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Insight of the Moment

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Sense everything is helping you

Some people are quick to assume that things are not going their way. They permit doubt to arise and negativity to take root.  These kinds of emotions simply distract you from quat is going on beyond what you see.  What about those things you do not yet see?

Whatever your apparent circumstances, you are not consciously aware of the big picture.  That is, you do not sense every step that is unfolding, how they are all interconnected, and how supernatural forces are actually engaged in empowering you to realize dreams.

Remind yourself that thought energy is very powerful. Yet, when you set your intention and direct your focus, the vision in the mind does not immediately materialize. Why? There may be issues you are invited to work through as part of the process of making it happen.  There may also be certain steps that are initiated as part of a longer process.  Remember to feel the the vibration of trust.

As you choose to sense everything is helping you, then your perspective completely transforms. Consider that if deep in your heart, you desire a different situation, a new relationship, another job or focus, then certain current conditions are going to fall apart before something new unfolds.  Your life is going to change. Prepare to be amazed.  It all relates to the magic of Cosmic Synchronicity.

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Reader Comments (10)

My astrologer says this year is a magical one for me with regard to romance, something about the first time in 84 years uranus goes through my 5th house - and 3 times at that. Maybe all of this up to now has just been preparation.
February 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAurora
I feel you!

I've been wondering the same thing myself for a year. I used to make a lot of plans and got disappointed when things did not go as I expected. But then when I tried to let go and trust Higher Power, life becomes magical. Things just happen on perfect place at perfect time. Coincidences becomes ally. And I began to see that all the details in life--success, failure, happiness, sadness, etc--had actually occurred in perfect sequence, in perfect interconnections, that took me to my ultimate purpose in existence. The more I surrender, the more I can view big picture of my life with better clarity.

Thanks for reminding me about this, Liara. I should be thankful to Life itself :)
February 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRizal Affif
As karma is released and the mind is liberated from trivial pursuits, one's personal requests arise and manifest quickly since there is little to constrict the flow of one's will and directional energy. The energy body in relationship to the universe, on so many levels, is then at work to quickly construct one's personal vision into reality. Negative attitudes block the flow of energy towards achieving soulful inclinations. When the realization sets in, concerning that everything works in our favour to achieve the experience that we are comfortable with at the moment, then one begins to exponentially open up to blissful energy that is in coordination to one's wildest dreams.
February 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter( : Natural Moments :)
Hi Liara .. last week introduced me to life changing thoughts, which I intend to journal about to start with as I got through the process and then when I’m ready I can tell everyone. This post – tells me that everything is helping me .. now I’m beginning to understand the process – it is really interesting.. Nadia has written a post on JDs site Sources of Insight which is amazing on ten spiritual lessons. Davina at Shades of Crimson questioned spirituality and I can understand that – I’m sure I was in her position a year ago or so ..

So I agree that my perspective has completely transformed – I think probably it was there as I’ve so easily transformed, moved across.

My life is going to change anyway and I am ready .. there are ups and downs, but I know what those are – and that helps .. some control on the road ahead until it’s sorted. I am amazed at what’s happened since Thursday .. and if this is the magic of Cosmic Synchronicity then so be it. The only proviso I make re me – is that I’m extraordinarily lucky in that I know where I want to go and what I want to do .. it’s time and patience and seeing my mother through. Amazing world .. can you feel my belly of lightness and happiness?!!! Hilary
February 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Aurora, regardless of what people in your life project, you ultimately hold the power to change your life. Your thoughts are more powerful than you may realize. Invisible energy is functioning every moment, shaping your journey from the inside.
February 9, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Rizal, as you surrender to everything, you realize every event unfolds as part of a series required to create some end result that is beyond your scope of awareness. Many people desire a particular set of circumstances but tend to forget that a series of events must unfold as part of the process to getting there. The human mind limits its perspective. The ehart can expand your outlook.
February 9, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, wildest dreams unfold beyond realms grasped by the human mind. As one shifts vantage point to the heart and soul consciousness, then perspectives expand and doorways open. Your choice of energy directs your perceived course.
February 9, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, it is uplifting to realize you are growing aware of states of being that are free from complexity and can bring clarity to your own personal perception of circumstances.To realize nothing need be removed or added is part of increasing self-acceptance. You experience your revelations at your pace. You slowly remember how it feels to look naturally through your true, naked self.
February 9, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara ~ This is a beautifully expressed account of what I am experiencing. Thank you for your help and support.

February 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommentersoulMerlin
Hey Liara,

Very well said. It is not uncommon to witness people sabotaging their own lives with their negativity (expressed, mainly, by the things they say [without realising the power of their words]).

Have a great weekend, darling!

February 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMax Coutinho

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