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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in Steven L. Hairfield (2)


Interview with Dario Da Ponte

Steven L. Hairfield, Jeoff Hutcherson and I co-host a regular Aware Talk Radio show. Dario Da Ponte is a repeat guest. Listener interest in his presence and healing abilities inspire me to interview him here. It is a privilege and pleasure.

Appreciate the opportunity to reconnect and share your insight with a wider audience. Thanks Dario for putting yourself 'out there' and reminding us that what we seek is always accessible and closer than we think. So let's get right to it:

Different kinds of healers exist. Please share with our readers how you came to be aware of inner healing abilities and why you use this to empower others.

My personal empowerment journey began when I was 16 years old. My mother gave me The Silva Mind Control book and I was captivated by the possibility that we have infinite potential. For whatever reason, this struck a very deep cord with me. I remember wanting everyone to read the book and learn how to tap into their personal power to create whatever they wanted. It’s just something the seems to run in my blood. I stumbled on these healing skills really on my own journey to heal myself on an emotional level.

It's interesting what your state of mind viewed as 'stumbling on' or 'a random experience' deeper awareness arises to reveal as cosmic synchronicity or awakening with perfect timing. Many people relate to key life turning points.

As for me, I was going through a really challenging moment in my life and fell into a depression. Even though I had many skills to overcome fear and inner limitations, I wasn’t getting anywhere significant with the depression –then  one day lying in bed something inside me told me to go deeper and meet the depression much deeper inside. When I did that, a huge surge of energy poured into my body and cleared away my depression in a couple of minutes. To make a long story short I later put two and two together and realized how to reproduce that phenomenon any time I wanted for myself. I later realized that this energy could be used to heal others, so I started practicing on my family and friends and later on clients.

One message that stands out is that nobody is alone in having wake-up calls or revelations.  Personal stories about depression are also common. Now, when did you begin to see everything as energy?  In other words, what triggered this knowing inside you or letting go of the resistance that blocked it?

This is a great question. When I realized that I could shift someone out of their traumas and limitations, it was one the most exhilarating realization of my life. To finally be able to move things just with your mind is something I think we all dream about at one moment in our lives. When I  learned that everything is energy and that thoughts are energy that can have an effect on someone 10,000 miles away and literally change their entire lives – life completely changes.

As you say, direct experience is indeed life-altering. It's possible for everyone to recognize a shift in perspective that allows deeper knowing to reveal itself. In your view, how can people benefit from being open to energy in ways they do not yet experience consciously?

More importantly than to realize that everything is energy, behind the energy there is consciousness.  That seems to create this energy that everything is made out of and it seems to create it out of a void. When we become the witness to what is happening, when we enter into being conscious rather than thinking with our rational minds, we are movers and shakers of reality much more so than when you are not aware of this miracle. It think people would love to believe this about themselves but they have not had the experience, or least they are not conscious that they are magical creative beings. Everyone can do this work because we are all conscious beings and it is consciousness that creates. We are coming around as a whole to come to really understand this. There’s always hope.

Love your attention to distance healing. Some people are unfamiliar with the nature and potential its power. Of course, direct experience speaks for itself. But from your healing role, how is this possible and what can block it?

We are one conscious mind having billions of different experiences. We are  each a piece of the whole, which is a hologram. That means that we have the whole within us. All we need to do is to focus and the effect is created in another individual. There is no sending energy across the globe. In this realm there is no time and space. There is no space really at the core. Quantum science understands this very clearly. They call it entanglement. Some people think that the healer needs to believe in order for this to work. Not true. As a matter of fact, this is why people go to a healer as a last hope and often don’t believe it will work, but they still go because there’s no other option and it works anyway.

Beliefs can then be surprising motivators for healing. What is the most common reason clients approach you?

The most common reason  is a person’s inability to create the shifts and transformations within themselves that they would like. They want to have more confidence, feel free to be who they know they can be but because the resistance  of their inner conflicts are so strong they need help clearing them.  The other issues are physical issues, followed by addictions.

You certainly deal with a variety of situations. Clients as well as visitors here can come to value their own versatility. What advice would you give to people to be more attuned to their own energy?

Being more attuned to energy vibrations is essential to putting your inner power to use for personal growth and empowerment. It is actually very simple. All one needs to do is get into a receptive state, pay attention and be conscious of your sense of feeling within your body. This is how we learn to use more of our brain. When we feel with our bodies we are using our power. Feeling is power. Feeling is a creative force. There are many different skills one can learn which I teach people, but it is about being sensitive to the vibrations we create with our thoughts. This is a very easy skill to learn. Bottom line is first and foremost is to be open with your whole body. Once you practice that, your sensitivity will build. It’s actually something very grounded in our bodies and not some woo woo thing. It’s about learning to control the parasympathetic nervous system by holding a state of calm and receptivity.

