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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in frustration (3)


See through your frustration

When you get angry, frustrated, upset or feel imbalanced, this is a sign from your soul that you are being selfish and controlling.  When you expect something you are not getting or wanting, and allow yourself to be emotional, you are living through the ego's filters.  Notice your own judgement.  Notice what happens as you accept everything that unfolds has perfect timing.  Reasons for frustration vanish.  Allow everything to be as it is. Let go of opinion. Simply watch.  Be neutral.  See things as they are right now.

“Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning do to do afterward.” -Kurt Vonnegut


Forget what's lost

Ever notice that its harder to find certain things when you focus on what you are convinced you have lost? When you are not focusing attention on what is apparently missing, and you turn away toward something else, is it not incredible how missing things mysteriously reappear? Many people ask, "what is it with that?" 

Consider how something in your vibration creates every experience. Consider that as you are vibrating the story, "I do not know where it is," then the thing continues to exist and vibrate in a place beyond the scope you are focusing on. Consider how you feel when something disappears.  Whatever the feelings, irritation, frustration, anger or others, they are in your vibration before the manifestation, before the disappearance of something you are now looking for.  Every experience has at its core the intention to empower you to raise awareness of the real issue. And this is not that which evokes the same feeling o the surface.  It is deeper.


Release your vision of outcome

What is in your highest good presents in ways you may not at least initially recognize.  How often have you come to feel that not getting what the mind echoed you wanted turned out to be a good thing?  How often are you temporarily blinded by situations that emerge to stop you from going down a path not in your best interest? What prompts you to shift and see the blessing in disguise?

Take at least a moment to reflect on periods of frustration, fear, or anger.  Notice how choosing to feel anything other than compassion and appreciation reveals where you are resisting opportunities to help you expand.  You decide whether to Transform your life.