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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in New Earth (3)


Let the breath guide life shifts

Notice the ocean is a conduit that allows us to connect and interact with vast, unexplored worlds, dimensions and energies. The ocean is akin to the breath. Both invite us to be aware of all that comes and goes on the horizon, from breath-taking sunsets to life-giving sunrises and everything that flows or shocks us in-between. Tuning into calming waves grounds us in a breathing rhythm that renews us. Imagine feeling refreshing water soak our feet. This reminds us we breathe the same air, share the sand and Earth we walk on. We all have ability to climb higher, embrace rocky challenges, develop resilience and ingenuity, and come to see everything from completely new vantage points. Self-directed action shifts vibration and collective consciousness.


3 Tips to be congruent today

From one perspective, with ongoing global changes, the only responsibility we have is to make choices that we really want and stick with them. It is an invitation to tune into congruence. Here are three tips to be congruent:

1. If you don't want to do a certain thing, do not do it (this is not the same thing as doing what people tell you to do and then changing your mind. Its about acting from sovereignty and true power)

2. Know that being in harmony with Self is to function on nature's principles & you must listen to the heart

3. Let go of choices and actions that are in reciprocal relationship with core being (allow parts of your world to fall away that no longer resonate with core being)


How is the new Earth unfolding?

Have you ever imagined the experience of shifting a segment of the planet and population into a completely new dimension? If you feel things shifting in your physical body, this may be a sign your frequency and vibration are undergoing profound changes.  You only ever experience what you are ready and willing to accept in the now. Your thoughts create the experiences you project into being.  Changes related to fourth and fifth energy shifts transform perception and experience.  The human species is evolving faster than you may realize.  Our DNA is shifting now.