my blood. I stumbled on these healing skills really on my own journey to heal myself on an emotional level.

It's interesting what your state of mind viewed as 'stumbling on' or 'a random experience' deeper awareness arises to reveal as cosmic synchronicity or awakening with perfect timing. Many people relate to key life turning points.

As for me, I was going through a really challenging moment in my life and fell into a depression. Even though I had many skills to overcome fear and inner limitations, I wasn’t getting anywhere significant with the depression –then  one day lying in bed something inside me told me to go deeper and meet the depression much deeper inside. When I did that, a huge surge of energy poured into my body and cleared away my depression in a couple of minutes. To make a long story short I later put two and two together and realized how to reproduce that phenomenon any time I wanted for myself. I later realized that this energy could be used to heal others, so I started practicing on my family and friends and later on clients.

One message that stands out is that nobody is alone in having wake-up calls or revelations.  Personal stories about depression are also common. Now, when did you begin to see everything as energy?  In other words, what triggered this knowing inside you or letting go of the resistance that blocked it?

This is a great question. When I realized that I could shift someone out of their traumas and limitations, it was one the most exhilarating realization of my life. To finally be able to move things just with your mind is something I think we all dream about at one moment in our lives. When I  learned that everything is energy and that thoughts are energy that can have an effect on someone 10,000 miles away and literally change their entire lives – life completely changes.

As you say, direct experience is indeed life-altering. It's possible for everyone to recognize a shift in perspective that allows deeper knowing to reveal itself. In your view, how can people benefit from being open to energy in ways they do not yet experience consciously?

More importantly than to realize that everything is energy, behind the energy there is consciousness.  That seems to create this energy that everything is made out of and it seems to create it out of a void. When we become the witness to what is happening, when we enter into being conscious rather than thinking with our rational minds, we are movers and shakers of reality much more so than when you are not aware of this miracle. It think people would love to believe this about themselves but they have not had the experience, or least they are not conscious that they are magical creative beings. Everyone can do this work because we are all conscious beings and it is consciousness that creates. We are coming around as a whole to come to really understand this. There’s always hope.

Love your attention to distance healing. Some people are unfamiliar with the nature and potential its power. Of course, direct experience speaks for itself. But from your healing role, how is this possible and what can block it?

We are one conscious mind having billions of different experiences. We are  each a piece of the whole, which is a hologram. That means that we have the whole within us. All we need to do is to focus and the effect is created in another individual. There is no sending energy across the globe. In this realm there is no time and space. There is no space really at the core. Quantum science understands this very clearly. They call it entanglement. Some people think that the healer needs to believe in order for this to work. Not true. As a matter of fact, this is why people go to a healer as a last hope and often don’t believe it will work, but they still go because there’s no other option and it works anyway.

Beliefs can then be surprising motivators for healing. What is the most common reason clients approach you?

The most common reason  is a person’s inability to create the shifts and transformations within themselves that they would like. They want to have more confidence, feel free to be who they know they can be but because the resistance  of their inner conflicts are so strong they need help clearing them.  The other issues are physical issues, followed by addictions.

You certainly deal with a variety of situations. Clients as well as visitors here can come to value their own versatility. What advice would you give to people to be more attuned to their own energy?

Being more attuned to energy vibrations is essential to putting your inner power to use for personal growth and empowerment. It is actually very simple. All one needs to do is get into a receptive state, pay attention and be conscious of your sense of feeling within your body. This is how we learn to use more of our brain. When we feel with our bodies we are using our power. Feeling is power. Feeling is a creative force. There are many different skills one can learn which I teach people, but it is about being sensitive to the vibrations we create with our thoughts. This is a very easy skill to learn. Bottom line is first and foremost is to be open with your whole body. Once you practice that, your sensitivity will build. It’s actually something very grounded in our bodies and not some woo woo thing. It’s about learning to control the parasympathetic nervous system by holding a state of calm and receptivity.

Readers appreciate your focus on simplicity.  Now, what does it mean for a person to meet feelings of emptiness?

That just means to be conscious of it. The best way to be conscious is to create a gap between you and the feeling of emptiness. Sort of like being a fly on the wall and watching. Just watching without any judgment, without being for or against the emptiness – by being the witness we can meet our feelings and not get entangled in them. This simple act will empty our emptiness and give our real self a space to be.

From your work as a healer, what would you say is the greatest block to natural healing or core well-being? And what remedy would you suggest for people concerned to remove it?