Readers appreciate your focus on simplicity.  Now, what does it mean for a person to meet feelings of emptiness?

That just means to be conscious of it. The best way to be conscious is to create a gap between you and the feeling of emptiness. Sort of like being a fly on the wall and watching. Just watching without any judgment, without being for or against the emptiness – by being the witness we can meet our feelings and not get entangled in them. This simple act will empty our emptiness and give our real self a space to be.

From your work as a healer, what would you say is the greatest block to natural healing or core well-being? And what remedy would you suggest for people concerned to remove it?

It think that it all boils down to learning how to be conscious. We have never been taught this simple concept and the power it has to help us live a well balanced life. The only thing we must remove is ignorance. These things should be taught in school. Take time every day to be conscious. Just be still. If you want –here  is a cool little way to do that. Pretend you have turned into a statue. Let your body freeze or turn into stone. Do it for just 3 minutes and you will be amazed how deeply this process activates consciousness. When you do this you have no choice basically but to be conscious because your body is frozen. Just play with these type of exercises and they will carry over into more well being in those testing times. But play with this type of practice. That’s the most important thing.

As you imply here, individual awakening to the nature of the dream is done on different levels. Please offer an example of a client and how you guide them to trust themselves more.  What shifted in his life on different levels?

One that always comes to mind is an individual I helped with BDD (body dysmorphic disorder). People who suffer from this condition see themselves completely distorted when they look in the mirror. They usually feel just as bad as they see themselves. Most are aware that they have a mental disorder that shows them something that is not really there, yet they still suffer tremendously. My client basically saw a hideous monster when he looked in the mirror and I was able to help shift the image in the mirror so that he no longer saw the distorted image. This completely shifted his life around and was able to have a romantic relationship again, start to work and in general just feel comfortable in his own skin again–something he hadn’t felt for over 20 years.

How do you see the evolution of distance healing and the other healing modalities you currently do? (within yourself and in the world more generally)

There is a huge energy healing movement going on now and I think it will just continue to grow. There is no question in my mind. I see –I envision more and more everyday people having the basic know how to use the power of their minds to create shifts within themselves and others. That’s what I am working towards, myself to help that happen.

What are the three most profound lessons (and/or experiences) that have shifted your energy, focus or perspective?

#1 – that consciousness is everything. I experience this everyday and have had many shamanic experience that have showed me that there is only consciousness.

#2 –that we are creative beings, when we observe, the very act of observing causes an effect. This has proven to me that we have god-like powers. And we are just now barely scratching the surface. It’s how I perform the healings, with conscious awareness and intent. Just notice what is and observe it and it transforms.

#3 –my own awareness and intentions have healed and transformed me so deeply that I now so full of hope for the future of humanity. I have experienced how relatively easy it can be and yet how powerfully  moving our awareness and intentions are. This work keeps evolving and recently I have felt  that I am now working on a much deeper level –at the level of our DNA. This happened just by moving my awareness around and the results have been amazing. This saves me twice the energy and I am getting much better  results. It has also shown me that our evolution could become so much quicker that I have imagined.

This discussion offers much for reflection and also invites letting go of what is outgrown. What final message would you like to leave our visitors?

That we are just one consciousness, one being and that we should consider that deeply in our lives, our work, within our family and friends, and with mother earth. Take responsibility for the results in your life and face your life with conscious awareness, open your heart to the challenges in your life so that you can awaken the truth your life challenges are seeded with. It  will only be uncomfortable for a moment and the pay off will be forever.

How can people contact you? Please share details of courses, products and services you offer for consideration.

They can contact me via my website at Visit my this site to find out more about this work, sign up for the newsletter and receive several free healing audios. I also teach a healing course every three months, for those interested visit the website. I am also doing DNA activations, which will activate your potential. I basically do whatever the persons wants to activate within themselves, any inner power, love,  confidence, more intelligence, aligning with their purpose. Anything can be activated and really, we are filled with potential, we just need to check in and ask what wants to manifest through me.

It is a joy to connect with you Dario and to feel how you genuinely exist to invite others to rediscover who they are. Your presence on Aware Talk Radio is welcome. Until we reconnect, in Lak-ech.

Thank you Liara for this interview.


Interview with Randolph Rogers

In early July 2011, Steven L. Hairfield and I interviewed Randolph Rogers on our Aware Talk Radio show.

Ever sense that you encounter others in your life to reflect back some deeper insight that you are already conveying to and through yourself? What if the nature of your own openness determines what the universe reveals?

The enthusiastic response to the show means we are going to have Randy back as a guest again. The intriguing nature of Randy’s book, The Key of Life: A Metaphysical Investigation inspires me to interview him here. I offer the exchange for your consideration.  Notice feelings or timeless inner knowing is triggered inside of you.

