Do not fix what is not broken

The reflection of your world is changing based on how you interact and experience everything. Notice where change is possible in your life. What do you radiate out, through you? To go within is to reconnect with the divine connection. The truth of who you are is peering back at you. Right now, you experience aprocess that lets you know if you are out of alignment so you choose to re-align.
Ask yourself why you are prompted to fix what is not broken, to feel that something about you requires improvement? What if you let go of thoughts, ideas and beliefs that judge you to be less than you are? Those things you see in the mirror reflect directly about your self-esteem and degree of self-acceptance. To assume you are too something or not enough, is a misplaced belief you can change.
From the moment you stop exerting effort to be you, you stop pushing against the current. You realize it is not necessary to go upstream to experience peace and to reconnect with who you are. This is effortless. You may forget you cannot help but be you. Let go of what people tell you that you should be, of those things you are conditioned to want. Be receptive to Cosmic Synchronicity.
Reader Comments (9)
A phrase I've embraced and felt the calming effects of in the last few months is, "It's all good." When I'm able to understand and feel that phrase at a cellular level, I am fulfilled no matter what the outer circumstances appear to be. And actually, the outer circumstances begin to look exactly right.
In a Universe that is perfect, it has to be all good, doesn't it?!!
Much love to you.
So as you suggest Liara, if one feels and allows the energy of the encounter to enter our core of our being before we judge the information, then we can speak of the feelings that we are being tantalized with. It is not necessary, but the words become a by product of direct experience, instead of the blocking of experience.
If we can turn off the switch to judgements and automated responses that blocks an individual from receiving the love of the moment, then the union and meeting of all intimate encounters allows for radiant sparks to fly and for the celebration of a brand new birth to occur.
I don't see that people "feel" they need improvement....people "think" they need improvement. True feeling just accepts the vibrations and waves that penetrate our Being. This merging of energies brings truth and meaning to life.
Therefore, if anyone chooses to think, consider thinking only after feeling the situation. Let the thoughts come from the love making......instead of allowing the bottled up thoughts to prevent one from making love. This is Key ~
What if we let go of thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that judge the world to be less than it is?
To assume that we need to change something in the world, too, is a misplaced belief then :D