It think that it all boils down to learning how to be conscious. We have never been taught this simple concept and the power it has to help us live a well balanced life. The only thing we must remove is ignorance. These things should be taught in school. Take time every day to be conscious. Just be still. If you want –here  is a cool little way to do that. Pretend you have turned into a statue. Let your body freeze or turn into stone. Do it for just 3 minutes and you will be amazed how deeply this process activates consciousness. When you do this you have no choice basically but to be conscious because your body is frozen. Just play with these type of exercises and they will carry over into more well being in those testing times. But play with this type of practice. That’s the most important thing.

As you imply here, individual awakening to the nature of the dream is done on different levels. Please offer an example of a client and how you guide them to trust themselves more.  What shifted in his life on different levels?

One that always comes to mind is an individual I helped with BDD (body dysmorphic disorder). People who suffer from this condition see themselves completely distorted when they look in the mirror. They usually feel just as bad as they see themselves. Most are aware that they have a mental disorder that shows them something that is not really there, yet they still suffer tremendously. My client basically saw a hideous monster when he looked in the mirror and I was able to help shift the image in the mirror so that he no longer saw the distorted image. This completely shifted his life around and was able to have a romantic relationship again, start to work and in general just feel comfortable in his own skin again–something he hadn’t felt for over 20 years.

How do you see the evolution of distance healing and the other healing modalities you currently do? (within yourself and in the world more generally)

There is a huge energy healing movement going on now and I think it will just continue to grow. There is no question in my mind. I see –I envision more and more everyday people having the basic know how to use the power of their minds to create shifts within themselves and others. That’s what I am working towards, myself to help that happen.

What are the three most profound lessons (and/or experiences) that have shifted your energy, focus or perspective?

#1 – that consciousness is everything. I experience this everyday and have had many shamanic experience that have showed me that there is only consciousness.

#2 –that we are creative beings, when we observe, the very act of observing causes an effect. This has proven to me that we have god-like powers. And we are just now barely scratching the surface. It’s how I perform the healings, with conscious awareness and intent. Just notice what is and observe it and it transforms.

#3 –my own awareness and intentions have healed and transformed me so deeply that I now so full of hope for the future of humanity. I have experienced how relatively easy it can be and yet how powerfully  moving our awareness and intentions are. This work keeps evolving and recently I have felt  that I am now working on a much deeper level –at the level of our DNA. This happened just by moving my awareness around and the results have been amazing. This saves me twice the energy and I am getting much better  results. It has also shown me that our evolution could become so much quicker that I have imagined.

This discussion offers much for reflection and also invites letting go of what is outgrown. What final message would you like to leave our visitors?

That we are just one consciousness, one being and that we should consider that deeply in our lives, our work, within our family and friends, and with mother earth. Take responsibility for the results in your life and face your life with conscious awareness, open your heart to the challenges in your life so that you can awaken the truth your life challenges are seeded with. It  will only be uncomfortable for a moment and the pay off will be forever.

How can people contact you? Please share details of courses, products and services you offer for consideration.

They can contact me via my website at Visit my this site to find out more about this work, sign up for the newsletter and receive several free healing audios. I also teach a healing course every three months, for those interested visit the website. I am also doing DNA activations, which will activate your potential. I basically do whatever the persons wants to activate within themselves, any inner power, love,  confidence, more intelligence, aligning with their purpose. Anything can be activated and really, we are filled with potential, we just need to check in and ask what wants to manifest through me.

It is a joy to connect with you Dario and to feel how you genuinely exist to invite others to rediscover who they are. Your presence on Aware Talk Radio is welcome. Until we reconnect, in Lak-ech.

Thank you Liara for this interview.


Appreciation, gratitude & balance

When you appreciate, you recognize the nature of unconditional love and how allowing yourself to feel that increases the intangible value of an experience.  Appreciation is like the absence of doubt, fear, negativity, and all those things that have no relevance to the energy you are vibrating when you feel good.  Consider thoughts of fear do not cross the mind when your focus of attention is on the frequency of love.  You may sense selective awareness, as if the lens of love only sees mesages of love.  As you find the silver lining, see something good in others or in every situation, you appreciate or, make the most of where you are.  You know resistance cannot emerge in allowing.

Gratitude resonates a slightly different energy.  Gratitude is a feeling that emerges as part of the process of sensing accomplishment, like after you overcome an obstacle.  It is then you feel grateful to be where you are after hard work or struggle.  You may feel grateful to be alive after surviving an accident or health issue.  In this way, choosing to feel grateful brings balance.  It brings you from a state of fear back to the inner knowing of the love that is.  A spark of doubt still resides within you about the possibility of having to endure pain and suffering again.  You recall what unwavering acceptance feels like by feeling gratitude, but do not dwell there every moment. You falter slightly.

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