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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in logic (5)


Ease into greater fearlessness

The more you choose to trust and listen to your intuition, the more you are Soul-driven. You see, intuition is the Soul language. The Soul does not not communicate in words as the ego-mind, but rather is felt as vibes, or urges to make certain choices without always understanding why.

Reflect on what its like to tune into feelings.  This practice is often forgotten and over-ridden by the logic of the mind.  Perhaps you contemplate a change in some area of your life.  Whenever doubt arises, or and fear-based thinking, this is distracting you from feeling the way into the best choice now.  As you allow intuition to be your reliable guide, you ease into greater fearlessness. 

Notice how you feel hen you act on your gut and how you feel when you doubt your intuition. What if the more you surrender to intuition, the more the universe gives you reason to trust? 


3 Key pointers to the best advice ever

Many people ask what is the best piece of advice to guide you wisely through life.  Everyone collects such gems. Some have more impact and widespread relevance. Reflect on those punchy gems that are instilled by mentors and have a timeless effect on your evolving purpose or mission.

1.  Do not believe anything anyone tells you

No matter how much you read or how many mentors you consult, the only way to know is to experience directly for yourself. Knowing is not the same as belief. Knowing is awareness that cannot debate and requires no external proof.

2. Never look back and regret anything about the past

The key to everything is to be focused on the here and now.  Allowing the mind to wander into the past is simply a distraction from who and where you are.  Seeing everything as a lesson that keeps you in this moment.  Your materialistic life, you must live it as if you are going to die today. Do not waste time on activities that do not challenge and expand you. Stop talking.  Be a doer.  As for your spiritual life, see yourself as eternal and learn to function from this place of understanding.

3.  Never waste teachings & wisdom on those who do not listen

Choose carefully those people in whom to invest your attention and energy. Trusting intuition is about feeling your way into relationships and situations, learning available lessons and feeling the way out of what you outgrow, or creating something new that resonates with your Soul.  A key take away is to pay closer attention and listen to your vibes.  Logic can be a stepping stone to situations and valuable life lessons.  Yet, in a rigid condition, logic prevents you from experiencing anything. It can trigger suspicion and doubt. If you refine your logic based on changing insight and awareness, logic can be the Way to your liberation.


The gift of responsibility

Ponder the gifts you give yourself. Some are more obvious than others.  All you have to do is trust your intuition, trust those inclinations the logical mind cannot explain.  You determine your dreams, encounters and experiences and you also have power to change direction. Notice when things are flowing smoothly, you do not grow.  Discomfort as well as impulses to do what seems new or out of character, are opportunities to gain insight into yourself.

The moment arises when you cannot "numb out" anymore. Life choices you outgrow or that do not resonate with your soul, prompt you to reflect and move in new directions.  In essence you shake yourself up.  This can take the form of nightmares, redundancy, relationship changes, geographic moves or visions of seeing yourself somewhere other than where you are.  Whatever unfolds, change is imminent. How you respond is completely up to you.

Each human being invites him/herself to take new levels of resonsibility.  Being responsible means responding to what is needed.  This is the moment to wake up and change your reality.  Empower yourself.  


10 Tips to master manifesting 

Manifesting comes as easily as you allow it. Apply these 10 tips to master manifesting so that what you experience resonates with your soul  and benefits more than yourself;

1. Be aware you co-create with cosmic forces.

A master manifester lives and breathes the co-creation process. You feel what it is to tune into all of life, know everything is cosmic energy, and recognize it is shifted quickest by the highest vibrations. Call it Source, The Force, anything, even a wordless symbol. Energy flows in the direction of highest vibration of heartfelt confidence and love.

2. Accept everything is possible.

Being open to infinite possibilities raises your vibration and allows everything that nurtures your highest well-being to come to you. Only your thoughts (their vibration) stands in the way between you and living your wildest dreams and beyond.

3. Surrender to the unseen.

Recall the phrase, 'the what always comes before the how.' From the instant the vibration of a thought is released to the cosmos, Universal Laws come into play. Trust the process that is beyond the grasp of logical mind.

4. Grasp the boomerang effect.

When you grasp the boomerang effect, you know what you throw out into the world reverberrates back like a rock skipping across the water.  The nature of thought energy you generate is already mirroring or coming back. The message is clear: discipline the mind. Only give off energy that you’re willing to receive from the universe. Everything you encounter is a gift you give yourself for soul growth.

5.  See the end result & love the process.

All results arise with Divine timing for your greater good. Humans create gravitational fields and generate the energy of what they choose. Set your intention for the best possible result and realize the universal flow can also offer something better beyond your current vision.  Love every stage of the process. Its already here. Recognize your power.

6. Master your thoughts & words.

Master manifesters are acutely aware of the power of thought and words. They obliterate doubt, avoid words like want, try, can't, won't, shouldn't, never and impossible, or any word with inflexible or negative vibes. They know every unfolding arises from brainwaves, which reflect the nature of thoughts and dimensions of consciousness being filtered out or invited into direct experience.

7. Express infinite appreciation.

Recognize expressing gratitude actually arises from a spark of doubt that what you envision may not arise. Expressing infinite appreciation  however, resonates trust that every unfolding is perfect and also making way for more of what is best suited to your evolution and soul growth.

8.  Be in uplifting company.

Surround yourself with inspiring people and conditions that support and encourage you.  View sources of negative energy as teachers yet recognize that you are evolving into the five people you spend the most time with.  Nurture relationships with reciprocal or mutually-supportive energy. Be turned on enough to sense when yoru energy is being drained or taken advantage of and move on.

9. Feel abundant.

When you love, you generate or invite more reasons to love, When you fear lack or not having, you invite an experience with compatible vibration. Money is no exception. Be aware of issues arising within you about money. Brainstorm idioms that reveal your unconscious beliefs so you can let these go and experience more abundance in all shapes and forms.

10. Feel the way into your visions.

Create space to regularly map out how you wish to feel. Master manifesters know its not things they actually want but how things enable them to feel.  The more detailed your vision, the more palpable it grows in your awareness until manifesting time is zero. Everything is Now. The key is to eliminate thoughts that have you believe otherwise.


Shift to feel meaning

Nothing transforms your perception like stepping back and seeing everything through the eyes of love. This ability never leaves you completely although you shut yourself off from it more often than you realize. Notice that seeing through the eyes of love means your sense of judgment has less of a hold over you and it gradually fades and vanishes.

Notice what you view was important and necessary shifts with your sense of who you truly are. As you liberate self from the linear and logical, you begin to experience a new kind of freedom. As you realize you are always loved and appreciated, the ambitious part of you stops seeking. You now know what you are does not have to capture your attention through your experience in the world. It reaches you even during ordinary moments. You shift from seeker to finder. You shift to feel all you require inside.