Many people switch careers and even have “life-changing” experiences, yet all do not write books. Why share this personal detective story, and why now?

My story begins with an old friend from grade school, Kathy Lynch, reaching out to contact me from beyond this physical plane of existence. As I began a search to find what had become of Kathy it became apparent that I had to document everything.  This came partially from my previous 20 years as a photojournalist, having to keep notes and records of everything, and was also heavily driven by Kathy asking me not to forget her and to tell all her friends what had happened with her.  I knew there was no better way to remember Kathy than to write a book telling her story.

It would help readers who are unfamiliar with your life experience if you would describe the turning point that triggered your awakening (shifted your focus of attention from the physical world to non-physical states of being).

The real turning point in my life came on the evening of July 5th, 1996 when Kathy reached out to me in my dreams and then in the out-of-body experience (OBE) that followed immediately after I returned to my bed.  I knew after that evening, things were never going to be the same with me again.  I brought my secret search for her out into the open and from there it became a full on investigation.  The events that occurred that evening opened my eyes to an entirely new way of looking at life and especially shed any fears I may have had of dying.  Feeling her spirit with my that night was something that I'll never forget.

People who are sceptical about OBEs do not recognize the nature of their own fear and self-doubt. What insight about moving from ‘believing to knowing’ could you share to empower others to be open to expand their perspective?

Belief is a word I never like to use. The word places you in the psychological state of holding a proposition or premise to be true without the knowledge that it is true. Growing up in a Catholic family, I am all too aware of how the church used that word to bend your thoughts into their way of thinking. The nuns used that word day in and day out to imbed a myriad of church doctrines, none of which had the slightest proof of truth behind it. In the earliest days the church condemned Galileo for promoting the idea of the Earth revolving around the Sun.  His knowledge was in direct opposition to their belief.  You see from that example what will always win out. 

I love Galileo and the nature of love and fear he invites each of us to recognize within.  One of his timeless quotes is: "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."  This seems to ask each person to feel his way to the truth, whatever that means. Is that your point?

My point is that working as a journalist, I put things into two categories, it was either the truth or not the truth.  I had no use for a belief system. Following a belief was a dangerous proposition. If you always search for the truth you will never be disappointed. The place to begin that search is in the details of your own life.

Some people also say, 'expect the unexpected and never be disappointed.' The dreaming of the world is seen as meaningful and meaningless. How do you sense the truth in different layers of dreams?

The dream world holds many truths within it.  The biggest problem we have is sorting through the tangled images upon awakening [from night dreams]. 

What do you notice about the evolution of your dreams, in other words, how you sense what is valuable and real [in this moment]?

During my own journey, I found that keeping a good dream journal is imperative. It helps to log important events so a clear pattern can be interpreted and recognized quicker.  If you are awakened in the middle of a dream that helps to bring back real information that will prove more accurate than sorting through a mix of events that combine images from past waking moments.  In the end it is hard to tell which elements are important but I've found that the truth will easily reveal itself when you document everything.

Many people can appreciate conditioning limits their views on situations and prevents them from seeing clearly. Stepping back and writing certainly invite deeper recognition of symbolism behind thoughts and feelings.  This said, what, in your view, is the best way to honour the deceased?

I feel the best way to honor those who have passed is by celebrating their life and keeping their memories alive in stories about them. I know with my own father and mother now on the other side, I find myself always speaking to my son about my life with them. He was with me during my own mother's last days in hospice and has a good understanding that it was not her end but merely her transition onto another plane of existence. She spent all that time with us sharing stories about her life as a young girl and all the fun she had experiencing it.

Your current focus of guiding people through and teaching about past life regression hypnosis reveals a particular perspective on the immortal soul. How would you suggest a person who fears death explore his beliefs and see his resistance for what it is?

I know that in my own experiences of helping people to view their own past lives and then connect with their spirit guide in higher self, they all come away with a more complete understanding of who they really are, not the person they see in the mirror every morning, but the true spirit that is driving that character.  Understanding that imbeds you with the knowledge, hence the truth, that we never die. We are indestructible spirits that live on forever.

Some people sense experiences unfold with outcomes in different worlds or dimensions.  How is your understanding/ perception of time and space shifting?

My knowledge of time and space is only perceived on this dimension.  Outside of here there is no time or space.  All things exist at once beyond this plane of existence.  There are many mornings that I wake up here knowing that somewhere else, on another time-line, I'm living a different life.  I feel as though knowledge of elements of that life have come back with me into this existence.  I can never seem to grab onto them for very long but they are there none the less and I find myself having quick glimpses of them occasionally as I move through my waking hours.  We've created these time-lines to give dimension to our being.  Our spirit grows as a result of moving along the time-line and experiencing all the karmic challenges we bring into our lives.  Upon our return to the other side, our universal spirit has grown as well.  Some may call it God, Deva, Allah or a host of other names, but who they are really talking about is the combined spirit of us all.

