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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in compassion (49)


Recognize yourself in another

Compassion is a force that enables you to recognize and appreciate aspects of yourself in others. Consider what motivates you to admire, model or choose to live vicariously through certain individuals. What does such identification teach you? Beyond form, in the level of being, you sense equality and move from conditional to unconditional love. A shift in perspective is one way to consciously Transform Your Life


Shrink the monster

As you focus on the experience of feeling healthy, joyful and sharing that, you extend this state of being.  When you focus on difficulties, you feed them, enabling them to grow.  Every unkind thought, word or self-criticism gives the inner monster energy and power over you. Buddha calls them 'anger-eating demons.'

How would your life experience change if you treated situations or people that evoke discomfort with love and kindness?  Imagine all the difficult people you encounter, those who mistreat you or trigger negative feelings.  What do they teach? People are often unaware of what they do.  Rather than get angry, why not view everything as a wonderful opportunity to laugh and grow? Then the world laughs with, not at you. 

What if the most difficult person in life is actually you? In order to learn to live with people who push your buttons, it is first necessary to gain insight into and grow more accepting of your true essence.  Then you realize how people relate to you does not always reflect how they truly feel.  Notice what happens as you show compassion, appreciate everyone as they are.  How you see shifts with your patience and kindness. 

Remember how to stop being your own enemy. Relax. Accept who you are. Knowing the causes of being difficult enables you to recognize how to shrink the monster within. You come to reailze difficult people are projections of your own rejection. Suddenly, difficulty is a figment of your imagination. As you come to understand true self, then nothing and nobody are difficult.  Be still and the source of irritation disappears.


Practice the Middle Way

The concept of the Middle Way arises as you do not completely deny your desires yet, you also do not succomb to all of them either.  As part of awakening, you rediscover how it feels to live in balance and harmony.  How often do you actually nurture inner being?

Finding that 'happy medium' is not about giving up dreams or ignoring who you are.  In fact, its about remembering how to be centred, patient and spiritually-poised when events run smoothly as well as when they do not.  Its about choosing to see the bright side or blessings in all circumstances.  Its about choosing love over the ego compulsion to be right.  Its about being aware of the compassion in your blood. 

Every choice you make emits energy vibration. As life unfolds, every cause has an effect. Some you choose to see and others you do not. How and what you perceive, any opportunities you notice, result from more than thought. Recognition reveals its Cosmic Synchronicity.


Clarify the process

Notice the experiences that expand your perception and understanding of love.  What distracts you from the messages of compassion in a given situation?  Where compassion exists, love does too.  Only fear distorts messages of wisdom and compassion into a reason to suppress or ignore the core messages.  Identify the intention behind action.  Intention creates the consequences.  Find the courage to awaken, challenge and heal.  You may find it useful to keep a journal about why certain observations are especially meaningful.


Release your vision of outcome

What is in your highest good presents in ways you may not at least initially recognize.  How often have you come to feel that not getting what the mind echoed you wanted turned out to be a good thing?  How often are you temporarily blinded by situations that emerge to stop you from going down a path not in your best interest? What prompts you to shift and see the blessing in disguise?

Take at least a moment to reflect on periods of frustration, fear, or anger.  Notice how choosing to feel anything other than compassion and appreciation reveals where you are resisting opportunities to help you expand.  You decide whether to Transform your life.