What advice would you offer to help people be more aware or discerning of synchronicities in their own lives? 

There are a lot of things you can do to help you recognize the synchronicities in your life.  To begin with, give full attention to all conversations and positions you find yourself in everyday.  This means paying attention to the stranger who talks to you in the grocery line. Chances are there is a message being sent in the simplest of situations.  It helped that my background included 20 years in the news business.  I was use to paying attention to the smallest of details and then retaining that information. This is one trait that is helpful in recognizing the synchronicities in your life. Again, keeping a journal or diary also helps when the synchronicities span several days or weeks.

To realize we each give all the meaning to whatever we experience can be quite an eye-opener.  It invites awakening to responsibility and accountability. How does it feel to recognize the nature of this choose-your-own adventure?

A lot of people may say they would never choose the life they are living. I know for a fact that you not only choose it but write the script you are going to follow.  Knowing this gives me a solid feeling of confidence as I move along my path in this life.  You know that any challenges in front of you are obstacles you created and you can overcome as you strive to achieve the experiences your soul needs to grow. The greatest gift this life experience offers each of us is recognizing the connection we have to each other.

You might say then, people are increasingly allowing themselves to talk less and feel more.  They begin to see messages in their language and discomfort. Why would you say emotions guide people to recall their true state of being?

Using your emotions to guide you is key in helping you recognize who you are.  On the other side everything is driven by one emotion, love.  When we open our hearts on this plane of existence, we are opening a direct communication link to the other side.  All of us have the ability to do this but so many people close it down or never open it to begin with.  It's as simple as following your inner thoughts, that first thought of visiting a friend or calling someone, before your conscious mind shuts down the idea to keep you on track with that day's schedule.  Learn to live your life more in the moment and not plan out every detail with no room for spontaneity. If you do that, you will gradually discover the essence of the spirit within.

What does “seeing” mean to you and how is your sense of reality changing? 

Seeing to me is an illusion.  I've come to know that everything around me, including my own body, is an illusion being created by me and all the other souls on this journey.  To go a step further, we've created a perfect movie set to play out each of our own life stories as they mesh seamlessly with each other. The power required to do this is beyond anything you can imagine while you're on the set.  I find myself constantly marveling at the events blending effortlessly together with a precision that defies all attempts to understand it.  It leaves me with one thought constantly on my mind, the only thing that is real is the spirit within me.

Amidst all that is available, what are you determined to be or experience?

I'm determined to complete the contract I've made before incarnating into this life.  I know that one of the reasons I'm here is to keep track of events along this timeline.  I've been a photographer since I was 10 years old and I always have a camera with me.  Being here at this time and place is the most exciting assignment you could possibly receive. It is a great time of challenge and change that will move us onto a higher vibrational plane of existence.  As we move closer to December 21, 2012 we will experience not the end of the world but the beginning of a new one.

People can indeed be reassured that they are never upset for the reasons they think. As people begin to accept more is going on than the mind can fathom, then thoughts are suddenly less relevant. Please share with our readers the essence of you would like them to take away.  Let them know where they can find more about you and your current endeavours.

My favorite story is one that was told by Krishnamurti.  I reference it in my book and here it is:

One day the devil and his friend were walking down the road when they saw a man up ahead of them stop, bend over and pick something up from the roadway. He examined it a moment then put it into his pocket. 
The friend said to the devil "What was that man putting into his pocket?"
The devil replied "It was a piece of the truth."
"Well that's not good for you then," the friend replied.
"Oh not at all," said the devil.  "I'm going to help him organize it." 
This story speaks volumes as to the reason we must all search for our own truth.
The name of my book is The Key of Life; A Metaphysical Investigation. It's a great blueprint for examining the details in your own life. All the names, dates, times, places and events in it are true.  But don't believe me, go out and discover the "Key" within you.  All you have to do find it is follow the truth.

You can read about my book and purchase it at or  It's also available online through Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  Also connect up with me under Randy Rogers on Facebook and get the latest updates off my Key of Life fan page. I do conduct past life regression workshops and private sessions using hypnosis. These can be done both over the phone and in person in Los Angeles.

Thank you, Randy. We greatly appreciate the reflections you offer readers who visit Dreambuilders Australia. Your insight touches on the nature of dreams, immortality, awakening, spiritual essence, inner knowing and indescribable experiences that resonate in ways many people cannot explain.

Love how you invite people to connect with the sleuth within, to feel more comforable with who they are, to be more open to transitions in career and perspective, as well as to courageously face those fears that block the truth from revealing itself with unquestionable clarity. As you imply, you know what feels right. Allowing intuition be your guide shifts everything.  What resonates in a heartfelt truth speaks for itself. Life reveals it is wise to trust the heart.